Chapter 454 The Battle Begins

Chapter 454 The Battle Begins

The colossal form of Quetzalcoatl underwent a dramatic transformation, morphing into a towering humanoid figure of unparalleled majesty and power.

The creature stood at a towering height of 4.6 meters, with his neck extended into a long, sinuous column, crowned with a majestic head that retained the serpentine features of a predator.

His back, boasting six broad feathered wings, stretched out to their full extent while his hands had morphed into clawed appendages, each tipped with razor-sharp talons that glistened ominously.

As he stood tall and proud, his sleek physique radiated an aura of primal strength and authority, sending waves upon waves of pure mana pressure that weighed down on everyone like a mountain, making the more injured players fall to their knees or, worse, face first on the ground.

The transformation of Quetzalcoatl finally made every individual stop holding back, as one after another, every player used the best enhancement skills to get ready for what was to come.

In a matter of moments, wild auras came to life, a few far outshining the others, with the notable ones belonging to the likes of Odin using his trump card 'Yggdrasil's Embrace,' Killian using Vareiði Supremacy, Ra using Solar Ascendance to become a beacon of flames.

"He sure is fearless and eager for a fight," Venedikt said, seeing Fulgor standing in the sky, laughing in a childish voice while clapping his hands as he stared down at the Quetzalcoatl.

"Brother, Should I go all out," Andrei said, with somewhat of an eager look.

"Wait for a few minutes and let the numbers thin down," Alex said as he watched his summon transform into a bolt of lightning that bridged the distance and landed before the Quetzalcoatl.

Fulgor had a seven-headed hydra made of pure lightning at his back, showing that beneath his childish laughter and eagerness for battle, he had a sound head and was taking things seriously, or he was just too strong, and this was just him taking it easy.

Alex was really curious about what Fulgor was capable of because, after his stunt of phasing through the barrier by turning to pure lightning, he felt that he might have abilities similar to Eenel from his favorite manga.

Fulgor stopped his attack, seeing he was being ignored, and standing before the towering creature, began shouting, "Hey, hey, big guy," to gain the attention of Quetzalcoatl, who stood with inky black eyes roaming the area, looking at the surging aura of players.

After getting ignored, Fulgor dropped his arms and shoulder down as he stared at the Quetzalcoatl with pitched eyes, like waiting for him to look at him and seeing the sense every player was forced to drop their entire thought process and focus on him because to them it was strange and surprising, to say the least.

"Well, he is a character," Andrei said, with a laugh loud enough for various figures to look in their direction.

The shocked wipers spread like wildfire as one after the other teams began to shift their focus toward Alex and the team, surprise written all over their face, and Andrei could not help but wave at them with a broad smile.

Alex's eyes were fixed on Fulgor, intrigued by his antics, but his mana sense was present, keeping watch on hundreds of meters, so he was quick to move when he sensed the concentrated energy projectiles.

The one to attack them was Zeus, a form of the battle assassin by nature, recognized to be the deadliest individual at range because of his ability to create electromagnetic rings around the barrel of his guns that accelerated the projectiles to speeds that could give trouble to even the best of Elementalists.

The electromagnetic rings could also have been used by Zeus on himself and others to increase his speed, making him one of the fastest players and also the slipperiest and quite annoying one to be up against.

"You guys must be confident in facing me and that thing," Alex said, slicing through the lightning bullets with ease, his aura flaring to new heights as the Dragon Might took effect.

If they pushed him, Alex was ready to go on a rampage and butcher as many players as he could and deal as much damage as he could to the Quetzalcoatl.

If Alex did that, it would ensure that the creature would not fall, but that didn't mean that those who made efforts to kill the creature would not earn contribution points, regardless of whether they failed or succeeded.

Zero did say that if the creature was defeated, points would be distributed according to the contribution, but he never said that if not defeated, no points would be given for the efforts.

The final stage was all about contribution, which needed teamwork, but all the heavy hitters understood that to win, they needed to eliminate Alex because with his presence even if he did not perform the best, but he would surely keep the point lead they had already built.

It seemed they had a plan in case he came back, as Zeus was quick to engage, and sixty more participants swiftly switched their positions and began moving toward Alex, with Magnus in the lead.

"You should have stayed outside," Magnus said, crimson lightning crackling around him with newfound intensity.

'He sure is quick,' Alex thought as he watched Fulgor vanish the moment the Quetzalcoatl decided to move and simultaneously deliver seven quick attacks in the form of seven lightning breaths.

Fulgor was like a blur as he avoided the swift claw aimed at his head and delivered his attack while simultaneously slipping away, and the speed at which the two made their move was surprising because Fulgor made it look easy.

The Quetzalcoatl moved like a phantom, his intentions clear as he sought to eliminate the weak. Fulgor, annoyed by his actions, chased after him, raining down bolts of lightning as he shouted out loud like throwing a tantrum, but stopped shortly after finding no success.

In mere moments, close to ten players from weaker teams were killed, their bodies sliced to ribbons before they could even raise their weapons in defense.

"Do you think by doing this, you will get the mana cube?" Alex questioned, unbothered by the turn of events.

While Alex could have entered after the battle reached near its conclusion, he knew it wouldn't change much because without his presence, the battle against the Quetzalcoatl would have only gone smoothly, and figures like Magnus, Zeus, and others would have still given him trouble.

So it was best to enter early and use all the time he could to deal damage to the Quetzalcoatl when it was at its strongest to get the most points, and while it would not assure him victory, it would ensure a good battle.

Alex had grown stronger after the battle with the fallen Serphian, and the current situation was no different, as death loomed in the distance, and he had a decent sum to lose if he didn't do well.

"I always acquire what I want," Magnus said, appearing a few meters away from Alex, a playful grin on his face.

"Ven, I will leave them to you," Alex said, suggesting the protection of his teammate.

Alex surveyed the distance, observing several teams separating from the main group, but instead of joining the attackers, they circled around them, showing clear support for him and his team.

Among them were all three guilds associated with him, along with several others, who wanted to use the opportunity to get on the good side of his organization.

Vlad and Lady Rosalba were swift to engage against Zeus, while the rest also picked their targets, and while Alex didn't really need their help to do what he wanted, he did appreciate it.

Acknowledging guild leaders Aster, Hecate, and Vlad with a nod of appreciation, Alex then cast a final glance at the ongoing chaos before refocusing on Magnus and the crowd of renowned participants before him.

Positioning the four knives to hover behind him, Alex tightened his grip on his sword, and with a confident smile, he used the Tenebrous Shard Enclave, shrouding the surrounding hundred meters in a dome of pitch darkness.

Instantly, Alex sprang into action, commanding tendrils of darkness to come alive as his sword pulsed with the corrosive nature of darkness itself.

Meanwhile, Magnus wasted no time, wielding his arcane scepter to harness the power of crimson lightning, its glow piercing through the surrounding darkness like a guiding beacon.

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