My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 60 - Deadly battle with Chen Lan and Lei Bo (2)

Chapter 60 – Deadly battle with Chen Lan and Lei Bo (2)

Translated by Bloodfalcon

Current translation is MTL, it is not translation checked, proofread or heavily edited yet.

“Impossible! How can this be!” Said Lei Bo with disbelieve look while holding his neck.

“I am not dead yet?!” Liu Mang do not felt ice-cold of death but instead he heard Lei Bo voice, full of resentment. Liu Mang raise his body slowly and found out that Lei Bo dead with his neck pierced, then he smiled bitterly “Oh, he is the one who dead!”

On one of the horn of Aries gold cloth, there is a bone mixed with flesh, is this larynx bone?

That is correct, the one who die is not Liu Mang, but Lei Bo. Just like we tell you from previous chapter, when Lei Bo want to unleash his mortal strike, Liu Mang reflexively evaded it and ram him. Even though his speed cannot be compared with Lei Bo who is experienced in battle, but Liu Mang is wearing Aries gold cloth, with horn on each side of his breasts. So, that is how Aries gold cloth skewer Lei Bo’s neck.

Lei Bo thought he has won, but his luck run out, when Liu Mang ramming him, stabbing him in the neck with his armor.

“No, no, no, no, second king died?! SECOND KING DIED!!!” Chen Lan Army already lost morale when seeing Lei Bo has fallen near Liu Mang and began their retreat.

“What? Lei Bo dead?!” Asked Chen Lan who right now inside the main army. Chen Lan ordered Lei Bo to be the vanguard while he stayed in main army, holding down Lu Bu main army. Right now, he has not yet descend the mountain, already received bad news. Lei Bo dead!

“Who, Who in Lu Bu army managed to kill Lei Bo?! Is there any mighty generals again in mountain feet?!” Inquired Chen Lan, now he is really angry and surprised, he even coerced his messenger with sword.

“No, No. Only one general, his name is Liu Mang!” Messenger replied nervously. Their great king’s attitude have scared them stiff.

“Liu Mang? Who the hell was that?!” Chen Lan start to recall again. “Lu Bu Army previously have eight superior generals, but no one have a name of Liu Mang!”

“That general is the golden-armored man who we saw on guard outpost earlier!”

“Golden-armored people?!” Chen Lan brow wrinkled, he thinks that golden-armored people is only Lu Bu army’s VIP, one of his family. Never once he thought that this golden-armored man is a senior general ,which Lu Bu put him on purpose, able to kill Lei Bo.

Regarding Lei Bo, Chen Lan still sad but did not too deep, as if he is just losing a regular general. Also regarding Lei Bo’s skills, Chen Lan admit that Lei Bo is strong and he is a good commander. If that golden-armored man can kill Lei Bo, that alone explain one thing, that man is strong.

If Liu Mang knews what Chen Lan is thinking, he will definitely thanked profusely!

If Lei Bo and himself fighting against Liu Mang, then Liu Mang will definitely be chopped into pieces, but that stupid Lei Bo, too proud of himself and now costing him his life. In the battlefield, the tide can change instantaneously, for example, how do you think Guan Yu able to slay Yan Liang and Wen Chou in one blow? Both of their strength and prowess are comparable to Guan Yu at that time, the difference is they both looked down and underestimate Guan Yu. They are senior generals in Yuan Shao army, how their prowess can be compared with one guest / captured general? And in that moment, they perished by one blow.

“General, you are mighty! General, you are mighty!!!” Liu Mang has killed Lei Bo, of course his own unit’s morale will rise up to the top. If Liu Mang at one point is happy but now, he can only show bitter smile.

“Second elder brother, how can we surrender, seeing you dead like this?!” Liu Mang has killed Lei Bo, but Lei Bo’s own troops have not died. Their master dead, killed by Liu Mang, so they are glaring angrily at Liu Mang. Personal bodyguards are usually treated as family by their general, so their loyalty will be very deep.

They are now very much want to kill Liu Mang, but actually also afraid of Liu Mang strength. But now with Liu Mang’s cavalry batallion, those 2,500 troops of Lei Bo’s personal guards began expressing again killing intent.

“Great King has ordered, whole vanguard to charge, to retreat is to live, also whoever kill golden-armored people will have position of third king!” Screamed Zhang Kai. Lei Bo has died, naturally Zhang Kai must assume command. Chen Lan also wanted Zhang Kai to lead his cavalry division, but he can only give him position as third king.

“SHA, SHA, SHAAAAA!” Chen Lan army who has surrounded Liu Mang began to move again, because of the merit given by Chen Lan himself.

“Revenge for second king!!!”

“Revenge for second king, KILL HIM!!!”

“Third king position is mine!”

