My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 76 - First Aid in Three Kingdom’s Era (2)

Chapter 76 – First Aid in Three Kingdom’s Era (2)

Translated by Bloodfalcon, Edited by Krayto

“Cheng Yu, cut a piece of clean cloth and bring me some clean water!” Said Liu Mang. Right now he did not have an emergency medic kit, he also did not have any alcohol to sterilize the wound. So he can only use clear water to clean up the wound and re-bandage her wound with clean cloth.

“Yes sir!” Cheng Yu nodded and quickly and tore up a piece of cloth. He then quickly scooped up clear water with his helmet.

The water is actually crystal clear, maybe Cheng Yu took it from mountain spring water. Huainan’s river and spring water, one can drink directly from the stream. But that cloth, Liu Mang frowned again, is that a clean cloth? Although it is indeed a white cloth, it has already become black with dirt. Only those who wore it, can know that this was originally a white cloth.

Even if this cloth was used to wipe your ass after shitting, that white cloth couldn’t possibly become this dirty!!! Bandaging the wound with this rag? It will get an infection immediately.

“Cheng Yu, get another cloth!” said Liu Mang as threw away that dirty rag.

“Yes!!!” Cheng Yu then handed over another piece of cloth. This time it was much better than before, but is still not clean cloth. Let alone cleaning the wound, it couldn’t even be used to wipe this girl’s skin!

“Cheng Yu, change it again!” Liu Mang threw the rag away for the third time, it was dirtier than before. When Liu Mang wanted to scream for another rag, Cheng Yu who was already distressed, suddenly shouted.

“General, I did not have a clean piece of cloth. Those three pieces of cloths are the best and the cleanest that I have ripped. If you want me to rip again, then I will not have any clothes to put on!” Liu Mang then notices that Cheng Yu got that three pieces of cloths by ripping his own sleeves. He ripped the cleanest places already, and if he ripped out another piece, he would be naked.

“It is okay, Cheng Yu! We males do not know about cleaning up!” Liu Mang also had no choice. Since he fought the tiger earlier, his cloth was dirtier than Cheng Yu’s. So he has no choice but to use those pieces of clothes that Cheng Yu handed over.

“Please use my clothes!” Said the younger sister He Yue. Although they are dirty right now, they are from women, and if you compared their hygiene with a guys, they are cleaner.

“Good!” Said Liu Mang. Because the two sisters clothing are silk clothing, it will serve as a much better bandage than those dirty rags.

After Liu Mang received a piece of clean silk cloth from He Yue he said in front of those He sisters “Both of you come with me!” he then led both sisters to go under a big tree. Although he only wanted to help clean up the wound, right now there were too many males. Those good girls will be uncomfortable if they were glared at by so many men.

This big tree should hide us from the men’s vision.

Earlier, judging from the size of that wound, Liu Mang knew that this was no ordinary wound. After taking a closer look, he discovered exactly how deep it was. He thought that the branch only punctured her flesh because you couldn’t see her bone, but after a closer inspection he now knows that the wound was indeed deep enough to see her bone!

Although women did not have very developed muscles like,women still had their own muscles. Now that her muscles were torn by that branch, her bone, muscles and branch debris were all mixed together. Each time she moved it was possible to wound her bone.

This wound! Liu Mang looks at He Yu. This kind of wound will make a man scream in pain and agony, but He Yu only screamed twice and after that, she was silent and even comforted her sister.

She is really a young lady that came from a noble family! Thinking that, Liu Mang’s heart softened and said something in soft voice “My bandaging skill is actually not too good, will possibly cause you a lot of pain, please bear with it!”

“Um!” He Yu nodded

While Liu Mang helped to dress He Yu’s wound, Cheng Yu arrived with two small tigers in hand and also with several soldiers.

“You and you, carry these two cubs and return to main camp! I permit you to go back earlier to handle these prey that I shot, let those brothers eat first, do not wait for General to come back!” Liu Mang really treated his division as his brothers. So every time he went hunting, he will share it with his division. No matter how little the bounty, he just cooked it and turned it into soup to share it with his division, one man one bowl of soup. His division was very happy with this general.

Liu Mang started cleaning up the wound. Liu Mang carefully dropped that spring water to the wound, the water started flushing out all the dust and dirty blood.

Liu Mang kept flushing the wound until all dirty blood was flushed out completely. Thank god, He Yu’s wound did not damage her aorta, if it was also damaged, then Liu Mang’s effort would all be for naught.

