Pause System: Harem In The Apocalypse

131 Chapter 130

[User: Gray Caliber]

[Level: 5]

[XP required to level up: 810/1000]

[Would you like to see stats?]

'Not right now.' Gray dismissed the screen which appeared before him.

He leapt around from tree to tree, scanning the large jungle for any edible plants he could find.

So far, everything they had seen was either poisonous or just unedible as a whole.

Gray who had been on the constant move for the past few minutes suddenly came to a stop, allowing tired Delta to catch up.

Through the top of one of the tree's branches, he looked down only to find a ferocious animal, eyeing down its prey.

A giant orange-and-black-striped cat with large fangs poking out of it's mouth. It was prowling around as it glared at the Python slithering ahead of it.

Delta who had finally caught up to him, stopped and stared at it with sparkling eyes. She had a look of a predator on her face, wanting to do nothing but eat it.


The giant tiger was scary, but the hunger they were feeling in their stomachs... That was something else.

Delta placed both hands on the hilt of her katanas before getting into the position to attack, but just as she leapt to strike it down - she was paused.

She was suspended in the air, unable to move not even a muscle.

Gray had given her a slight touch just before she leapt and paused her.

But why?

Through the corner of her eyes, she watched as Gray leapt across to the other tree, above the tiger who was prowling around.

Slowly ducked down and grabbed onto the tree branch before hanging off of it as if it were a bar.

Placing both legs on a platform of pause air beneath him, he grasped her third katana which he had yet to return, and waited for the perfect opportunity.


The tiger leapt at the water, biting at the giant python's lengthy body. The giant python reacted a split second after, snapping towards the tiger with it's venomous fangs.

The tiger who was twice it's size and one step ahead, swayed to the side, avoiding it's fangs before biting into it's neck.

The python seemed to struggle, desperately as it wailed around in the water, but the tiger did not let go.

It dug its fangs in deeper and deeper as the python wrapped it's body around it.


The tiger tore the python's head, right out of it's body, causing it's grip to loosen and for it to drop.

Once it proved that it was one of the top predators in the jungle, it began to carry said Python's body away with it towards the trees.


Before it could so much as even cover five steps however, it's eyes widened blood suddenly gushed out of it's head.

The edge of a long blade had entered through the back and was now protruding from the front of it's head.

The life in it's eyes faded shortly after, before it collapsed, not knowing what had happened.

[You have slain a giant tiger.]

[You have gained 30 XP]

[XP required to level up: 840/1000]

Gray who had appeared above it, pulled the katana out before turning to Delta and saying. "Unpause."




The group had stopped and set up a campfire to rest next to a clean river.

Dimly lit dark flames rampaged on the countless sticks which had gathered, smoking and cooking up the meat of the two monsters which had been killed.

They had been skinned and cleaned properly, the only process left was to wait for them to finish cooking.

While Gray watched the meat roast, he almost appeared to druel. Delta who sat across him, kept her eyes on the meat, with a rather serious expression.

She was making sure no insects would get on the meat whilst also cooking it up just right with the flames.

There was also a bowl filled with river water beside her, cooling off after having been boiled and sterilised.

Gray didn't have his sterilising bottle, but as far as they knew, boiling the water would kill the bacteria and steriise,

​ Every second felt like an enternity to them.

The smell of cooking had drawn quite a lot of monsters and predators to the area, but the moment any of them were spotted, they would be instantly killed by Gray.

Yes, instant. Gray was strangely alert, it was to the point where every little sound or sudden movement within the vast, quiet jungle ticked him off.

If so much as a tiny snake appeared, it would get impaled by his blade through pause step and added to the meat collection.

Was this solely because of the hunger? No, Gray had gone through much worst. He was just looking forward to finding out what meat from the other world tasted like.

It reached the point where he had acquired over 50 XP from kills alone. It was a god method for levelling and he would definitely keep it in mind for the future.

[XP required to level up: 865/1000]

"It's done." Said Delta as she gulped.

That was all he needed to hear.

The two, each grabbed onto a piece of tiger meat before biting down on it.

The roasted flesh was torn easily, before being chewed down relentlessly on the inside of Gray's mouth.

As soon as he was done chewing, he swallowed and then hung his head.

Delta had the same reaction.

"..." Gray's mouth twitched. "...So fucking GOOOD!!!" He suddenly yelled out.

Delta who was too busy savouring the taste had not heard a single word he said.

She simply began to hastily munch on the remaining piece of meat on her hand before glancing over at the rest, and cutting off another piece with her sterilised blade.

The cold breeze which blew by was helping the bowls of water around cool down, making it not long before they could finally get their drinks.

"This is so fucking good!!!" Gray cried out with a joyful expression as he took one bite after the other.

Whilst the two happily munched away the sun slowly began to rise.

Red glaring eyes, popped out through the bushes from amongst the jungle, it was another animal drawing closer.

Gray's eyes widened, his irises resembled black holes as he turned towards the source. The sheer bloodlust he released as he dared that monster to take another step forward, forced chills to rush down it's spine.

He had a look that suggested that he would eat it without a moment's delay.

After doing so, the glaring eyes faded from the shadow and Gray grabbed a bowl of water before chugging it down.

It was warm, but it tasted great.




Gray and Delta moved throughout the jungle.

Hours and hours passed by, and yet the numbers of obstacles they encountered hadn't lightened up for not even a second.

But none of the challenges had stopped them.

They rested on top of the three branches to stay safe whenever they needed a break.

They had their attention alert to small venomous insects which could knock them out from a single bite.

They made sure to hunt any animals or monsters which seemed edible whenever they desired food.

It wasn't long before almost 12 hours had passed.

During the time they were making their moves, the new Horned Queen and Horned Ones were also making their move.

They began to prepare even more fleets, and ready themselves to head back to planet earth.

Completely unaware of this, the group was soundly asleep in the local inn Ruby had registered them to.

They were in a large traditional style room with eight mats and some old furniture.

"So it's custom for people to walk around with weapons here..." Violet muttered as she glanced around.

Every now and then a person carrying a sword, knives or a spear would pass by them. They had gotten used to the sight since it was rather frequent.

The only problem was the stares that they were getting.

Even with the prosphetic horns on their heads, the horned civilians still seemed to notice that something was off.

But that wasn't the most concerning matter at hand.

The concerning matter was the fact that Ruby had yet to return.

"I wonder where Ruby is..." Aurora muttered.

"She's a princess, she's probably dealing with her kingdom related matters..." Said Ria, visibly annoyed by something.

Her brows were stuck together in a frown and her arms were crossed.

"What's gotten you in a bad mood?" Lara asked as she rolled over to her.

"That thing that I did... To find Gray... I haven't been able to do it again..." She muttered, her arms trembling. "I can't see for sure whether or not he's safe." She said.

"Gray is alive." Lita replied in her cold monotonous voice.

"And she's back." Violet muttered to herself before glancing over at her.

Lita's eyes were shut and a strange aura radiated around her.

"However his safety is questionable."




"First druid wolves and now this? This world really doesn't hold back, does it...?"

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