Mistress Of The Evil Forest

C-A 9: Stepping on the main stage.

C-A 9: Stepping on the main stage.

''Come on! Let's pick up the pace!''

''Principal, it's not that easy...!''

Among the Chaos at Evone Hall, I find myself... lost. For some inexplicable reason, those goddamn demons decided to raid the school right after I'd spent all of my MP.

In short, I'm quite useless at the moment. 

I let out a helpless sigh and turn away from the scene. Let's trust Aurora.

''Hey, sis.''


Matching my pace with light hops, the twin-tailed, pink-headed Luxia pokes her head out curiously, ''Got anything I can do?''

''...Not yet.''

At this point, nothing can be guaranteed. If I send this girl to a place, something might just happen somewhere else. People's lives can depend on this.

For the first time, I'm feeling that sense of certainty slipping away. I used to be so confident, yet...


Looking up, a sky full of stars, one veiled by the protective barrier, greets me. It seems we have officially left the territory of the demons. As the shield goes down, the professors slump down to the ground, heaving labored breaths.


Should I take a breather?

I'm exhausted. I can probably bring Claire and Luxia along...

''Principal Alice! It's an emergency!''

''What?! What happened?''

Right then, a few members who had initially escaped the hall to notify the palace arrive together with around a dozen imperial soldiers. Judging from their paled expression, something must be happening there, too.

I don't have a good feeling about this.

''D-Demons! There are demons at the palace as well!'' One man frantically yells.

Simultaneously, people's countenances worsen. The fact that both pivotal locations of the empire have been raided sends a deeply chilling message, and amidst the stuffy atmosphere, someone mutters words that everybody is thinking of,

''The empire... the Astra empire is under attack...!''

A national emergency.

Clutching the handle of my sword, I quietly shoot a glare at the distant moon.

So it has come to this.

In the game, Astra only enters the state of national emergency once toward the end of the story. Not even a third of the storyline has passed here, but it's already happening.

The plot is accelerating because of our intervention.

That in itself is fine. I want to return home faster, too, of course, but when I'm the only one seemingly being useless like this... it kinda hurts. Even I desire to step on the same stage as Aurora.

If I keep this pace, can I ever achieve that?


I won't. 

I'm not an idiot. I know the starting points between us are already too far apart. I'll probably never catch up with Aurora.

Still, I don't want to give up and crawl back into my comfort zone because of that. If I can't be helpful with this strength, then I'll prove my worth in a different way.

...Watch me, Aurora. I'll be the MVP this round.

Feeling a rush of excitement rushing over, I step forward, bearing a thumping heart.

''Bring me back to the palace.''

''Your Highness, you can't. It's dangerous there! Even the esteemed grandmaster and the other masters are struggling to defeat them!''

''...Even so, I have a duty. A child of the crown must not run away from her enemy.''

''Excuse me.''

Injecting myself between Sierra and an imperial knight nearby, I promptly catch their attention. 

''I want to go to the palace, too,'' I utter.

With a clearly troubled face, the knight continues his persuasion, ''My lady, as I said, it is a very dangerous—''

''I know how to defeat the demons.''


In an instant, I can feel everyone's attention focus on us. Before, half of the people were listening to Alice and the professors' plan to evacuate the students, and half were pretending to do so while probing Sierra's side.


Even Alice has stopped talking and turned this way due to my statement.

Undeterred, I resume my words confidently.

''You heard it. I know how to defeat the demons. Take me there, and I'll end the fight in an hour.''

I don't know how the others are reacting, but Sierra is certainly annoyed by my unhinge-ness right now.

''...My Lady, that's a ridiculous claim.'' The knight responds.

''I can swear on the name of Luminous.''

'''' ...! ''''

Now, that's a whole different level.

Of course, I could have silently slipped away and gone to the palace myself, but I want as many people to witness it as possible. I want to spread the information that I have a prophetic vision like that of 'Silaerob.'

In other words, I am putting a crosshair on my head right now.

This is thrilling.

Eventually, the knight has no option but to escort Sierra and me back to the imperial palace. During the short trip, Sierra keeps staring at me intently, which is honestly quite scary. Those sharp, crystal-like eyes are especially jarring to see when they reflect the street light.

Who in reality likes yanderes? Jeez.

In any case, the closer I get to the palace, the more suffocating the atmosphere feels. Indeed, a strong aura of death is emanating from there.

''Oh, damn.''

Accompanying that are the quaking impacts shot straight from the battleground to here—outside the main gate. Even though my body can't stop shaking, I do also want to get closer to see what kind of fight is happening.

So, that's exactly what I'm doing.

''Ah, Your Highness?!''

And Sierra, too, I suppose.

Let's follow her for now. I need that extra protection from her bodyguards.

Jumping from building to building, we quickly approach the place where the most intense energy sources are—the inner hall. This is where they usually do banquets and such, so having a demon rampaging in there is indeed humiliating.

''Why are you following me?''

Is that why Sierra seems grumpier than usual? Not that I care.

''Once we free the grandmaster, the tide will turn.''


Passing by a relatively intact hallway, we soon encounter a shattered door, one that is supposed to lead to the inner hall. Beyond that, a ridiculous sight awaits.

It genuinely looks like a storm has hit the entire hall.

In the middle of that mess, two people can be spotted. One seemingly young man with golden hair and one... entity whose humanoid body is glitching out like a texture error in a video game.

So we got the Glitch, huh—tough one.


Still... why would I, who have beaten the game dozens of times, be scared of it?

From today on, let the world witness my immense wisdom!

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