If spring water touched ordinary skin, there is a pleasant feeling no aches at all. But flushing through a wound is different. Damaged nerves have been exposed, only pain can be felt when flushed by clean cold water. This made those who are from the present time really appreciate alcohol as an anesthetic.

Liu Mang noticed that He Yu’s lips were pale white, but she did not scream at all.

The next step is to clean the leftover debris that not had been flushed by the water. After He Yu was punctured by the branch at that time, she also fell down so the inside of her wound contained small stones, weed, and grass. If you do not clean this up, it will absolutely become infected. In this era, antibiotics has not yet been invented. Once a wound is infected the consequences would be fatal.

“Sorry, I must pull out those debris!” Liu Mang told He Yu to prepare her mentally. Some stone and dust were stuck in the flesh, those debris were impossible to flush with clean water, so Liu Mang must extend his finger to clean these fragments one by one.

Then Liu Mang’s hand pressed on left side of the wound in order to open the gap big enough for two fingers to pass. That pressure could probably increase injury therefore Liu Mang had to be careful with his motion, even still blood flowed from her wound.

“AAAAHHHHHH!” He Yue screamed again after seeing those much blood.

“SHUT UP!!!” Liu Mang scolded He Yue, because it made Liu Mang concentration break and Liu Mang can feel He Yu’s shivering from pain.

When Liu Mang flushed the wound, he did it twice to completely flush them out. But when clearing the debris, Liu Mang needed to do it five times to completely clean the wound, during that period He Yu’s pain really became unbearable, she bit her pale lips quickly, while her head is discharging cold sweat, even Liu Mang felt it and started to sweat as well.

Unknowingly He Yu’s hands firmly grabbed Liu Mang’s thigh, making Liu Mang feel very uncomfortable. Since it is was such a beautiful girl that grabbed his thigh, something was bound to happen if “that” place was grabbed tightly.

However He Yu is wounded now, so Liu Mang also understood the circumstances.

“Phew!” Liu Mang finally can relax a bit. He finally accomplished cleaning up the wound. Liu Mang’s hands are full of blood and He Yu’s face started to regain color, but the dressing has not been completed.

Liu Mang had no vulnerary now, so he needed to go back to main camp to get it, he can only bandage the wound with clean cloth.

But when it comes to bandaging, Liu Mang felt hesitant. This large wound must be bandaged immediately with the silk cloth but it cannot be just pasted on the wound. It must be done with a binding that covers up the wound tightly.

This wound is above her bosom, if he wanted to bandage her, then there is no choice, the bandaging must encircle her bosom.

That time when he was cleaning up her wound, he only needed to wash it so there was no reason to take off anything. But bandaging, is different story. He Yu needs to take off the upper half of her clothing in order for him to bandage.

“About this.... Tch!” These two are not related by blood. Before, when cleaning up the wound, it is fortunate that it is only a non-taboo location where Liu Mang’s fingers were inserted in. However, he needed to bandage her wound above her bosom, which required her to take off the upper half, revealing her breasts and then wrapping the bandage by circling her chest to her arm in order to complete the bandaging.

Liu Mang could see that these two girls are to be married. How Liu Mang knew was because there is a virgin mark on those two girls.

TL: Mark of virgin in ancient times

Did these two ladies, who are to be married want a stranger to look at one of her important places? Don’t mention in ancient time, even at modern age it is impossible. In modern age, there are female doctors who can help do bandaging. But in Liu Mang’s army, there are no female doctors, therefore they can only rely on him.

“Forgive me! Your life is more important than a mere chastity!” Liu Mang said sorry to those two sisters. He then grabbed He Yu’s hand from behind, straightened her back. And his two hands grabbed the cloth from her neck to her bosom trying to rip her clothes.

“What are you doing?!” He Yu who was preoccupied with pain, cannot react to anything, but He Yue who is very energetic, saw what Liu Mang doing.

Liu Mang has disrobed He Yu’s cloth, exposing her undergarments and her jade-like skin.

Liu Mang also do not stop there, he also removed her undergarments.

“LECHER, YOU LECHER!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY SISTER??? I WILL RISK MY LIFE TO STOP YOU!!!” He Yue’s voice is getting louder and louder, affecting Cheng Yu’s side.

“General, what is it?!” Cheng Yu wondering what happened wanted to come to that side of the forest, but he cannot do that because Liu Mang did not tell him to.

“AAAAHHHH!!!!!” He Yue again screaming “YOU DON’T COME HERE!!!! DO NOT, AAAHHHHHH!!!!! YOU COME, I WILL SCREAM FOR HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!!!!”

“What is the general doing?!” Thought Chen Yu “Does the general want to rape those two sisters?!”

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