Master Of None

Chapter 2288: 2288. Hatching Ancients

Chapter 2288: 2288. Hatching Ancients

"This is where you want to do it?" Onyx was pretty dedicated to seeing how things would turn out with the Amarok eggs that they had gathered in a dormant state.

While it had been some hour before Walker, Mordant, and he had left those ruins with the two remaining ruin hunters, it still had been even longer to get home.

While Mordant could easily use more dark mana, he was still influenced by something nearby. It had made things difficult for him and left the ruins as something sealed off by Walker before they had begun to leave.

As they had assured each other that the reason they were not delving in to this was that they wished to bring the two serpents who needed better resting conditions back, they all made a clear promise to go back sooner rather than later.

The fact that something was causing issues with mana flow, specifically dark mana flow, was important to search for. Especially since whatever it was could have an effect on Mordant's mana flow. He is a powerful darkness dominator dragon, while still young in respect to one within the dark elemental planes, his strength was not small at all.

The worry about that was not entirely forgotten though.. Walker kept it in his thoughts while he focused on the main aspect of returning after getting the two ruins hunters to a better place to rest with their third member.

Since the ruins were well kept, they would be safe for the time being. On top of that, there was a fairly well mapped out area that was left to the map makers. They could record where the dangerous areas were and encourage others not to pursue any exploration for the time being.

This was all just part of what Walker had heard when they eventually made it back to Genesis. He had heard a lot from people right away, but he, Mordant, and Onyx had heard about the larger areas now being discovered which had mana differences and other strange phenomena. All of this information had been a lot to get right when they had returned, he hadn't even had the chance to hunt down su who was gathering a team to explore one such area which was standing out as odd compared to the other wilderness areas which had expanded in ways well beyond all of their understandings.


Mordant snapped Walker out of his thoughts. "I know a lot is going on, but we have a team of five tamer's guild researchers ready to test whether or not we can awaken these eggs." Mordant was calm after the small shout.

The reason this had been pushed forward more than anything was the fact that the taming guild had rushed to create the ideal area with a few contracted rune carvers. They had done so since their guild had been branching out so much in to the other kingdoms and guilds lately.

The fact that each tamer and tamed monster pair or even group could be able to take a wide array of tasks was a boon for their guild. It also created a lot of work for those that Walker knew. Their paperwork, general meetings, and just running around kept them so busy that they couldn't even come here if they wanted to. It was unfortunate.

Regardless, five researchers had been sent to help with hatching an ancient monster egg to see if it would be a monster or if it could bring itself beyond that to become a recognized world race. Whether or not that happened wasn't the focus here.

The researchers from the tamer's guild were more interested in returning certain species found within ruins or other odd places to the world. If it was successful, they could become the leading group in charge of returning more extinct, at risk, or unknown species to the world. Their knowledge could even help many who encountered them as well.

"Both water and earth runes have been gathering condensed water and earth mana so that you can use it as nutrients for the amarok egg. We also checked to see if the ground in here was cleaned properly. Since you said that they would most likely roam unique areas with the proper mana, we simulated the edge of a forest which becomes a desert as it spreads out. Water and earth properly mixed."

The speaking researcher had been the one who focused on environments known by ancient monsters. The all around appraisal had been like handing him a giant piece of gold. Or a child a piece of their favorite candy. He has dedicated himself to looking in to matching environments and copying it with the right materials.

Hence why the three of them were standing in a room with sand and small shrubbery. The small flat pillar in the middle was for the egg to rest on while the manas were directed toward it. Easy enough for mages but since Walker was involved, it was even simpler.

With everyone watching carefully, Walker began to draw water mana and earth mana from the two rune formations. It flowed smoothly as the water became small droplets which gathered on the egg and the earth mana drew some sand with it to rest underneath.

The pale coloration became more vibrant. Not that it changed colors, it was still a muddled brown color like half wet and half dried mud on the eggs. Yet, Walker could clearly see that the egg had begun to come alive in a way. The manas flowing in to it were like awakening for the first time in the morning to the sunrise. The color was fresh.

Feeling the mana start to be taken away from his control, Walker understood that it was the egg coming back from a dormant state. It was just enough to show that the egg was alive but it was surprising. The speed that the mana was being pulled toward it was faster by the


"It seems like the dormant egg was waiting for the chance more than we realized. I would say that the dormant state is right before it would hatch. Meaning that it was pushed to go dormant due to lack of proper manas right at the tipping point before it would hatch out." The comment from Walker was enough to make it clear that he researcher's theories about the size and shapes of these eggs were correct. They had examined them based on the sizes of other monster eggs of similar wolf like, or dog like monsters. Some of which were already tamed by the guild and had copious amounts of research done already.

"Is it just drawing in mana? Or is it processing the mana in to more condensed or purer forms?" One researcher had some mana crystals with him and he had placed them on the ground to see if the mana would change sources. If the mana drawn was weaker in purity, then the egg might not be able to handle certain purities of mana or might be the opposite and need better purity closer to ancient times.

"The mana is being absorbed at a slightly higher purity than what is in the air right now. But since the egg is still able to gather it, the mana seems to be fine no matter what the purity is at all. But I think purity is making the awakening process faster." Walker pointed out the slight changes in the eggs color and also in the very tiny cracks appearing.

"I see! The eggs were so close to hatching that if it was not put dormant as it was, it would have hatched. But the dormant state was possible because it was still within the egg. I wonder how this would apply to other monsters waiting for the right tamer or needing to be transported." This comment caused a flurry from the other researchers.

"I think we should watch more carefully. You have a new tamer with an affinity for water and earth here, right?" A young demon girl rushed forward. She was going to be the first face the amarok saw making their bond even stronger as they grew together.

The tamers had been appearing here and there with mixed affinities. Which led to the tamer's guild to a lot of educational classes. Especially for the newest and youngest who needed to be educated on unique species of monsters and more.

A small wine broke out as a small brown snout made its way in to the world. The clear awe and excitement on the young girl's face was clear. She could feel the true weight and beauty of this moment. Forget the ancient aspects of this monster, it was just the simple act of it entering the world officially that struck her heart.



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