Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 200: 200 The new problem

Chapter 200: 200 The new problem

Civil servants were dispatched according to government orders. Thousands of officers started in the same method as Zhao Lingxin began his reign. They set up a full announcement center in all areas of the Datang Township to promote public understanding of the staff's work.

Datang Township was not as lagging as expected. Thanks to the imperial private bank loans, at least Datang Township had basic utilities such as roads and waterworks. In particular, the most readily available Chang'an City had the same standards as the imperial city.

Therefore, lack of only incomplete electrical systems Government officials took over various systems to continue to unify the land with the central region.

Unlike the economic zones that the Empire had merged in the past, Datang Township had a unique character. This land has a large population. And having a particular culture, they have their own pride. Some were used to being Datang people, not wanting to call themselves imperial citizens.

This has become a heavy work for the government to adjust the attitude of local people to reduce their opposition. It was predicted that it would take years for the people of the area to truly recognize the Empire.

After the Datang District was established, the most pleased person was the capitalist businessman. They hurriedly headed to Datang to explore for the establishment of a product factory.

The most significant advantage of Datang County is its large population and meager wages. Just the minimum wages were five times less than the capital of Shenzhou and five times less than the other Empire regions.

Setting up a factory in this area will save a lot of money for increased profits. All of this becomes a cycle of the business world. Capitalists will always flow to set up factories in places where wages are cheaper.

As of now, there are no factories in Shenzhou now that produce consumer products. There are only factories that require high technology. Many workers have switched to the service sector altogether.

With such cheap wages, many capitalists did not hesitate to move their industrial plants to a new district.

On the other side of the government, it is also a headache with this territory annexation. There is a meeting late at night every day. There are only topics about Datang County.

"We made too many miscalculations. This annexation of the territory is a huge burden to us," General Guo Ling told Zhao Lingxin at the meeting.

"The Prime Minister gave me more detail," Zhao Lingxin asked for an expansion.

General Guo Ling then picked up a population chart and showed it to the Cabinet.

"The biggest problem right now is that the Datang District population is bigger than ours. Causing the Empire's population to increase at once three times. "

After the Great Dazhou Empire had annexed the Twelve Bandits. The territory of the country was only slightly larger than that of Datang.

The ingestion of large bites of food like Datang in one bite increased the territory of the country by more than 40 percent. Creating a lot of burdens in public administration

It also puts pressure on the army's transportation to expand the defensive areas leading to the expansion of the military. Twenty thousand additional soldiers have been recruited to support the country's defense mission.

But the most critical problem is the population problem. Before, the Empire had a population of about 13 million. After merging the Datang Territory, the Ministry of Internal Affairs made a new population record. It was found that the imperial population had almost reached 50 million people, more than three times the increase, and this was a very shocking number.

"The increase in population has affected so many of our policies that we cannot continue to operate," said General Guo Ling.

The Empire had several social welfare policies. Such as a free study program, Health insurance system, Elderly pension

The sudden increase in population numbers left the insufficient government funds to operate.

The central government's income comes from trade and personal taxes. The new population guarantees that they do not have the potential to pay taxes immediately. This caused the government to bear a large financial burden to allow the welfare policy to continue.

"In theory, we are now financially bankrupt," said General Guo Ling. The mighty Empire was in a state of collapse. No money was left.

"I propose to cancel these welfare policies. Or declare that citizens in Datang County do not have the right to welfare. "Some ministers have proposed solutions.

"We can't do this about it. Now everyone has become a citizen of the country. We cannot discriminate against them." Zhao Lingxin rejected the idea of canceling the welfare policy. The action could cause massive disturbances across the country.

The Empire at this time had the largest territory in the eastern region with a large population. This is a major force, but too many people are turning to attack the Empire.

This is why the government has to admit that the situation has been wrongly assessed. They hadn't expected this, and they had to solve the big problems that followed.

"Lt. Yao Long, do you have any opinions? Zhao Lingxin must turn to a financial expert to resolve this issue now.

"Your Majesty, this problem is nothing. The Empire can straightforward fix," said Lieutenant Colonel Yao Long.

"Minister, hurry and tell me." Zhao Lingxin became interested. Lt. Lieutenant Colonel Yao Long seems to have prepared a plan to deal with it.

The Ministry of Finance has many financial professionals likely to have a way out at this critical time.

"We are just printing money," Lieutenant Colonel Yao Long said simply. But created a shock throughout the meeting room.

It should be noted that Lieutenant Colonel Yao long was the most opposition to printing banknotes. Whenever the government proposes to print out banknotes, it has always been opposed by Lieutenant Colonel Yao Long. But at this time, Lieutenant Colonel Yao Long encouraged the printing of many banknotes, which was a great surprise to everyone.

Everyone had strange eyesight, thinking that Lieutenant Colonel Yao Long had an illness; otherwise, he wouldn't have come up with such a simple plan.

"Minister, I think the plan might not be this simple. You definitely have another plan to follow, right?" Even Zhao Lingxin still didn't believe that Lieutenant Colonel Yao Long's plan would end.

Lieutenant Colonel Yao Long looked around the meeting room, noticing everyone's strange eyes. He had to secretly laugh.

"Everyone and the Emperor thought a lot. I really want to propose printing the bills. And the economic situation is not as worrying as many people are concerned," said Lieutenant Colonel Yao Long, suggesting solutions.

The printing of banknotes at this time was not a bad thing, as the environment had changed, the Empire was more populated. But this has also caused a shortage of the Yuan currency in the market. As the new currency has already collapsed. People have a very high demand for the yuan.

When a large number of people want an unpublished currency, deflation occurs. The Ministry of Finance is preparing to propose to print the money that will be injected into the system.

"Instead of injecting it into a normal method. We are also putting this reprinted money into the social welfare model so that we can continue to work," Lieutenant Colonel Yao Long said.

These methods can resolve two problems at the same time. The government fixed the deflation back to normal. The second is to maintain the welfare policy.

After a while, most people will have the strength to pay taxes. By that time, the Empire's financial condition would be back to normal, so don't worry about it anyway.

This is the simple but effective principle of Lieutenant Colonel Yao Long.

"Great, really a great plan." Zhao Lingxin had to applaud Lieutenant Colonel Yao Long's idea.

"The government can proceed with this plan," Zhao Lingxin said.

"The Cabinet has the same opinion. We will inject money into the system as quickly as possible." General Guo Ling and the cabinet followed the plan of the Ministry of Finance.

The government has injected a large amount of money into the financial system in the form of a welfare policy with over sixty million yuan.

The Ministry of Economic and Trade has assessed that the Empire will have a 2.5x economic expansion by the end of the year. The country's GDP will increase by more than 50 percent due to the concession of Datang territory.

The government freezes many of the nobles' assets. Used to pay debts from the private sector Fortunately, the private sector is sympathetic to the government. That's it, the banking group has earned enormous profits, and they don't dare to take advantage of their government.

They declare no interest payments, leaving the government with some money to improve infrastructure in Datang Township.

The situation began to calm. However, events outside the Empire were in trouble because of Zhao Lingxin's actions.

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