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3 days ago
Waking in a strange yet familiar room the main character now will rise to the top of one most... Read more Waking in a strange yet familiar room the main character now will rise to the top of one most dangerous worlds of fiction with his new cheat. Collapse Fanfiction, Marvel, Akame Ga Kill, My Hero Academia, One Piece, X-men, Naruto, DC Universe, Male Protagonist, System, Modern Day, Futuristic Setting, Super Heroes, Alternate World, Special Abilities, R-18, Beautiful Female Lead, Overpowered Protagonist, Transmigration, Superpowers, Organized Crime, Weak to Strong For any of those wondering why there isn't any chapters after 76. Its because the author said in the end of chapter 76 that he is going on a hiatus/taking a break to not be burned out and will be back in a few months. Heres to hoping he comes back safe, sound, and better than ever. I will forgive him for the sake of the amazing novel cover art. Drop at chapter 23. MC go to MHA world and gain copy quirk power. Go around collect quirk, and talk alot of hero nonsense. Don't know what's up with the cover when spider-gwen doesn't even exist in this book, but i'll say this. This fanfic is probably one of the best marvel fanfics i've read yet and the author has so far not dissapointed me a single time. the multiverse aspects are really well handled and i never ever feel like they drag on, even when they're multiple chapters long. Another thing that makes this book one of my favorite is that the author is also really good at gathering hype for even the smallest things, like it seriously makes me want to be a fan of the hero they built. The extra chapters that they write that i would usually skip in a fanfic are also insanely good and not overly info dumpy. Even when they get in the way of the plot and serve as filler ( i only remember there being 2 ) I still happily read them because of how good they are. Anyways this is a solid 10/10 from me so far. Don't hesitate to read this. Tengo una duda, ¿mc está en la Tierra-616 o una creada por el autor? It feels like the character is to round. What I mean by that is, he is rich, handsome, well built, charming, well mannered, intelligent, powerful and has for everything the right answer… Don’t get me wrong, I like an op mc who is intelligent but that doesn’t mean he has to be perfect. Little flaws keep the mc interesting but this mc has none.And I feel the Death of his parent is just used so he doesn’t have to hide himself and his powers at home, plus he can use his money however he wants without anybody questioning it. The part that bothers me the most is all the powers… I have written once a comment before, where I questioned why the mc needs to have this mix of all the different powers instead of a well fleshed out single power system, anyway is just a few chapters he gets the powers of Spoilerhunterxhunter, Star Wars, my hero academia, and five other fantasy universes.. I get, that this is the main point of this novel but at least let him work for it and not just wait a week or month for his gatcha spins to load up. That being said, I think this is a very well written fanfic and I enjoy the long chapters.Just hope there would be more balance and kick to the story. It feels like the character is to round. What I mean by that is, he is rich, handsome, well built, charming, well mannered, intelligent, powerful and has for everything the right answer…Don’t get me wrong, I like an op mc who is intelligent but that doesn’t mean he has to be perfect. Little flaws keep the mc interesting but this mc has noneSpoilernahh, he has a flaw, like he got into this existential crisis mode every chapter, and imo, with so many intelligent characters that he assimilated , why not?The part that bothers me the most is all the powers… I have written once a comment before, where I questioned why the mc needs to have this mix of all the different powers instead of a well fleshed out single power system, I get that, this is the main point of this novel but at least let him work for it and not just wait a week or month for his gatcha spins to load up.Spoiler Secondly, the MC has already stated that he doesn't want to completely depend on one power system. He fears that there might be an enemy out there capable of silencing or shutting down his 'power system.' When he acquired the system, his talent soared, with this, he can easily learn any power(magic, nen, elemental, etc) which is why he summoned Uvogin from HxH to learn Nen. The MC has also mentioned that his hobby is training and grinding his power to the maximum level (omega level). Currently, he has copied or stolen many abilities because he aims to combine those skills to surpass omega level. Need novels similar to this That have many anime in it and world travel shit And is actually good instead of the mc placing all the women he sees as slaves to be bred Otima novel, o autor deu uma profundidade cabulosa pro mundo onde tudo acontece e principalmente pro mc, vale a pena ter essa novel em sua lista de leitura, a paciência pra ler os capítulos mega longos é recompensadora Mc is idiotic monolog machine. He is like Santa giving his powers left and right for nothing and a major simp especially for black cat. Lets female characters walk all over him and talks to men like he is a Chad. Do waste your time with this shit. Anyone know the upload schedule? 2 weekly/chapter. unless the author is not busy so tomorrow no, no chapter this week, the author just announced on webnovel : "Someone killed my cat. No chapter today. Till sunday. I will compensate later. bye." RIP cat Best fanfic of marvel I have read so far. Definitely recommend reading it. Bro did you just copy paste my comment??? Bro did you just copy paste my comment???