Never Judge

942 [Bonus Chapter]Chapter 942

Since no one expected Cedric and Ian to arrive in a simple car driven by Ian, the officials were all waiting for the famous white Rolls-Royce that Cedric was known to favor.

The pair in Ian's SUV could see as the officials strained their necks to spot Cedric's car.

Cedric couldn't help but laugh at the sight of them.

"So this is how silly we used to look." Cedric pointed out as he recalled them waiting for the old CEO of Mor Co. or even just waiting for a VIP guest.

"What do you want me to do?" Ian asked as he spotted the line of security vehicles closing behind them.

"Drive up to the entrance and stop the car." Cedric said with a grin.

Ian chuckled at Cedric's plan. He knew what his friend was up to and was more than happy to do as Cedric asked.

He slowly drove the car up the entrance, much to the confusion of the executives and officials standing in wait for Cedric's arrival.

When he stopped his car at the entrance they could see how outraged the men were.

They called for some guards to knock on the windows and to signal for Ian to move the car.

To their surprise the car didn't move. It was as if the driver and the passengers couldn't hear them.

The officials started to panic even more as they saw Cedric's security vehicles approach. The lead cars skipped the entrance and positioned themselves at the other end of the driveway, now making it impossible for the stray car to leave.

The officials turned pale as they realized that they boss wouldn't be able to get down in front of the entrance.

"Move the car!" On of the officials shouted, making Cedric and Ian who were still inside, laugh at how silly his order was.

Before the officials or their men could do anything, Leon stepped out of the lead security vehicle and made his way to Ian's car.

"Mr. Leon, we tried our best but this car wouldn't move." One of the guards said as he tried his best to explain the situation.

Leon simply gave the man a confused look as he continued to make his way to Ian's car.

The officials began to grin when several guards followed Leon and surrounded the car. What happened next took them by surprise.

The guards line up facing them along the side of the car as Leon opened the door.

"Thank you, Leon." Cedric said with a smile as he stepped out.

The officials turned pale when they realized that inside the car they had been trying to move was the very boss they were trying to impress.

"Your men are relentless, Leon." Ian commented as he stepped out of the driver's seat.

Cedric and Ian were sure that the officials and the guards wanted to vanish from where they stood.

"Relax." Cedric said as he smiled at them. "Ian and I were just having our fun, it's been a while."

The officials laughed awkwardly as they tried their best to keep their composure.

"Let's not stand around. I want to speak to as many employees as possible." Cedric said in a loud voice as he looked at the officials.

"But sir, we prepared a tour of the building for you as well as lunch." One of the official said as soon as they realized what Cedric wanted to do.

Cedric couldn't help but laugh.

"I don't think I need a tour of the administrative building, I was here when it was built, I helped plan the layout." Cedric said in a cold tone. "Let's visit the employees in the hospital first, after I'd like to have lunch with those that can join us."

The official could do nothing but nod as he led Cedric and Ian towards several electric vehicles that served as the main mode of transportation around the compound.

As the vehicle drove off, another official stood up and began to explain things to Cedric and Ian.

"Sir, out of all the employees that were injured during the attack, only twenty were sent to the hospital." The man explained. "Most were able to walk out unharmed due to the safety protocols we have in place."

Cedric nodded as he listened to the man before him. It made him feel better that only a few of the employees were hurt in the attack.

"What were the main causes of injuries?" Ian asked.

"Mostly coming from shrapnel when the attack was initiated." The man said with a frown as they pulled up to the hospital drive way.

Ian nodded and didn't say a word as they disembarked and entered the hospital.

When they were taken to visit each employee, Cedric could see how much the employees appreciated the fact that the Reyes Group did not abandon them. As a matter of fact many were shocked to hear that compensation was already given to their families.

Cedric was pleased that no one had any complaints about how they were being treated, some even praised the nervous executives for visiting them.

It seemed that they only seemed like confused idiots around Cedric and Ian, most likely because of the prank the two men pulled on them.

When they finally finished visiting everyone, Cedric suddenly stopped in the hallway and turned around.

"How many of them are here?" Cedric asked the official.

"Seventeen, sir." One woman said.

"The other three have been discharged?" Cedric asked as he looked at the woman.

The woman now looked to her companions who all shrunk back. It seemed that there was something they didn't want to tell Cedric.

"The CEO asked you a question." Ian reminded them.

"Sir, they refused treatment." The woman explained.

"And where are they now? Are we checking up on them?" Cedric asked, he was sure that one of them was the missing employee that Mae had

"Sir, we tried, but all of them are gone and it's not just the employees their families are missing as well." The woman admitted.

"So we are missing three and not just one?" Cedric asked as he tried to control his anger. He quickly took out his phone and began to call Mae. He needed her to add those that were missing to her investigation.

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