Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 232: 232 Counterattack

Chapter 232: 232 Counterattack

      This wasn't the first time the Imperial Army had dealt with the demons. They have experience in broken fronts. And this time, Lieutenant Li Fengyang had a good plan. He will stand firm until the devil weeps.

"Set the firing range at two thousand meters. Every unit can fire at will," commanded Lieutenant Li Fengyang.

The demons cling tightly together. Therefore, the accuracy of shooting is no longer required. Lieutenant Li Fengyang would exaggerate the potential of the machine gun with the maximum firing range. By setting a goal of two thousand meters.

They ordered both the heavy machine gun and the heavy machine gun to fire at two thousand meters on the front of the army. Everyone thundered and shot.

The sound of machine guns on all fronts was ringing in one ear. The smell of smoke swept across the battle lines, artillery, howitzer, and air support were motionless. They were throwing everything on the demonic hordes that entered.

"Kill it !!!" The soldiers fired a shot. At this stage, they were unable to see the enemy. The panic symptoms of each person are not much. In just a few moments, everyone was getting used to the battlefield because each new soldier only has to fire the bullets.

The duties of a professional soldier are summoned from the system. Will be stationed in a critical position only, Especially weapons that require a high level of expertise, such as artillery.

The gunshots that cling tightly were walls that the demon horde could not pass.

"Fire, Fire all, don't stop." Old soldiers in the military mixed up among the new soldiers.

Waiting to issue orders, help, give advice.

The four-footed demons invaded. It was hit by a bullet piercing the body until it collapsed to the ground, causing many corpses to lie motionless and dead.

Soldiers were relentlessly firing out the AK47. In just a few seconds, the bullets were gone. They grabbed the ammunition that was stacked on the side. Reload before raising the gun to shoot another round.

They do this as a circular, spinning cycle. The only duty of the soldiers is this. Across the vast battle lines for many kilometers, Can only see the orange bullet light across at a beautiful speed.

The wave of artillery explosions supported. Slaughter the demonic waves to fade away. Just like this, in a distance of two thousand meters, It was a vast wall that blocked the two races from direct contact.

The rear side also contributes. Many workers work continuously. Chang'an immigrants have emerged as a backline supporting the front line.

"Hurry, everyone, Hurried up. The front lines need this ammunition as quickly as possible. "

Within Chang'an City, many civilians were loading ammunition. Before being delivered to the frontline soldiers, a soldier has to lose the amount of time when reloading himself. In which all civilians will be responsible for this instead.

"Take this set of ammunition to the front line" when reloading is complete. They will transport some through trains that march around the city before being transported quickly with another group of volunteers already waiting, then carry the ammunition crate to the soldiers arriving.

"The ammunition has arrived." The volunteers raised the ammunition.

"Thank you very much. This way, I want it just in time." The soldier is firing by the gun. Can fire continuously without wasting time. Just reaching to the side, you will find a large number of thirty rounds of ammo. I was waiting for him to keep shooting.

The soldiers on the front lines did this. It was fired continuously until there was almost no gap for even a single demon to pass through.

When the machine gun fires continuously too heated, on the side, each soldier has a new backup rifle, ready for immediate replacement. This is an industrial power that is expressed. There is a large number of strategic reserves, and there is no fear of scarcity.

      Industrial estates across the country Most of them turned to the production of munitions and ammunition for the army. Enough to fire continuously non-stop for several days, Chang'an City's arsenal had one billion bullets in reserve just in case.

When the volunteers have finished delivering their ammunition, They will transport the empty holsters to the back to reload.

"This is a new set of ammunition. You guys reload as soon as possible, don't be discontinued." The volunteers behind the rear were busy, quickly reloading the ammunition to the front line.

This was the continuous defensive battle of Lieutenant Li Fengyang. They are specially designed for enemies that are hundreds of millions. If the projectile continues to fire, Don't expect to pass through the support line.

