Online Game: Starting with an SSS-Level Plundering Talent

Chapter 92: Chapter 92: The Wind Sword Emerges, Blood for Blood

Chapter 92: Chapter 92: The Wind Sword Emerges, Blood for Blood

The two fought fiercely, evenly matched, with neither able to gain the upper hand.

John, however, didn't linger on the battle between the two masters; instead, he began searching for Tracy.

Not having seen her, he grew increasingly concerned for her safety.

The sounds of combat raged around him.

As John moved through the battlefield with a calm, almost leisurely gait. Any enemy who came too close was swiftly and brutally dealt with.

Finally, he found Tracy kneeling beside a pile of bodies.

She was desperately pressing down on the gaping wound in the chest of a middle-aged woman who was barely clinging to life, trying to stop the relentless flow of blood.

"Auntie, please hold on, you're going to be okay..." Tracy's voice trembled with fear and helplessness, her eyes red from crying as she cast healing spells over and over again, hoping against hope to save the woman.

Seeing this, John's heart ached. He knelt beside Tracy and gently spoke, "Tracy, it's no use. Her heart's been pierced; healing spells can't bring her back."

Healing magic could close wounds and mend injuries, but it couldn't resurrect the dead.

The woman's lips curled into a faint, sorrowful smile as she weakly nodded to Tracy, acknowledging the inevitable before the light in her eyes faded away.

"Why, old man? Why did they hurt her? Auntie was a good person, they were all good people..." Tracy sobbed uncontrollably, collapsing into John's arms.

John could only sigh in frustration and sorrow. This ordeal was a harsh lesson for Tracy. But it was nothing compared to the horrors the future would bring.

When the gods descended and the Dark Humans' armies and monster tides invaded, the battles would be far more brutal, with countless lives lost in the struggle to defend their world.

"Tracy," John said, lifting her chin so she could meet his eyes, "You need to remember this: only by becoming strong can you protect yourself and those you care about."

Tracy gazed at John, wiping away her tears as a newfound resolve took hold. "I understand now, old man. I know what I need to do."

With renewed determination, she moved to the edge of the battlefield and began chanting softly, casting a powerful group healing spell.

The battle-worn disciples suddenly felt a warm light envelop them, and their wounds began to heal significantly. They glanced gratefully at Tracy, their spirits lifted. With renewed

confidence, they threw themselves fully into the fight, striking at the enemies with everything they had.

Tracy's presence turned the tide of the battle. With their injuries tended to and their worries eased, the Blues Family disciples fought without hesitation, unleashing their full fury on the enemy forces.

John watched her from a distance, a mixture of pride and sorrow in his heart.

But John knew that they all needed to grow stronger.

Especially Tracy. She had been sheltered for too long, and only through witnessing the bloodshed and loss of those close to her could she truly find the will to become stronger.

As the battle raged on, the Blues Family disciples, fueled by their fury, unleashed a relentless assault on the fighters from the five families. The tide had turned in their favor.


Suddenly, a thunderous explosion echoed through the forest-there were still snipers!

John's heart skipped a beat as he quickly looked over to Tracy.

Thankfully, she was unharmed. However, in the sky, a figure was sent flying backward by the impact.

It's Chris.

This is bad!

John's expression darkened. Chris wasn't just a leader; he was the symbol of the Blues Family's strength and resolve. If he fell, their morale would crumble.

"Grandfather!" Tracy cried out, rushing to Chris's side. She immediately began casting her healing spells, trying to assess and treat his injuries.

"Hahaha, Chris, what good is your strength now? You're still no match for modern weapons!" Harry cackled maniacally, his face twisted with rage as he launched a deadly attack towards Chris and Tracy.

In a flash, John appeared in front of them, his presence radiating with overwhelming power. With a clenched fist, he struck at Harry with all his might.


With a single punch, Harry's staff shattered into pieces. Blood spurted from his mouth as he was sent flying backward.

He struggled to his feet, wiping the blood from his lips, his eyes filled with fear as he stared at John. His voice trembled as he demanded, "Who are you?"

John's aura gave away no signs of martial arts training, yet his strength was terrifying.

He recalled the legendary state of "Returning to Simplicity".

A realm where a practitioner appears no different from an ordinary person, yet with a simple gesture, they can unleash devastating power capable of destroying everything in their path.

A thought struck him with terror. "Are you from the Azure family?" he blurted out.

The Azure family?

John was puzzled. He had never heard of such a family before.

"I'm alright," Chris's voice came from behind, his left arm bloodied from a bullet wound. Thankfully, his internal energy had protected his vital points, leaving him with only a minor


"You've done enough, my friend. This one's mine. I will make him pay for what he's done!" Chris roared, pushing Tracy aside as he charged at Harry once more.

"Damn it!" Harry cursed under his breath, engaging Chris in combat again, though his eyes never left John, his caution now doubled.

He had mistaken John for a member of the powerful and secretive Azure family. After witnessing John's incredible strength, all thoughts of continuing the fight had evaporated. He was now only focused on escaping.

"You cowardly old bastard, too late to be afraid now!" Chris shouted angrily, sensing Harry's hesitation.

Both men were injured, but Chris's wounds were worse. Despite this, he now had the upper hand, driving Harry back with relentless attacks.

"Chris, you got lucky this time. Retreat!" Harry shouted, desperation in his voice. He shot a wary glance at John before turning to flee.


Another deafening gunshot echoed, causing everyone's heart to skip a beat. The sniper rifle's

power was immense.

But this time, it was Harry who was thrown into the air, a bullet tearing through him from


Sini stood behind him, holding the smoking sniper rifle.

"Die!" Chris roared, his killing intent surging. In an instant, he was upon Harry, his sword dancing as it coiled around the old man's neck.


