Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 262: 262 Nanotechnology

Chapter 262: 262 Nanotechnology

      They filled the situation in the Fire King's imprisonment laboratory with the sound of many equipment alarms. There were red signs all over the room. He was indicating the level of impending danger.

"Subject 0001 is getting out of control." Researchers are seeking a way to suppress the Fire King, but that won't work.

"Sedatives and general anesthesia cannot be used."

The iron ingot suppressed the profound energy at this time that was embedded in the Fire King is slowly pushing itself up and forth from the body.

They restored Fire King's body to its maximum. It was not difficult for the Fire King to be released from the Empire's control even without energy.

"Assess the situation in less than thirty minutes. The target will be unoccupied." The researchers were tense. The previous plans were unsuccessful. But they had already caused anger on the Fire King.

"Humans, wait for me; soon, I'll go and teach you some lessons." Fire King has a better expression because he could sense that his body was going to be accessible all the time.

"Why hasn't the boss come back?" The researchers were worriedly crying out to Dr. Chen. Their leader has been traveling to the palace for a long time and has not returned.

If this were the case, the Fire King would really be out of control.

After the lack of words, the door of the research room opened. The familiar Dr. Chen walked in with a large box.

"I'm back," said Dr. Chen. Create hope for the research team once again.

Fire King gaze with spiteful eyes.

"You insane man, I'll go out and kill you first one." Fire King is determined to kill Dr. Chen.

"It is an honor for me. That the royal self has given me this much attention," Dr. Chen replied undauntedly.

"Heh. I'll see if after I regain my power. How will you feel about that?`` The Fire King continued to threaten. But Dr. Chen's side was not interested but opened the device in the big box.

Dr. Chen took out a syringe the size of an arm from the box. The Fire King, who had been in the laboratory for a long time, was familiar with needles.

But the syringe in front of this is too big. Also, the needle is one creep in length. Fire King's face turned pale. His body trembled without stopping as though he had encountered the scariest thing in life.

The hunch of the Fire King had returned once again.

"Hey, what are you guys going to do to me?"

The words of the Fire King are like the blowing wind. No people to pay attention to respond. Dr. Chen turned to the screen stuck on the wall and said,

"Hong Bao'er, please."

In the blink of an eye, the girl's figure appeared.

"Dr. Chen, we haven't seen each other for a long time," greeted Hong Bao'er; ever since Hong Bao'er moved her body to the Sky City, Tai Yang Zhou. The research institute no longer maintains artificial intelligence servers.

Hong Baoer's expression at this moment is more intelligent than before, Similar to real people, Due to the super processing power of the Sky City, Tai Yang Zhou, Causing Hong Bao'er to evolve into several stages.

"The emperor already told you, right?" Dr. Chen asked.

"Zhao Ling Xin has notified me. From now on, I will help you. "

Hong Bao'er replied.

Dr. Chen was confirmed. I took a giant syringe and walked towards the Fire King.

"Hey, don't bring that thing into me," the Fire King cried out with all his life. But everything is in vain. Dr. Chen put a syringe injected into the Fire King's body.

Which is bizarre, firm skin can't resist a syringe. A strange, gray matter had entered the body of the Fire King. Before being tightly fused together.

"What have you done to me?" Fire King didn't feel the slightest bit of pain. Therefore asked in the question.

"Telling you, Martial Artists like you might not know. This is the best of science. Liquid robot matter nanotechnology." As soon as Dr. Chen said, The Fire King had a puzzled expression as expected.

This was what Dr. Chen requested from Zhao Lingxin. To solve the problem of the Fire King that occurred.

Zhao Lingxin got immense wealth from selling land to Yue Ningxiao. There are millions of spare spirit stones in hand.

      As soon as he heard the problem, Zhao Lingxin was searching for future technology to solve this problem. Nanotechnology robots are costlyfive hundred thousand spirit stones.

If it were in the past, something like this, Zhao Lingxin would definitely not waste money to summon it. But now that wealthy Zhao Lingxin Didn't hesitate to summon it out.

Nanotechnology robots are so small that you can't see them. Will take control of the body of the person being injected. It controls everything except the mind.

For the cost of this level, Can be exchanged for a large fleet of ships as well, But with the technology of the future, it has an excellent price. But for Zhao Lingxin, it would be worthwhile to control a royal Martial Artists.

The Royal Martial Artists was not a turnip that the Empire could find in ordinary farms. Even though practicing, it took at least a hundred years to reach this level.

Liquid robot nanotechnology caused Zhao Ling Xin to possess Martial Artists of this level. It was considered a considerable profit. Moreover, the other party was also a super-genius Martial Artists.

"Free him" Dr. Chen gave the order to release the Fire King.

The researchers did not dare to resist. They hurried them to release while removing all the energy control iron rods.

"In the end, I am finally free." The Free Fire King was out of control. Then hurriedly refining the profound energy to come back again Until it is carried all over the body.

"Hahaha, with this power, I will kill all of you." Fire King is ready to avenge his humiliation.

"Hong Bao'er, do it," said Dr. Chen.

"No problem," at the end of Hong Bao'er's voice. The Fire King's body, which he filled with tremendous strength, suddenly collapsed to the ground.

"Ughhh, what have you done to my body?" The Fire King could no longer control his body because it was commanded by a robot inside his body possessed by Hong Bao'er.

"It works fine," said Dr. Chen, who saw that everything worked. Felt relieved. Hundreds of millions of nanorobots Have infiltrated every organ, and every part of Hong Bao'er wanted to cause all internal organs to fail completely.

Control over a hundred million robots at the same time. Only one artificial intelligence can do that.

"It detected a substance in the brain that emits evil thoughts," said Hong Bao'er, who controls the nanorobots. It can penetrate the brain. Even though she doesn't feel his thoughts, it can also be analyzed as the brain releases various substances. It made it possible to examine what the Fire King was thinking at the moment.

"Do your best," said Dr. Chen.

Hong Bao'er controls a nanorobot to inflict pain for the Fire King.

"Arghhhhh, let me go, let me." There was an entire body of secretion, the Fire King, with mucus, tears, sweat, even uncontrollable filth.

The pain that nanorobots can do was something that the Supreme Fire King was unable to resist. The internal organs are distorted. Until the Fire King had to emit gastric juice to fill the floor.

"I will give up. Just let me go," the Fire King begging for life. But the torture continues without end.

After hours of disgrace, the Martial Artists. The Fire King had a noticeably weaker attitude.

"I agree to join you. The Empire is my hometown. I am devoted to Zhao Lingxin," in order to escape the pain. Fire King gave up everything, even the betrayal of the sects, to escape from this torture.

"Hong Bao'er, enough already," Dr. Chen, who saw the other's gesture, ended the torture. Even if you do not proceed with brainwashing, Fire King did not dare to betray. With the ability of Hong Bao'er, Can adjust the Fire King to die at any time.

At this time, the Empire had received a royal Martial Artists as a trump card.

Dr. Chen walked towards the Fire King, who was lying on the extremely unseen ground.

"Okay, first of all, tell me all the secrets you know." Dr. Chen used the Fire King to extract all the secrets of the Martial Artists.



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