Their foremost reason to attack again is to take revenge for Lei Bo, the second reason is to get merit. With that reasons, 2,500 Chen Lan army morale were restored again and start to attack those micro cavalry unit again.

“SHAAA, SHAAAA, SHAAAA!!!” Liu Mang already exhausted physically and mentally, just to survive Lei Bo’s battle took toll on his stamina. While Chen Lan army’s soldiers are all Yuan Shu Army veteran, even though they are now bandits. So one can say that their battle experience are already a lot and they can maintain stamina better than these new recruits and that rookie general.

In this situation, the cavalry unit usually will close in to retaliate against Chen Lan army, these move will usually making those infantries unit to be startled and off-guard. But now they cannot do that, for Chen Lan army has the superiority of numbers.

“I’m not dead at Lei Bo’s hand, and now I must die in these soldiers hands?!” Liu Mang’s longsword already broken and his bodyguards now left around 3, 4 people from 20 people. The remaining cavalry unit also overwhelmed by those infantries, if they do not die in this fight then it is a miracle working for them.

“General!” Those four remaining Urban Army soldiers are already exhausted but they still engaging the enemy.

“General, you escape quickly! We will guard your escape route!” One of those four people shouted at Liu Mang. Liu Mang remembers that guy’s name. His name is Xu Cheng, his voice has not yet changed, his age also smaller than Liu Mang, this year he is 17 and Liu Mang is 22. 17 years old in peace age, can be considered still blooming generation, generation that needs guidance.

This age, he should be have a carefree attitude and dozing off while attending class in school!!!

But in this chaos times, he must be in battlefield.

“General!!!” Cheng Yu who now become vice-commander of Urban Army main unit also discovered Liu Mang predicament, they had been surrounded. Cheng Yu thinks of rescuing him, but he is now confronted by Yu Province cavalry, so it is impossible for him to leave. Once he leaves, Urban Army will be defeated and annihilated completely, but if he does not save Liu Mang, he’ll be executed by Lu Bu.

“Abominable!” Cheng Yu bite his teeth.

“Cannot escape this time!” Liu Mang see that he has been surrounded by Chen Lan army. Chen Gong old man, now you really give your young master a bad time! But he also understood what Chen Gong’s scheme. In the beginning, Chen Gong’s tactics is very good. Making Liu Mang to confuse Chen Lan and Lei Bo as a camouflage. Once Mt. Bagong’s attacks successful. Chen Lan and Lei Bo also cannot escape anywhere and has reached dead end. Because at the mountain rear there is Lu Bu, they definitely won’t try to breakthrough that path. Their only path is to breakthrough toward front gate, where Liu Mang’s 1,000 Urban Army and supply troops are waiting. Fighting them is also will not be difficult and Liu Mang will obtain merit also.

But who have thought that this Chen Lan and Lei Bo who are now bandit brigade, have 2,000 cavalry soldiers plundered from Yuan Shu plus infantries. Even Boss Lu is the god of war, he is also very hard to press on them.

Knowing that he cannot escape, Liu Mang relaxed himself again and prepare to go fight to death! Because he do not need to think to escape anymore, due to escape route has been blocked.

With this situation in Liu Mang’s mind, he laughed mischievously. He pat Xu Cheng shoulders.

“Hey, little Xu Cheng, living this long, have you taste women???”

“Women?!” Xu Cheng startled, what the hell this general thinking???

“Looking at you, I can tell you have not taste women at all!” Liu Mang said in contempt tone, making him as if he had women before.

“Xu Cheng, I tell you, women have a very soft body, a smooth and delicate body, once you taste women, you will never forget it!” Actually Liu Mang is still a virgin but he can say this because previously he had fondled Lu Lingqi’s boobs and unable to forget about her.

“General, I....!” Xu Cheng do not know how to answer his general and his face become blushing red. When one see, no one can knows if this is a shy blush or blood color. In the whole universe, the only general who discussed women on battlefield maybe only Liu Mang alone.

“Why should you shy about that?! We are already adults, so it is normal to talk that! As a matter of fact, your general still have not tasted any woman, still virgin! Still not have women, but will have to die here! I’m not willing to do that of course, because I have a fiancee now, but right now, I don’t have a choice but to die as a virgin!” Liu Mang shook his head and stand up, taking sword from corpse’s hand.

“Xu Cheng, do you still remember our slogan and our oath as Urban Army?!”

“Yes, together, we live or die; together, we share riches and honor!!!”

“Yes, that is right! I, as your general, apologize to you because I am unable to bring you riches and honor. But I will not abandon you, I will now accompany you to die together! Urban Army division engage!”

“Together, we live or die; together, we share riches and honor, SHAAAAAAA!”

Five people who have been surrounded, start charging and engaging their enemies again.

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