Blood sprayed, and a severed head rolled across the ground, leaving a long trail of blood in its


Harry's body remained standing for a moment, his hand weakly reaching up as if to beg for


"Leave no one alive!" Chris spat, kicking the lifeless body to the ground. His sword hummed as he plunged back into the fray, cutting down the remaining enemies.

Screams of terror filled the air.

With the death of their leader, the Griffin Family's will to fight was utterly shattered. Their

disciples, overwhelmed by fear, began to flee in disarray.

"Sini, make sure Tracy stays safe," John instructed Sini before diving headfirst into the enemy


"John, take these!" Sini called out, tossing two daggers to him.

She then picked up two assault rifles from the ground, quickly reloading them and began

firing at the retreating enemies with relentless precision.

The power of firearms was still formidable.

But against higher-level monsters and strong opponents, they lost their effectiveness. By the

time creatures reached the seventh tier and above, they were no longer vulnerable even to

heavy weaponry.

Only by increasing their strength through the world of Gods could they hope to withstand the impending invasions of Dark Humans and the monster tide armies.


The battle soon ended, leaving the stench of blood hanging thick in the air, with the ground littered with corpses.

The enemy was almost entirely annihilated, with only a handful managing to escape. John's expression was grim. After this battle, the secret of fusing attributes from the world of Gods into reality would be impossible to keep hidden.

The surviving Blues Family members, their eyes red with grief, began to scour the battlefield, searching for the bodies of their fallen relatives.

This battle had claimed the lives of over 27,000 enemies.

But the Blues Family had lost over 12,000 of their own, most of whom were the family

members of the warriors-ordinary people.

The survivors gathered, their eyes burning with a thirst for vengeance, as they awaited Chris's


Once the battle ended, Chris had immediately rushed to the back of the mountain.


Suddenly, a humming sound filled the air as a blue-green light shot skyward from the rear of

the mountain, stirring up a powerful wind.

"It's The Wind Sword! The Wind Sword has appeared!"

"The old master has drawn The Wind Sword!"

"The Wind Sword is here-Heaven is watching over the Blues Family!"

The crowd erupted in cheers, falling to their knees in reverence as they gazed at the pillar of

blue-green light.

John, curious and confused, turned to Tracy and asked, "Tracy, what is The Wind Sword?"

Tracy, her mouth slightly agape in shock, struggled to find her voice. When she finally spoke,

she explained, "Old man, The Wind Sword is a weapon left by the founder of the Blues Family. After our ancestor passed, the sword was sealed in the mountain, and for centuries, no one has been able to draw it-until now. I can't believe Grandpa has done it..."

Her cheeks flushed with excitement and joy, just like the rest of the Blues Family disciples.

At that moment, Chris appeared, leaping down from the mountain, holding the glowing three-foot The Wind Sword, that shimmered with an intense, sharp light.

It was also a soft sword.

His expression was grave as he looked over the bodies of the fallen Blues Family members.

The Wind Sword sliced across his arm, and his blood splattered onto the ground. His voice, cold and resolute, echoed through the crowd, "A blood debt must be paid in blood!"

"A blood debt must be paid in blood!" The Blues Family disciples shouted in unison, slashing their wrists and letting their blood spill onto the already blood-soaked earth. Even Tracy, her face resolute, pulled out a dagger and bit her lip as she cut her own wrist.

The atmosphere was charged with an overwhelming killing intent, and even John couldn't help but feel a chill run down his spine.

He recalled the previous life when the Blues Family had faced the Dark Humans. They had fought to the last man, with no one fleeing or surrendering.

The Blues Family had no cowards, not even among the ordinary family members. "Young man, there's nothing more for you here. You should return to the world of Gods,"

Chris said, turning to John.

John understood what Chris intended to do, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of concern.

Chris continued, "Don't worry, there's no one left who can challenge me now!"

His voice was filled with confidence.

"Move out!" With that command, Chris led the remaining eight thousand Blues Family

members out of the mountain gate in a mighty procession.

"Sini," John called out, and she looked at him questioningly. As Peter's goddaughter, she was

also considered part of the Blues Family.

John nodded, "Go ahead."

Sini didn't hesitate any further. She took Tracy's hand and followed the Blues Family

members as they left Cloud Mountain.

The Blues Family still had about two thousand ordinary family members left. They began

carving gravestones, preparing to bury their fallen kin.

John stood off to the side, gazing at the pile of corpses that had accumulated into a small

mountain. These were the bodies of their enemies, carelessly heaped together.

He raised his hand, and a massive fireball shot out, engulfing the pile of bodies.


The fire spread, its intense heat quickly reducing the corpses to ashes.

After finishing this task, John returned to his quarters and reconnected to the world of Gods.

He reappeared on the city wall.

The roars of beasts echoed around him. The beast army had already joined the fray, and

powerful fourth- and fifth-tier monsters were attacking below.

The battle to defend the city was nearing its end.

"Brother-in-law!" Armstrong spotted John and hurried over, asking, "How is the Blues


"The invading enemies have been completely wiped out, but the Blues Family also suffered

significant losses..." John's tone was heavy as he briefly recounted what had happened.

Armstrong trembled, his eyes reddening with anger. "Those scum! They even attacked innocent people!"

John placed a comforting hand on his shoulder and said, "The old master has already avenged us. The five families will pay dearly for what they've done."

Armstrong took a deep breath, suppressing the fury in his heart, and his expression gradually


"By the way, is the Azure Family also an Ancient Martial Arts Family?" John asked, recalling how the Griffin Family patriarch had mistaken him for a member of the Azure Family. "What?" Armstrong exclaimed, his face showing fear as he trembled. "The Azure Family has


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