One Piece: Talent Copy System!

Chapter 17: Accepting Two Students

Chapter 17: Accepting Two Students

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Noir drew his sword, causing the two sisters to immediately raise their katanas against him, cautiously sizing him up.

"Attack!" the older sister shouted, and the two charged at Noir, engaging in a fierce battle.

Fifteen minutes later.

The two sisters, with faces swollen, knelt properly on the ground, mumbling, "You really defeated Arlong, no doubt about it!"

Curious, Noir squatted down to inspect them and asked, "Are you really pirate hunters? You seem pretty weak!"

The older sister quickly nodded, saying, "We're not lying. My name is Kaede, and this is my sister, Naomi. We're famous pirate hunters in the East Blue!"

Famous? They weren't in the original story...

Noir wondered but soon understood.

They came to trouble Arlong today. If Noir hadn't changed the storyline and Arlong was still here...

They probably would have been killed by now, right?

Out of caution, Noir decided to use a detection technique on the well-known sisters.

"Name: Kaede

Random Slash Master: White quality, has a special talent for katanas, and during one-on-one duels, when emotions run high, triggers 'Random Slash' with a 1% chance of hitting the enemy.

East Blue Info Vault: White quality, due to her thick-skinned nature, she rarely encounters social obstacles, thus recording most pirate and criminal information in the East Blue."

"Name: Naomi

Inherited Blind Chaos Blade: White quality, has a special talent for katanas, and during battles against multiple enemies, when emotions run high, triggers inherited sword skills with a 3% chance of hitting at least one opponent.

Bounty Reporter: White quality, due to her idle nature, she memorizes almost all pirate bounty posters and reports information accurately."

Neither of them has a blue talent...

Noir fully understood. The gap between people can be vast.

Even Mr. Gen, a weakling, had a natural talent for focused training. But why are these two sisters' talents so extraordinary?!

No wonder they collapsed during the fight before he could exert much effort.

Luckily, their emotions weren't high...

Noir rubbed his forehead and said helplessly, "Alright, I believe you."

"But Arlong really was defeated by me. He's fled now, so you should search elsewhere!"

Kaede and Naomi exchanged glances, then bowed their heads and loudly banged them against the floor.

Noir's heart skipped a beat, and he stared in shock at the two begging sisters.

The two sisters shouted, "Master! Please Accept us as your Students!"

Huh? Noir tilted his head in confusion.

Kaede raised her head, a serious expression on her face, and said, "Anyone who can defeat both of us at once is rare in the East Blue!"

Naomi nodded vigorously, "I think so too!"

Kaede's eyes shone with wisdom, "Your swordsmanship is superb, and you defeated the great pirate Arlong. You must be a master swordsman!"

Naomi agreed wholeheartedly, "I think so too!"

Kaede bowed her head again reverently, "Master! Please Accept as your Students!"

Naomi, being even more sincere, banged her head loudly once more, "Master!"

Noir looked at these two peculiar individuals, unsure of what to say.

With talents like theirs, he really didn't dare accept them as Students...

Noir quickly waved his hands, saying, "But I'm only twelve years old, and both of you are older than me. Let's forget about it!"

Kaede and Naomi looked shocked, "Master, you're only twelve? You look so mature!"

Kaede, humbly seeking instruction, said, "Even though you're young, you're stronger than us. We won't mind!"

But I mind!

Noir was on the verge of tears. Suddenly, a flash of inspiration hit him. He pointed behind the sisters and shouted, "Look! Its Arlong!"



Taking advantage of their distraction, Noir leaped off the pirate ship and ran for his life!

Noir swore he had never run so fast, not even when grabbing a seat in the cafeteria!

"Where's arlong..."


Noir ran into the village, carried Bell-mère on his back, dragged out the two sisters who were secretly drinking, and hurried back home.

Wiping the sweat from his brow, Noir smirked.

Just like that?

You think you can find me?


The next morning, Noir, eyes filled with despair, saw Kaede and Naomi standing at his doorstep, looking frustrated.


Bell-mère, laughing brightly, said, "I went to the village early this morning, and these two girls were asking around for you. They said they were your Students, so I brought them back."

"Ah!" Noir shouted, covering his face in despair.

But there was no choice. He couldn't just ignore them. Noir reluctantly went out to meet them.

Kaede and Naomi, seeing Noir, brightened up and respectfully bowed, "Master!"

Noir felt his head buzzing and said, "You don't need to bow."


Well, life is like this. If you can't resist, you might as well accept it passively and make yourself more comfortable.

On the bright side, having two capable assistants... oh, no, little sisters to run errands wasn't too bad.

At least when he fights in the future, he'll have two loud cheerleaders by his side.

Even if their brains might not be fully developed...

Noir took Kaede and Naomi as Students and diligently taught them swordsmanship. Unfortunately, their Basics was lacking, so he made them start from the beginning.

Noir found the profession of pirate hunting quite interesting.

Killing pirates and collecting bounties from the Marine was a good way to make money. When he set sail in the future, he could use this title for adventures.

Noir didn't have much affection for pirates. Unless forced into a corner or provoked, he would never willingly become a pirate.

In this vast ocean, there are pirate crews like Luffy's, but they are rare.

As for being a Marine officer, Noir wasn't interested.

Although it's stable and safe, working for the corrupt World Government and cleaning up after the Celestial Dragons? No way.

If Noir ever met those Celestial Dragons, he wouldn't be able to resist drawing his sword and slaying them. Protecting them was out of the question.

And forget about overthrowing the government from within for justice and protecting the people.

Noir knew he wasn't a good person.

He was selfish. As long as his loved ones were happy, that was enough. The righteous conduct of Marine officers didn't suit him at all.

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