Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 367 Chasing Conflict

On the eastern side of the Xian territory was a large peninsula filled with tall houses that were surrounded by a large circular wall. The houses and walls were all on a large plateau and they are very similar to the houses you would see in Chinese mythology and stories. The sky was filled with many strange beasts, from large Phoenix that had more than a ten feet wing span to tiny sparrows with red eyes and sharp teeth. In the Xian territory, beasts and creatures were very different and all of them were at least black star level!

There was a meeting being held inside one of the houses on the peninsula. The main house was the tallest there and the leader of the Xian lived at the very top of the main house. Inside his office, he was seated in a seiza position behind a low table as he looked at the person sitting opposite him with a blank gaze. The leader of the Xian Race was known as Tibet. He is Taurus’ father and he is a GrandMaster of cultivation who was in the fourth realm. He is the strongest Xian and he is also one of the strongest Celestials!

Opposite him were two people who were sitting with different expressions on their faces. To his right was Paladin. Paladin had a closed-eyes smile on his face as he sat with his legs crossed and his palms on his knees. He was looking straight at the leader of the Xian Race calmly as the tense atmosphere in the room just got more and more intense.

The third person in the room was sitting to the left of Tibet. This person is Yggrain. Yggrain had a frown on his face as he looked at the two people who were staring each other down. Both of them were powerhouses that had a lot of control in the celestial plane. Tibet and Paladin were both very strong and even though Tibet was a little stronger than Paladin, he would not be able to fight Paladin without losing some body parts at least. It would be horrible if they fight here. The both of them were not even releasing any power, but Yggrain could feel intense pressure in the room. He knew that they were one moment away from launching an attack.

The reason why Yggrain came along with Paladin for this meeting was that Yggrain knew how uptight the Xian was. The Xian hated interactions with the other races and they tried not to be involved with them at all. Yggrain wanted to act as an intermediary between the two of them so that a fight would not break out. But now that things were already this tense, was there anything he could do?

The leader of the Xian spoke up.

“What did you say that you wanted? I don’t think I heard you properly,”

Paladin gave him that same cheeky smile that Yggrain knew would always cause problems. Paladin was not even a leader in the celestial plane, but his power was not something that they can ignore. The other leaders did not like him because he always went around doing whatever he wanted and they couldn’t do him because of his close ties to all the races. Basically every race was indebted to him and Paladin wasn’t afraid to use them however he wanted.

“I need you to mobilize an army. There is a problem coming our way, a big problem. That problem is probably going to come to the celestial plane in less than ten months. I need you to prepare for a battle,”

、 Tibet’s eye twitched.

“And what sort of problem could possibly require that I mobilize the entire forces of the Xian? Don’t tell me you are still obsessed with that Han Luo. I have heard from other leaders that you have been going around and telling – no, you’ve been commanding them to prepare an army for you. If you think that the Xian would fear a mere mortal then you are a fool.”



The tension in the room suddenly increased by three times and Yggrain almost coughed out in shock! He looked towards Paladin and he saw that Paladin’s smile was now strained! There was a vein popping out from his forehead and he looked like he would kill someone very soon! Yggrain quickly spoke up before things could get even tenser! This is exactly why he came along with Paladin! He knew that Paladin won’t be able to talk to the Xian without someone getting into a fight!

The Xian were all very prideful but so was Paladin and Paladin was the sort of person that loved it when people did exactly what he said! Those two personalities don’t mix at all! If Paladin gets angry then he could easily start a fight with the Xian and he would have support from all of the Thinkers! And the Xian won’t back down and they would also fight! That means a simple disagreement here can lead to an all-out war between two major races.

“Okay. Let’s calm down! We didn’t come here to fight, we came to form an alliance so we can fight someone else!”

Yggrain looked towards Paladin and he gave Paladin a nod. Paladin scoffed in annoyance before he allowed Yggrain to take over the talk. Paladin knew he would only get angrier if he continues talking to Tibet. In Paladin’s eyes, Tibet was a stuck-up old-fashioned fool and Paladin would never get along with him! In fact, Paladin would never be able to get along with anyone in the Xian Race! He didn’t like any of them because they were always trying to keep their affairs secret. Paladin had very little influence here because the Xian didn’t allow any outsider technology or innovations to enter their territory. They lived alone and they survived alone!

If they allowed me to bring my tech in here then I could have made them more dependent on me. At least I won’t have to go through this whole talk and I could just threaten them into agreeing! This was what Paladin thought and he was right. If he had his technology in this dimension, he could have easily threatened and strong-armed the Xian into following him! But they were so backward that it was annoying!

As Yggrain and Tibet continued their talk. Paladin suddenly perked up in mild surprise. He could sense someone coming from a great distance away. It wasn’t a power that he recognized at first but after some time, he rose a brow as he knew who it was. Tibet and Yggrain also stopped talking because they could sense the person coming. Is that not Taurus?


Han was flying towards the main settlement of the Xian. The Xian Race lived on a mountain range that reached all the way into the sky. Han followed Gretha as they flew up into and past the clouds and they arrived at the top to see ten mountain tops and plateaus poking through the clouds in front of them. All the plateaus had houses and training grounds on them. These were the places where the Xian stayed to meditate and improve their Qi refinement. All of the young Xians would stay here for a long time before they would be allowed to start any real training. Han could already see some of the Xians there looking up at him. They could all see him and they recognized him as the son of their leader!

“Is that not Taurus? He’s back!?”

“And his power is enormous! He is a saint already!”

“He even brought a maid back with him? I thought he would have killed all of them already. Haha~”

Things like these were floating around the space and Han easily heard them all and ignored them! He didn’t have time to mingle with them and he knew that they would just waste his time! Even though Han was here now, he was on a strict time limit! He only had about eleven minutes before he would have to leave this body so he can’t waste time on pointless things! Han decided that he would go around this area for about three minutes and then he would start going to another dimension. If he runs into any problems, Han was sure he could just ignore them since they all think that he is –

Han stopped in his thoughts as a feeling suddenly hit him! Han’s senses were already very strong and he could hear, see and feel things that were miles away! Right now, Han could feel that some people were looking directly at him! Even though they weren’t in front of him. Han knew they were looking at him! But the reason why Han stopped was because he could also see them and he knew that one of them was Paladin! What? Paladin is in the Xian territory? What is he doing here!?

There was a feeling of intense anger that surrounded Han once he saw Paladin. He still remembers what Paladin did in the temple and his anger was uncontrollable! Paladin put Han’s family at risk and they almost died because of this bastard! No matter what Paladin is doing here, it can’t be good. I know that Pasdin would be planning something. He told me that he would come back to the temple and he would try to get my son again. Should I just leave him to do what he wants? No. I need to find out what he is trying to do! It could be dangerous for everyone in the temple if I just let him go here.

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