MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 781 Rudra's Decision

Chapter 781 Rudra's Decision

Rudra contemplated on entering the beast territory as now that the elites controlled the entirety of the Eastern side of river Thames the next phase of the war the critical river crossing was absolutely not going to be easy.

For the army of death to have better odds of winning it was imperative to have as many tier 4 generals as possible in the army.

At the moment the demons created by Hades were practically at the lowest rung of tier 4 generals as even with them posessing their 4 strength they did not have the necessary battle experience to back that up .

Under such circumstances Rudra could only turn to the playerbase as if he could somehow manage to add even 50-100 tier 4 generals to his existing force it would be a huge advantage in the coming fights.

At the moment nearly 47,000 tier 3 soldiers were at the peak and ready to breakthrough while 270,000 more needed only 1-2 levels to breakthrough.

Hence nearly 317,000 soldiers total wanted to take the promotion test .

This was a significant number of undertakers and although Rudra did not expect all of them to be able to be promoted , even if a small fraction of them was able to pass it would be a big win for the army as a whole , especially when Rudra saw 120,000 elites amongst the 317,000 soldiers.

Nearly a third were highly talented elites which meant that it was Rudra's duty as a guildmaster to help them.

After Karna said he should do it , Rudra let go of his reservations to venture into unknown lands and started planning on how to carve a path out towards the beast kings temple .

When the news came out that all tier 4 test undertakers would be taken to attempt a promotion test in hell a wave of happiness spread across the camp as while the test undertakers were elated beyond reason , their lower tier 3 counterparts felt reassured that when their time to take the test would come , they would be provided with the opportunity to take it.

This as a whole calmed the mindset of the army of death as everyone from tier 1 to tier 4 was taken care off by Rudra.

This alongside the practical experience of capturing a city assured the human players that all of Rudra 's promises were true and that this war was indeed once in a lifetime opportunity to get stronger fast.

However when the news spread across the camp it also fell into the ears of the demoness spy who relayed the news back to the assassin Roomie.

Hence began a sinister plot to assassinate the first commander of the death army as while Rudra was busy planning his expedition, roomie started planning his assassination.

In essence both of them had the same mindset when planning stuff , which was creating a layout and backups for every critical juncture of that plan.

If plan A failed at critical juncture A , they could move to plan B and C and D , making many alternate paths to reach the goal according to the situation.

Scouting missions also started on both sides as both parties sent scouts to the beast territories and waited for a proper map and beast strength to be gauged.

While Rudra read the information and drew the best path to take the safest and easiest path to the temple, roomie reverse engineered the same information to first draw the best path to the temple and then plot assassination attempts on the route.

It was a mastermind vs a mastermind at work and only time was to show which one was going to get the best out of the other , however for now Rudra alongside Jhonny , Karna , Medivh and Neatwit rolled out of the city of whispers heading north into the beast territory with 371,000 test undertakers in tow.

Rudra wanted to wrap this trip up in 4 days with one day to go , one to come back while 2 days being there to take the test.

This meant that the group needed to cover a good 50 killometers of rugged terrain during their journey in and out of the territory.


( Meanwhile Max )

Max had reached the peak of tier 1 and due to Rudra opening the theif class promotion hall inside the city of whispers he was now currently undertaking the tier promotion quest to reach tier 2.

Max had perfectly prepared for the tier 2 promotion test as he had gone through a lot of study materials and talked to a lot of seniors to try and understand the best method to pass this exam.

In tier 2 promotion test every class hall gave their undertakers a mission and the completion of the mission saw the players to be promoted while how they cleared the mission showed their rating.

Max was given the mission to steal something precious from the demonkind within 7 days and being the daredevil that he was , he decided to take a dive down river Thames and cross to the other side to look for treasures.

Currently many humans were doing such missions , only for 9/10 to meet their end by the defending demon forces on the other side , however max had a hidden secret to help him.

Hence with his eyes set on the economic hub of the east the giant city of Sivanthe as his destination , Max leaped into the river Thames after consuming one appearance alteration potion , changing his human appearance to that of a demon... or rather a demoness.

Max had felt confident when he stole 5 strands of hair from a demons armour about his plan , however never in his wild dreams did he imagine that it would turn out to be a demonesses.

It was only when he grew D cups did he realise the situation he was in.

/// Continuing on my commitment to bring 5 chapters to you guys for three days , today will also be a 5 chapter day. ///

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