Never Judge

931 Chapter 931

Cedric could hear that the woman called Bella could not respond to her companion's question.

"That's what I thought." The man said as he laughed at what Cedric assumed to be her stunned expression.

From where he was, Cedric couldn't see much. He was crouched down behind some thick bushes far from the lamp that illuminated the area.

He had no plans of letting the pair notice that he was there. He tried his best to remain as quiet as possible since even the slightest movements might be heard by them.

Cedric was lucky that when he had approached they were busy talking and the sounds of his footsteps had gone unnoticed.

"After we get him out of there, is there a plan for him?" Bella asked the man as looked towards the direction of the police station.

"You know that there is always a plan." The man said with a sigh as he shook his head.

"What if this fails? What if they discover we are behind all of this and they arrest whoever is attacking their important locations?" Bella questioned the man.

To her surprise and to Cedric's the man simply laughed at her question.

"Do you really think that there is no backup plan?" The man questioned mockingly. "Do you really have so little faith in our leaders? Lucius Ting is one back up plan, there is no way they will see us coming for him. On top of that there are many others. The Reyeses and their friends left too many loose ends over the years."

"They have many enemies, yes. But can the Rajas really gather them together? Those people will never cooperate with one another." Bella pointed out.

"Not all, but some will." The man said confidently.

Bella did not respond to his words as a silence enveloped the entire area. There were no people passing and thus, there were no sounds that could cover up Cedric's if he made a motion to leave.

He was stuck as he waited for the pair to move on, he also needed to inform his friends of their plan to take Lucius Ting.

The pair seemed so confident that they would be able to just march Lucius Ting out of the Police Station that Cedric had to get them to move him.

There was no way he was letting Lucius Ting walk out of that police station a free man.

"Fuck." Cedric heard the man curse. It seemed that something did not go as planned.

"What is it?" Bella asked her companion.

"We've been waiting for the message to start our attack but there has been no signal here this entire time." The man said angrily. "We need to go somewhere else, hopefully we didn't miss our chance."

His voice was slowly starting to get weaker, telling Cedric that the man was moving towards the other direction.

Cedric stayed still for a few more minutes, making sure that the woman had followed him. He had no plans of being discovered by those two.

Something told Cedric that they were much more deadlier than they sounded.

When he was finally sure that the pair was gone and that they wouldn't be able to see or hear him leave, he slowly crept away making it eventually to the main path of the park.

He took out his phone and checked for a decent signal before giving Alexi a call. He knew out of all the people in that room at the moment, Alexi would be checking his phone.

Cedric was right as Alexi picked up after the first ring.

"Cedric, did you make it out alright?" Alexi asked with a concerned tone. He was aware that Cedric wouldn't ask his driver to pick him up at the back of the police station since the media would still be able to block his path.

"I did, but you need to move Lucius Ting discreetly. There are people waiting out back so you'll need to find a different way." Cedric said in a low voice as he stood at the gate of the park.

He looked around till he found his car and waved to the driver.

"How do you know this?" Alexi asked his friend, shocked that Cedric had managed to gather intel at such a late hour. None of their people had heard anything and yet here was Cedric with new and shocking information.

"Just trust me, I'll explain later. Move him somewhere more secure." Cedric instructed as he dropped the call and got into his car.

"Were there any casualties?" Cedric asked Leon who was seated at the front seat.

"More than we would have liked, some locations were compromised as well, unfortunately we couldn't protect everyone and everything." Leon sounded devastated by the failure, Cedric couldn't help but wonder if this was the Raja's plan all along.

"Which places did they manage to damage severely and who were badly injured?" Cedric asked his head of security.

"The factories were badly burned, many employees were also injured," Leon recalled the report he had been given.

"I'll talk to Katerina regarding the injured employees. I have a bad feeling about this." Cedric said with a sigh as he dialed Katerina's number.

"Kat!" Cedric said with an urgent tone as his friend picked up the call.

"Cedric, is something wrong?" She asked, the concern clear in her tone.

"There were employees injured in the attack done by the Rajas, I have a bad feeling that they will use the injured employees against us." Cedric informed her of his suspicions.

"I can look into the injured employee names and recommend to you the best compensation for them. But do you really think an employee of the Reyes Group would go against you? After you have given them more than what most employers would?" Katerina asked.

"Yes, with the right price, yes." Cedric said with a nod. "I know I should put more faith in my employees, but let's be realistic, not all of them will be loyal, and not all of them will be satisfied."

"Alright, I'll get back to you when I know more." Katerina told Cedric as she dropped the call.

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