Chapter 493  Traitors

Chapter 493  Traitors

"My Queen, I understand," Sparkles said, agreeing to her decision, not having the heart to force her to stop, not after seeing the determined look in his Queen's innocent eyes.

"But, if I feel the slightest of a threat, then you will enter the Chaos Plain, no question asked, and we will make a run,"

"By No Questions, I mean no questions because never forget that without you, my Queen, my race is nothing but mindless fools who are destined to die of energy deprivation,"

"So, when I give the single to escape, please listen to me for your sake and for the sake of my brethren," Sparkles said, having transformed into a towering creature of majesty and horror.

'Lioness, Bell, you know what to do if anything goes wrong,' A silent message was delivered to the two small creatures, who silently nodded, understanding that the trip was a big gamble.

'For the Queen,' The two females said, their words carrying a mutual understanding.

The three may appear childlike to make their Queen comfortable and not share their thoughts aloud, but all three of them were Chaos Generals, creatures who had lived more than a thousand years, most of their time imprisoned, but still, they had more life experience than almost any who walked the face of the Ancient World.

They were old monsters who had seen all the world had to offer, and they understood that the opportunity to save their brothers was great because they were no longer the center of attention, as their purpose was served, but they were no idiots to not consider it could be a trap.

The circumstances seemed too perfect as all six Chaos Generals were free from their bounds and were present in a single place, and the strongest individual guarding them was the early Ninth Rank Ruler.

But it was still too perfect for someone who would want the Chaos Generals, as the said figure could come to collect the bounty and make a run because since the chaos began, almost an hour had passed, which was more than enough time to make great preparations.

The three Chaos Generals would be idiots not to see this and consider it a trap laid out for them because they knew the cult should be wary of them, knowing a power was controlling the Chaos Spawns.

But they were still willing to take the risk because the opportunity presented was too great and if they succeeded, their Queen would be able to completely access the Chaos Plain and allow them to enter a place that was a safe haven for them.

As for the revelation of their Queen's presence, it was not something they could hide for long and they knew it was bound to come to light sooner or later.

Their only real concern was whether they would have their home, the Chaos Plain, open to them or not when the world came for them.

"Sparkles, you think too much. This mission is going to be easy peasy," Sophia said excitedly as she placed her hand on the towering owl.

In an instant, the creature began to morph, its form melting into a stream of dark and silver energy that enveloped Sophia's petite physique entirely.

As the energy condensed, Sophia's small four-and-a-half-foot frame seamlessly grew to nearly two meters in height, her body swiftly gaining muscle mass that appeared to be hidden under the dark leather armor with silver linings.

Her hands and feet transformed into clawed appendages with dark nails, and two sets of sunken, pitch-dark eyes emerged on her face.

The upper section of her face took on the appearance of a protruding owl beak resembling a mask, while the lower part remained plain. Atop her head, widening black horns with silver tips reminiscent of reindeer antlers emerged, while two large feathery wings appeared on her back, completing her striking transformation.

"I will be back in a few minutes," Sophia said, her voice deep and rough, nothing like that of a child.                  


"What is that creature? Is he a demon?" Alex said aloud, seeing a two-meter-tall figure emerge amidst the rubble of the destroyed city.

The Elders were silently observing the screen because the moment the creature appeared out of thin air, the entire atmosphere shifted. Every individual present unconsciously stopped for a moment and looked toward it, feeling the dense and suffocating presence it exuded.

The most noticeable change was the sudden calmness that overtook the six chaos spawns who had been struggling against their chains mere moments ago, as they now, gazed at the creature with clarity in their abyss-like eyes, an expression of longing on their faces.

"I don't think it's a demon," Lady Margaret said, her voice filled with doubt.

They weren't given much time to think before darkness spread from beneath the creature's feet, expanding in all directions like an unstoppable tide.

In moments, the projector screen turned dark, prompting Alex to quickly open the game forums, knowing a live stream of the city was running there and he was greeted by the sight of a dark dome stretching for several kilometers that took over a large section of the destroyed city.

'The Chaos Generals clearly reacted to the creature's presence. Do you believe it could be the anomaly that Ahrimon mentioned which is a threat to his plan?' Lady Margaret questioned telepathically.

'It could be his enemy or his ally, but in both cases, it doesn't mean he would be an ally to us,' Elder Darrien said before taking out a dark crystal.

"Zanthean, do you need backup?" Elder Darrien asked, connecting with the strongest individual in the capital city area.

"No, I can deal with this thing," A cold reply sounded through the dark crystal.

Alex heard the voice and recognized the man to be the Human Saint, an early-stage Ninth Rank Ruler, and a man who had left quite an impression on him because of how comfortable one felt around him which for some reason made him stay on edge the short time they spent together.

Alex returned to the game forum, and even though he would that nothing of worth would be found there, he kept scrolling as he wanted to stay occupied to handle with his anxiety.

After witnessing the destruction of the capital city, with dozens of Elemental Rulers in action and Monarchs making even such monsters look like children battling on the side, the entire player base was in turmoil.

Alex was silently scrolling through the posts after posts of stories, proofs, and whatnot that the guild threw out to gain attention when minutes later Elder Darrien announced the good news but before they could become happy came the really bad news.

"They have located the fourth crystal," Elder Darrien said, and instantly both Elders' contact devices vibrated madly as many individuals simultaneously contacted them.

"Elder, Save us, Save us,"

"Saint Zanthean and his people have gone—" The panicked voice was cut short, but the sentence did not need to be completed to know what the other side was trying to say.

"Darrien, what the hell is going on? My people in the capital area are getting butchered by something," The icy cold voice of Ulstnir rang through the room.

"I am on it. You proceed and handle with the last crystal before it's too late," Elder Darrien stated hurriedly, as his figure vanished mid-sentence.

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