Chapter 507 Ancestral Realm Opening

Chapter 507 Ancestral Realm Opening

It was finally the day of the realm opening, and now Alex stood in the main city of the Morvoren clan, disguised as one of the dark elves, standing among them in the city center before a giant projector mirror that displayed the area of the Stormborn Peaks.

A mountain cleanly split from the center, two towering stone sentinels standing like two fingers piercing the sky, surrounded by dense, ancient jungle.

The city center was alive with the murmur of anticipation and anxiety as the gathered elves, with bright and curious expressions, spoke in hushed tones of what was coming.

"I can't wait to witness the legendary colossal storm," A young elven boy standing near Alex exclaimed excitedly.

"Vecroc, do you know the mythic origin of the century storm?" The boy asked, and the first boy nodded, indicating he knew the tale well.

"It is well known that a storm of unparalleled magnitude will engulf the Stormborn Peaks every century and stay active for a year without losing its intensity,"

"It is said that the fierce and relentless storm is the byproduct of the remnant energy left behind by the great titan, Boreas, the Frostwind Colossus when he fell on our island in the great Titanomachy War."

"Boreas's fall is both a curse and a blessing, as the storm he left behind is a disaster in its own right, capable of decimating even the most powerful beings and requiring us to abandon the core area for one year."

"But as the storm rages on, the latent energy of wind and other connected elements on our island becomes tenfold denser, a boon for all who dwell here," The other boy explained but stopped as Vecroc interrupted him.

"Listen to me. I am getting to the important part."

"What most of the commoners do not know is that once the storm fully forms, many natural treasures will emerge in the surrounding areas, and I know this because of my father's work in the knowledge house, and there he found records stating this in one of the old archives,"

"Denzik and I are planning to search for those treasures in the middle ring, and I'm inviting you to join us," The short-haired boy said in a hushed voice.

"What? You're not joking, right?" Vecroc said before looking around to see if anyone was listening to them.

Alex had also learned this story during his days in the city of Cendrih, and while the death of the real titan was fascinating and seemed to be true, he knew that the creation of the storm involved the realm portal energies playing a major part.

Alex also discovered why everyone knew little to nothing about the ancestral realm.

The reason was simply that it was hidden in the heart of a massive storm and no one saw it, and with the clan higher-ups safeguarding the truth about it, there were few who knew of the truth.

Alex had also learned about the nameless lady he met, as her name was Zahra Layl, and she was the daughter of the current patriarch, something he had expected, seeing how she possessed the ring that was an heirloom of the Morvoren clan.

Knowing her identity and the hatred she held for the two elders, Alex deduced that the clan patriarch was dead, and she was on a suicide mission to avenge her father.

From their encounter, Alex knew she was a very talented individual because despite her age being said to be eighty to one hundred, which equated to barely twenty-five years old in human years.

At her age, her strength was peak Sixth Rank, and her display of abilities was a testament to her exceptional talent, something hard to find in the outside world.

Alex felt it would be a shame if she was killed in her pursuit of revenge on this unknown island, but that was a fate she had chosen for herself, and there was nothing he could do about it, not unless he was forced to get involved.

Alex was aware that the two elders were plotting something significant, determined to acquire the circle in his possession at any cost because it was the path to the ancestral realm, but more than that, it was their clan heirloom.

So, even if Zahra failed to eliminate them, they would refrain from outright killing her, as doing so would mean giving Alex complete control of the ring.

But all that aside, Alex was not dependent on the ring, as he had other means of protection, and if he could use them to traverse the storm safely, he did not need the circle for anything.

So, if he was put in a position to give up the ring, he would do it, but only in exchange for the life of Zahra and two realm entry spots. If the two bastards refused to peacefully agree to the deal, then he would have reason to put them to rest.

'We just had a conversation,' Alex thought upon seeing a video call from Andrei.

Before coming out to watch the portal's opening, Alex had a lengthy conversation with Venedikt, Andrei, Saahira, and Ravyn and even talked to the five lucky members who had proved their worth and had secured entry into the realm.

The organization had six entries, including Alex's spot as the Ruler, and since he was not using it, it was given to a lucky member.

Additionally, one member earned a spot through the tournament, so in total, seven members of the organization, besides Alex, were entering the ancestral realm.

Alex left the crowd and quickly entered the nearby alley before picking up the call. The sight that welcomed him was something that he was already familiar with, but now it had one big change.

A vast expanse encased within towering walls that stood tens of meters tall formed a circular colosseum-like arena, and right next to the walls stood towering statues.

These were not mere stone sculptures but colorful crystalline marvels carved with meticulous detail. They bore lifelike details, with each figure standing proudly shoulder to shoulder.

These towering figures were the ancestors of various clans, with races still present in the world and others lost to the annals of time.

Yet, in this grand coliseum with its open ceiling, time seemed to stand still, preserving the ancient grandeur for generations to come.

The open expanse bustled with activity as groups of individuals could be seen standing, their gazes fixed on a raised platform in the distance.

Older figures from various clans stood before the statues of their ancestors, their solemn demeanor a testament to the importance of the occasion.

In the center atop the raised platform, a massive slit in the very fabric of reality itself could be seen, widening with every passing moment, with darkness seeping forth from this doorway, twisting and coiling around its edges like a sinister embrace.

There was no mistaking it. This was the gateway to the ancestral realm, a bridge between two realms.

The camera switched to reveal Andrei smiling face and the rest of the team, along with the elders and guardians.

"Brother, best of luck, and don't keep we waiting on the other side because I'm sure we don't want to meet again as middle-

aged men," Andrei said, chuckling, his words carrying a mix of jest and sincerity.

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