My Second Life in Another World

Chapter 229: Your Wife Is Crazy

Chapter 229: Your Wife Is Crazy

"You Three Eyes what did you call My Lord?" Queresha asked in an ice-cold tone.

'I am pretty sure he addressed everyone in the room as 'Lesser' and not just Professor Haru but well…..' Arthur thought but who was going to tell that to her? Seeing how cold her face as he certainly wasn't.

"What is wrong with addressing a Lesser as a Lesser? I will let this disrespect slide this once since our lord is interested in that lesser over there," Aldir spoke flatly making the people in the room gasp in shock once again, The lord of the deities was interested in this guy? Just what is he? Is he the same person we know? But sadly some people didn't get the memo.

"The deity has been kind enough to show his mercy just bow your head and move back," Dawsid spoke gruffly, he was trying to score some brownie points since he was caught.

"That is very kind of you," Queresha said making Aldir nod ignoring Dawsid's entire existence.

'Wait something isn't right here,' Zenobia felt that something was wrong and she was correct.

"But I am not that kind, Prostate yourself," Queresha said and the air around the room, No the whole island on which the castle was built froze before it came crashing down.


The floor cracked and the entire island shook like a tree in a storm.

Inside the meeting room, everyone was on their knees with their faces smashed into the ground aside from Haru and Zenobia they couldn't even react let alone resist the force. The others weren't even able to look up they felt like if they tried to resist their bodies will be crushed into mush. Everything in the room was crushed to dust and many parts of the castle were crumbling under the heavy pressure.

Arthur and the Eraliths weren't sure what to say about how different Queresha was from her normal self. It was clear that she was pissed off at Aldir for calling Haru a Lesser and they were caught in the crossfire.

Zenobia wanted to stop Queresha before the island collapsed but she knew that Queresha won't listen to her words, So she could only look at Haru for help.

"Ok Stop, that is enough," Haru said while patting Queresha's shoulder.

She still had an unwilling look on her face, She still wanted to teach these arrogant and foolish people about the Greatness of her lord. But that will have to wait.....

"As you say, My Lord," Queresha said and turned towards the people who were still on the ground without letting her pressure off she opened her mouth.

"Be thankful that My Lord is Merciful on you fools, If any of you do anything out of line next time you are dead," Queresha said and the pressure that was crushing the whole island vanished up in smoke. Her words made Aldir grit his teeth since he can feel the mockery in them.

And even after the pressure was gone no one lifted their head since they could feel a pair of eyes looking at them, especially Aldir he felt like the eyes will tear a hole in him.

'Queresha sure holds a grudge when it Is related to Haru,' Zenobia shook her head knowing her friend's behavior.

'What is this? How did we never receive a report about a person like this? Did the Vritras break the treaty? This is bad, I need to get out of here quickly,' Aldir's face was twisted in anger since he had to face such a situation. But he couldn't let this break his composure the situation was bad for him, he thought that Agrona Vritra has broken the treaty to not involve Asuras in this war.

'I never thought I would be forced to use this,' But he still had his last card left he needed to get out of here and inform the others back on Epheotus, because they would be hit hard if the information didn't reach them.

Queresha waved her hand and a 'seat' appeared beside her.

'What is that? Why do you have to go over the top with this?' Haru was crying inside, The chair looked more like a throne and he didn't want to sit on it but he looked around.

'She destroyed everything in the room, I can make a new chair by myself but,' Haru looked at Queresha who was looking at him with a little excitement. She looked really eager to see him sit on the throne.

'Yeah, she definitely did it on purpose, maybe I shouldn't have let her in on the plan,' Haru shook his head but it was in line with his plan so he rolled with it and sat down on the throne facing the kneeling crowd.

Zenobia was standing on his right sighing while Queresha on the left had her eyes fixed on Haru.

'My lord looks so handsome,' Queresha was beaming in her heart if she could she would like to watch this scene of Haru sitting on the throne majestically for the rest of her life.

"Then first The Eraliths, The Glayders, and the Lances can stand up, And Arthur too why are you down there in the first place?" Haru said making the Eraliths stand up. Their clothes were crumpled and full of dust with their hair disheveled. They looked up full of sweat and fear still reliving what happened just a minute ago.

'Do you really need to ask that Professor? Your wife is crazy about you that is why,' Arthur rolled his eyes as he can tell Haru was teasing him. And it was also clear that Queresha didn't even get serious in that instance which made it even more terrifying for him. He could only wonder about the power difference between them.

'It is good that I kept my mouth shut earlier,' Blaine sighed in relief while looking at Dawsid who was sweating bullets.

'Why wasn't I born mute?' Dawsid was going through the hardest time of his life right now, He was caught by the deities when he tried to betray the continent and then pissed off a person who is even more powerful than the Deities. He looked toward Blaine to ask for his help but Blaine ignored him. Dawsid couldn't help but curse out in fear.

The others all sighed in relief seeing Queresha was too preoccupied with Haru to bother with them, No matter who everyone in the room was terrified of her even if some of them wouldn't accept it. The Lances also stood up and stayed there in silence since there was nothing they could do there. They were painfully aware of their lack of power in front of Queresha and Haru.

"So you are the 'Deities', eh?" Haru said while looking at Windsom and Aldir, everyone in the room felt like he was mocking the two who were behaving like they were above everyone just a minute ago.

"That is correct we are 'one' of them," Aldir answered plainly, he was clearly implying that there are many like him out there and it was also to let Haru know that there were beings stronger than himself out there.

"Ok, So why did you come here?" Haru asked ignoring Aldir's words.

"That was because the princess of the deities is here, So we were ordered to bring her back by her grandfather the Lord of the Asuras," Aldir said and looked towards Sylvie who was playing in Arthur's arms. Since his first attempt was ignored he tried to strengthen the case that if something happens to him the leader of the Asuras won't stay quiet as he was here on his direct orders. But it was too bad his opponent was someone who didn't care for this. Haru already knows how Asuras are and it was clear that they will go against him trying to kill him or go for people around him since he was stronger than them.

'Hmm, So not only does she have ties with Agrona but also with the Indrath clan as well,' Haru looked at Arthur and smirked. he didn't know about this.

"Professor, Why are you smirking like that?" Arthur's eyes twitched since he can feel it wasn't something good.

"Nothing Princess Magnet," Haru said with a smirk, Arthur frowned since he could feel Virion and Cynthia trying to hold their laughter just behind him.

'Damn you, I'll have my revenge on you all,' Arthur just stopped thinking about this.

"Was that all you were supposed to do here?" Haru then looked back to the Asura duo and asked the main question.

"Other than that we were ordered to deal with the traitors that sided with the Vritras, That is all we had to do," Aldir said looking Haru in the eye, He was still trying to get information out of Haru.

Since Haru and Queresha weren't from the Asuras side he should be from the Vritras side, There is no way an ordinary lesser has this much power. He wanted to see how Haru would react to this since even if he was a pureblood there is no way Agrona will let a loose canon like this out unless he really wanted a full-blown war.

"Plus there is no way I can tell him about how we planned to take him from here even if it meant threatening him with the people around him, Things would get troublesome," Aldir spoke, Yes he spoke his mind out loud. By the time he realized it was already too late. Everyone in the room was stunned at the words they have just heard and the atmosphere became heavy.

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