Without a robust background industry, The transportation line is stable and safe, and fast. Do not think that this plan is strictly prohibited. We expected that only the Empire was able to carry out such an action.

In the battlefield piled with corpses of demons. Until it became a high wall Regardless of which monster, it could not be one step ahead of two thousand meters. Until some demons began to fear that it stopped a little, But the Order of the Demon General was unable to resist. The order charged, making most of them with killing their lives and become victims of gunshots.

Zhao Lingxin watched the situation closely in the capital. Then nodded in satisfaction.

"That's right, Lieutenant Li Fengyang. His defense strategy is the best in the land," said Zhao Lingxin.

The battle continued for an hour, an hour-long for both sides.

On the front line, the soldiers fired their guns until their arms were tired. The recoil of the weapon continued to impact until both arms became unable to hold.

"Kill it, kill the demons, protect the homeland." After one hour of continuous shooting, The battlefield transforms the body and mind into a different person.

The new soldiers were crying furiously and firing the bullets forward like a madman.

On the battlefield, there are psychological personnel stationed. When the officer saw the abnormality, he walked backward while grabbing the soldier's shoulder, whose mind began to be unbearable.

"soldiers, keep calm first," the officer said.

"No, I'm not calm anymore. I will kill them all," said the soldier frantically. Just an hour on the battlefield, The minds of the new soldiers began to be unbearable.

When the bullets have been depleted, The officer sends a signal. Then, a military medical unit came to support the soldier to rest before the rear line.

      Then there was a reserve soldier who replaced it. He picked up the gun before blasting the bullets.

  At this time, many soldiers began to show their symptoms.

Whenever people have symptoms abnormally, The psychological staff and the military medical unit will also take care of it. Ready to let the reserve personnel enter service instead.

Soldiers with abnormal symptoms will have to rest and relax at the back of the safe. When the state of mind improves, he will return to active duty.

After two hours of fighting at the headquarters, The enemy still cannot pass through the bullet line.

"It's time for a new set of soldiers to take their place," Lieutenant Li Fengyang ordered.

The entire front immediately followed the orders.

"Everyone stopped all hand. It's time to rest." Each battalion commander initiates commands on the front line.

The soldier who was shooting stopped their hand. While retreating to the back, They will replace reserve soldiers.

Anyone who fought for more than two hours will have to go to rest for four hours. Eat food until you are satisfied. The famous chef from the capital was hired by the army to cook a particular meal. Build morale for the front line before the soldiers return to the battle line again.

Lieutenant General Li Fengyang allocated forty divisions. Into three units Each unit fought for two hours. Four hours rest alternate throughout the day. To maintain maximum efficiency while also giving time to rest, not to make soldiers too tired.

Each person's duty is evident. Pick up the gun Aiming forward, Firing bullets, reloading all day long, doing just this in a swirl until the new soldiers became very familiar with the battlefield. Soon, these new soldiers will eventually become the main force of the country.

Like this, the Chang'an Front continued to fire bullets without interruption. A day has passedthe demonic corpses piled outside until it was a small mountain. There are several million. Blood spilled over the land. There was a fishy smell all over it. Until most people are used to it, They can't smell the fishy smell anymore.

This time, the demons that they observed to accompany the races died millions. Not even a single step can break through the line of bullets. The nightmares stopped their feet, not daring to continue.

Even the demonic horde had a terrifying dread at sight in front of him. Millions of co-species corpses lie in a pile of bloodno matter what race, there is no strong enough spirit to ignore.

The demons turned to look at each other. Then stop the footsteps down to step on to continue.

The soldiers on the front line who saw that stopped shooting. Shouted with joy coming out.

"Hey, we've won. The demons don't dare to invade anymore."

Lieutenant General Li Fengyang was also full of smiles.

"Since the first battle, we have won. Are the demons afraid too?" Lieutenant Li Fengyang was not satisfied enough. The demons could only come in for one day, and they gave up. He thought of using the Chang'an Front to wipe out all the monstrosities. He prayed for the demons to come again.

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