Magic Love Ring

Chapter 157

Chapter 157

After getting off the plane, song Yan took a car to a five-star hotel called Shengjing.

After booking the room and coming to the room for a shower, song Yan turned on the computer in the room and searched the casino information in Australia.

There are 369 casinos registered in Australia, but there are more unregistered ones. Among them, 11 large casinos are the most famous, and the "Dutch capital" casino is the largest, because the owner of this casino is the gambling king he Miaosheng.

He Miaosheng, the gambling king, is a legend. At the age of 71, he owns 91 casinos. He has married four wives and eight children in his whole life. Moreover, each of his children has made great achievements.

His seven daughter, he Yulan, ranks sixth on the list of Asian rich people with 46 billion US dollars in personal assets.

Turn off the webpage, song Yan bows his head to think.

Just like buying the original stone of Dafa quarry, he came to Australia with the same intention of taking only one vote and leaving.

For a moment, song Yan had a simple plan in mind.

At seven o'clock in the evening, song Yan had dinner in the restaurant of the hotel, and then took a taxi to a small casino.

The casino is not big, but there are many customers in the hall.

For a hundred thousand chips, song Yan came directly to the pressure of the size of the gambling table.

This time, he didn't act like a gambler in Jiangzhou Octopus casino. He acted like a gambler with good luck.

An hour later, song Yan left the casino with 1.8 million yuan of cash.

In just one hour, he made 1.7 million yuan. It's very common in Australia, where casinos are all over, so he didn't attract anyone's attention.

Not far from the casino, song Yan directly threw a 1.8 million black suitcase into the storage ring and went on to the second casino.

At three o'clock in the morning, song Yan returned to the Grand View Hotel.

Tonight, he ran more than ten casinos and won about 20 million.

For the 20 million casinos in Australia, which have access to tens of billions of casinos every day, if they are not impressive, moreover, if they win from more than ten casinos, they will not attract other people's attention.

However, for the sake of prudence, song Yan decided to stay in Australia for no more than three days.

Read your mind and call up the system interface.

Yesterday, the growth of fame value was not as fierce as the day before yesterday, only increased by more than 60 million yuan.

"Meow, upgrade my clairvoyance to the third level." Song Yan said in a deep voice.

He didn't dare to win more money in every casino for the sake of prudence, but perspective magic can only be used 20 times a day, which caused him a lot of trouble.

He also thought about listening and debating. However, the casino is not stupid. It has long prevented the ancient martial arts experts from listening and debating. They have processed the dice Gu and installed the jammer in the dice Gu. Therefore, even if the martial arts experts come to gamble, it is difficult to achieve listening and debating.

"Deduct 50 million fame value and start to improve the level of perspective magic!"

As soon as the sound of the system fell, song Yan felt that his eyes began to change, itching and aching.

A few seconds later, after the transformation, his perspective magic reached the third level, and his daily use times and time were no longer limited.

"Yeah! Tomorrow we will be able to kill all sides! " Song Yan secretly clenched his fist.

From nine o'clock the next morning, song Yan kept going to and fro in various casinos.

After 15 hours of fighting, the money in his ring has reached 230 million.

Just go to 11 big casinos tomorrow and brush around, you can leave Australia.

The next morning, song Yan came to Xuanwu casino, one of the eleven casinos.

The whole Casino has a total of more than ten floors, and various gambling equipment are various.

Song Yan still came to the big and small gambling table in the hall.

After winning $100 million, he went straight to another big casino.

Each casino wins 100 million, so in one day, his capital has reached 1.33 billion.

Although the money is easy to come by, he doesn't plan to continue tomorrow, because his sweeping of more than 1 billion yuan today has attracted the attention of the casino side.

The next day, song Yan checked out and took a taxi directly to the airport.

After he boarded the plane, a man in black quietly walked out of the dark, dialed a phone, and whispered: "Jiu Ye, the other party has boarded the plane!"

"In that case, come back." There was an old voice on the phone.


Song Yan, who boarded the plane, breathed a sigh of relief. From the moment he left the hotel, he found that he had been stared at.

Don't use your head to think about it, you know that the people who stare at him should come from the casino.

He doesn't think he can sweep the whole island with his innate double strength. Fortunately, he didn't start until he got on the plane.

Back at the villa, song Yan found that all the bedding and living utensils had been arranged, that is to say, he could carry a bag to check in at any time.After visiting his villa, song Yan was very satisfied, just a little cold.

Heart read a move, song Yan took out his cell phone, dialed Li Mengni's phone: "Miss Li? I am song Yan. I have returned to Xiangcheng. In order to thank you, I want to invite you to dinner. "

When he was in Australia, he received a phone call from Li Mengni, mainly asking him what style and style of bedding he needed.

"Mr. Song, you are welcome. I should do all these! And I also thank you very much. If it's not for you, I can't become a regular in advance, or I'll invite you to dinner. "

"Well, that's the deal!"

"Good. See you in the evening."

"See you in the evening."

After locking the door, song Yan went straight to the driving school. Now that the villa has a car, it's time to buy a car. But considering that there is no driver's license, he plans to go to the driving school to buy a driver's license.

Yes, I did. Because I got a super driver. Even if he went to the world car race, he was confident that he would get the first place. Naturally, he didn't need to spend time to drive the school car.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Song. The examination is under strict supervision, so..."

Without waiting for Ma Yong, the headmaster of juntong driving school, song Yan directly put 20000 yuan in front of him and said lightly, "are these enough to buy a driving license?"

"This...?" The other side showed hesitation.


Song Yan took out another ten thousand yuan and put it on the table. He didn't talk to each other.

Under this, the other side's face showed a tangled look.

"Pa Pa Pa!"

Song Yan once again threw out two stacks of money, and said: "Xiangcheng driving school is not only this one, if you agree to nod."

Ma Yong finally smiled: "Mr. Song, please give me two days, and then I will send your driver's license to you."

Leave a call for the other party. Song Yan goes straight to the phantom 4S store and plans to give the car together today.

Mercedes Benz and BMW are not suitable for his identity, and the sports car is too ostentatious, so song Yan decides to buy the phantom sedan which was launched by Yanhuang this year.

Although Yanhuang is the second largest economy in the world, its manufacturing industry is far less than that of western countries. Therefore, the high-end cars in Yanhuang are basically cars of other countries or joint ventures with other countries, while the local cars in Yanhuang are mainly middle and low-end cars.

This year, however, Yanhuang FAW developed and launched a high-end phantom series of cars. There are three models in this series, one is a common car, one is a sports car and one is a SUV.

Song Yan is interested in the mirage car mirage S1, which costs 3.96 million yuan.

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