Mr. CEO Loves The Devilish Beauty

Chapter 205 - Im Surely Doomed!

Before anyone could react, Xu Mey struck her knee straight between his legs making him kneel down on the floor.

While he was howling in pain, his friends got up to attack Xu Mey. She wasn’t fazed at all.

Xu Mey picked another bottle, broke it, and held it in her hand pointing at Lu Ge’s friends. "Move a muscle and see what happens."

One of his friends laughed and said, "She’s only trying to scare us. Let’s make a move together."

His words had just left his mouth when Xu Mey slashed his arm with the broken bottle in her hand saying, "I don’t scare people. I learned to frighten them."

"You!" The guy whose arm was bleeding growled at Xu Mey with indignation.

Xu Mey slashed his other arm and said, "Do you want me to continue? Because my target is your friend over here, " she pointed at Lu Ge who was rolling on the ground in pain. "But if you intervened, I don’t mind castrating your manhood as well."

Her tone made the three young masters put their hands before their fronts on reflex.

Xu Mey turned back to Lu Ge and grabbed his neck from behind making him look at her with his blanched face. She delivered a punch straight to his abdomen and he curled his body. Xu Mey was going to knee his manhood again when a sly smile made her halt.

She dropped him on the floor and with her agile body pressed the pressure points at the three young masters’ neck making them faint instantly.

After that, she dragged Lu Ge from his collar with herself to the 3rd floor of the bar. When Lu Ge’s droopy eyes looked at the sight before him, his eyes widened up.

Only a very few people knew that the third floor of that particular bar was actually a gay prostitution facility. And weirdly, Xu Mey was one of those few people who has acquired this piece of information.

She threw Lu Ge in the middle of the hall where a guy was giving his dance performance while several closet gays were gathered around to cheer him on.

Seeing Lu Ge falling at their feet, all the gay men turned to look at Xu Mey with surprise. "I believe this one is quite handsome too." Xu Mey held Lu Ge’s chin and gave everyone a good look of his handsome face. The only reason she didn’t hit his face was that she thought he’d be of some use.

The gay men in the hall actually appreciated Lu Ge’s appearance. Even though his face was pale and his head had some dried up blood that didn’t cover up his handsome features.

"What do you mean by this?" The owner of the club came forward and asked Xu Mey. She was actually a woman in her forties with an explosive wig and over the top make-up trying to hide her age.

"Madam Qi!" Xu Mey addressed the old owner by her title and said, "Usually you take money for letting your boys spend some time with these closet young masters. But, " she paused and smirked at Lu Ge saying, "Today, I’ll give you money to eat this young master alive. Take whatever he can give and as much as you can."

The woman’s eyes widened up as she understood the meaning of Xu Mey. The meaning was simple, she wanted them to strip his dignity as a man. "How much?" She asked seemingly interested in the offer.

"20 million." Xu Mey quoted a price making everyone gasp in surprise.

Madam Qi smiled deviously and waved her hand. "Boys, show this young master the ecstasy of life. Oh, and do it the way that our lady here will be satisfied with our work."

Xu Mey added to her statement, "Oh, and everyone here can join the fun." Her meaning was simple, any gay man could spend time with Lu Ge and that too without paying any money for it.

"No!" Lu Ge screamed in horror as he realized what was actually happening to him. But it was too late.

"You love to force yourself on girls, let them show you the helplessness that the girls feel because of scums like you!" Xu Mey punched his abdomen again before letting the guys drag him in the biggest and luxurious room in the facility.

Madam Qi looked at Xu Mey’s chilly look and asked, "He must have done something awful for you to choose this way?"

"You don’t need to know." She replied curtly and signed a check of 20 million for her.

"Do you need anything else?" Madam Qi asked looking at the check in her hand.

"Just take some beautiful pictures. Also, do film from a nice angle, after all this Oscar-worthy film will be broadcasted far and wide." Madam Qi’s eyes widened at Xu Mey’s statement. She shook her head thinking that the lady before her was not someone to be messed with. She actually pitied Lu Ge for messing with this devil.

Xu Mey was pleased with her handy work when she made her way back to the bar on the ground floor. But to her misfortune, the three friends of Lu Ge had called for police.

"Sh*t!* Xu Mey cursed and vowed to make these friends of his to pay the price as well.

"Officer, she’s the one. That one who had covered her face." They pointed at Xu Mey and the officer came closer to her.

"Miss, these men have claimed that you assaulted them and took their friend with you." The officer tried to size up Xu Mey as he spoke.

"Look at me, I’m such a small girl. How can I handle four men on my own? Yes, we argued but that was because their friend was going to attack me first." Xu Mey shirked all of the responsibility.

"Liar! You threw the bottle first, " The one who was slashed by her spoke making Xu Mey glare at him.

"I told you guys that my hand slipped. I was waving the bottle and it just slipped out of my hand." Xu Mey looked at the officer and made hand gestures showing him that, "Officer, I was doing this and suddenly the bottle left my hand." Her tone was so pitiful that the officer definitely started to believe her.

"Officer don’t listen to her. If she had no ulterior motive then why are you hiding your face?" The other young master asked sharply.

Xu Mey rolled her eyes. "I have a severe cold." she coughed to emphasize her point and added, "So, I covered my face to avoid transferring my germs around."

"Huh! You could have worn a face mask." The lanky one from the young masters chimed in.

"But I didn’t have a face mask. So, I chose to cover my face with a cloth. Is it a crime, officer?" Xu Mey’s eyes moistened up as she asked righteously to the officer.

"We should check the CCTV cameras." The young masters suggested when they realized that she was not so easy.

Before the officer could say anything, his subordinate said something in his ear making his eyes widen up. "Miss, I’m really sorry to bother you. You can leave. We’ll take care of everything here." The officer respectfully spoke to Xu Mey. After all, when his subordinate told him that the He Family called to drop this case, how could he still have guts to mess with a military family?

Xu Mey languidly walked out of the bar and saw Azalea at the side with He Jian. He Jian frowned a bit and said, "Follow me, Xiao Mey!"

’I’m surely doomed.’ Xu Mey thought.

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