Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 397 After Everything I Did For You!?

Paladin hummed as he thought about what he just saw from both the creator and Han Luo. If Han Luo was going all this way to challenge us, then I think it would be best that I answered in kind. I’ve seen everything that I need to see from both the creator and Han Luo to realize that the creator isn’t going to raise a single finger to help us in the coming fight and that is fine by me. We already survived against a lot of things without the creator and this will just be another case of survival. And I’m sure that once Han Luo gets to the Celestial plane, we will be ready for him.

Paladin got off his seat and put his welding gloves on once again before he walked into his lab to finish his work.

Back in the celestial plane, the thirtieth floor was finally peaceful once more as there wasn’t a sound to be heard from anyone on the floor. Han Luo looked around and he saw that there were hundreds of scorch marks and destroyed areas because of him and the creator! The creator’s lightning as well as Han’s supernova almost destroyed this floor. Han sighed in annoyance as he just floated away from the area and started to move towards the ground. Once Han landed on the ground, he activated his [Shadow Travel] skill and sunk into the ground. this floor was already ruined and there was nothing that Han could do about it. A least, Han was sure that this wasn’t a residential floor. People just come here to hunt for monsters to increase their skills, so it should be fine even though the floor is inhabitable.

Han appeared out of Gregory’s shadow and he noticed that they were not alone. Gregory was standing right in front of thousands of people who were all shouting and screaming in anger! Han rose a brow and then he looked toward Gregory. What the hell is going on here?

Gregory was a little surprised when he noticed Han’s magic signature in his shadow, but he was glad that Han came back so fast! At least Gregory was sure that Han wasn’t hurt on floor thirty. The floor that they were on now was floor fifty. Gregory and Yggrain were standing in front of the large crowd of chosen that were all shouting at them in anger! It almost seemed like they wanted to riot!

Once Han appeared from Gregory’s shadow, the screams and angry shouting got even louder and angrier! They were all talking over each other so Han couldn’t even get out a single thing that they were fucking saying! Han immediately asked Gregory what the problem was and Han rose a brow in shock once he heard what Gregory said.

“The chosen down here all think that you’re the one that caused the lightning storm that killed Raphael. They saw you flying on floor thirty even when no one else could fly and they immediately thought that you were the reason why their powers were cut off for so long. Since you were the only one with any skills active, they immediately assumed that you caused the lightning storm They’re even threatening to rebel or something stupid like that.”

You’ve got to be kidding me, Han thought in disbelief. He turned to look at the crowd when one of them suddenly started to shout even louder than the others. It was a short, stubby man that had one of his two front teeth missing. He pointed one of his short hands at Han while screaming at the top of his lungs!

“This bastard king just wants all the power for himself! The Messiah, Raphael, said it too! King Han is nothing but a tyrant that wants to hoard all the power in the temple! We won’t stand for this!!”

What in the everlasting fuck is wrong with these people? Han turned around with the most annoyed glare he has ever given anyone and he activated his bloodlust!

[Bloodlust] has been activated at 5% capacity!


The entire crowd of people immediately shut up as they fell to their asses from the shockwave that blew across the entire area! There wasn’t a single voice to be heard and thousands of chosen just stared up in shock at Han. Sometimes, Han wonders if the chosen down here even have any brains at all!

“Are you all idiots?”

Han’s voice was low and insulting and he didn’t release his bloodlust as he continued! In fact, he started to steadily increase his bloodlust as he addressed them!

“What exactly do you all think you will achieve by doing something so stupid? Do you think I was the one that killed Raphael? So what!? What the hell are you going to do about it, you fucking idiots!? Fight me!?”


Han began the process to activate the [Supernova] skill and all the chosen there looked up in fear as a giant swirling ball of fire that looked like a sun appeared over their heads! It was vibrating and spinning around it’s axis to show them that it was fucking close to detonating!

“Well then, if you feel like you can fight me, step forward! Or maybe you all feel like you can gang up on me and take me down if you’re working together! You think that the fucking power of friendship will allow you to win!?”

Han didn’t even activate a skill this time, he didn’t need to do anything because all the chosen there could immediately feel the presence that appeared in their shadows. Thousands upon thousands of Shadow Hunters that Han placed in the shadows of every fucking chosen there! The shadow hunters opened their eyes and just stared at the chosen for a moment before they went back into hiding again. The chosen could no longer see the shadow hunters, but they all knew that they were there. One stupid move would be the end of them! The display of power completely shocked everyone! Even Gregory and Paravell were shocked! Han was able to create that many shadow Hunters!? And from what Gregory could feel, each shadow hunter was at least a black star!

Han spread his hands out and continued.

“Well!? What the hell are you going to do!? Isn’t anyone going to stand up and become the hero that you all need!? Won’t you come and kill the villain of your story? Of course not! Because no matter what you try, you’re not going to be able to do anything at all! You just don’t get it, do you!? I don’t fucking need a single one of you! If I had a choice, I would leave you all behind and use you as breakfast for my familiar for the stupid shit you just pulled! How dare you try to betray me!!? ME!!? After everything, I fucking did for you!!”

As Han spoke, his anger started becoming more obvious and the chosen there slowly realized that they truly messed up. Any small trigger would make Han unleash hell on them at that moment! Han was pissed at them!

As Han said the word familiar, he felt a nudge in his senses from Orochimaru and he realized that the snake could feel his emotions and it was also getting agitated. Han opened a portal beside him and allowed Orochimaru to come down to the fiftieth floor.

“What the actual fuck is that!?”

“Holy shit!! It’s a snake! A giant snake!”

“It’s fucking huge!!”

Things like these were shouted out by the chosen that saw the snake and a lot of them suddenly started to crawl backward in fear. Even Gregory was shocked when he saw Orochimaru. He knew that Han got himself a familiar, but seriously, Han? You couldn’t get a normal familiar? Like a wolf or even something? Where does Han find things like these?

Orochimaru hissed in agitation as it slithered out from the portal! It could feel its master’s emotions and it was angry that someone made his master so annoyed! It would destroy anyone that did this to his master!

Orochimaru was an extremely long snake so when he slithered out of the portal, he was able to move around the entire crowd of gathered chosen and surround them with his body. The chosen all huddled up together to try and avoid touching him as much as possible, but that just gave Orochimaru enough space to surround them even more!

Once he was done surrounding them once, he rose his head from beside them, looked down at them with a glare, and hissed!


“No, you can’t eat them. Not yet,”

Han spoke up from the front while massaging his brow in a slow circular motion. He was getting a headache because of these idiots. Han doesn’t remember the last time that he was so angry.


Another hiss echoed through the floor and Han rose a brow.

“Really? Is that even possible?”

Orochimaru just said that he can swallow the chosen without eating them. He would just hold them in his stomach for a while and regurgitate them after a few days to teach them a lesson. Han almost agreed to it because it seemed like a damn good suggestion and he saw how the chosen all screamed when Orochimaru started to open its large black mouth.

But a hand tapped Han on his shoulder and Han turned to see Gregory shaking his head. Gregory didn’t think that the crimes warranted this much punishment from Han. Han gave Gregory a serious look, but when he saw that Gregory wasn’t going to back down from this, he finally relented and called off Orochimaru. Orochimaru hissed once again as he closed his jaw and slowly slithered away from the chosen.

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