Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 369 Change Of Plans

“A problem? What problem?”

Han showed an expression of genuine confusion to make them believe he was curious. Taurus has been in secluded training for years and it would be strange if he suddenly knew all about Han Luo. Tibet explained things to his son and told Taurus that Paladin was chasing after a mortal. Tibet tried his best to ridicule Paladin as he said that Paladin was scared of a mere mortal when Paladin himself was immortal. Why would the celestial be afraid of one man? Should they not just kill him?

“I doubt you are in any position to question my proposal, Tibet. If I tell you this man is dangerous then believe that he is dangerous. What is the point of being immortal if a mortal can still kill us?”

This news shocked Tibet and Paladin smiled. This is the reaction he has been waiting for. No matter how uptight Tibet is, there is no way that a celestial will be okay with this. Yggrain wasn’t shocked by the news but he was still skeptical. He still felt like it shouldn’t be possible for a mortal to kill them. If he didn’t already know what happened to the Scientist that went to try and get Han from the temple before, he wouldn’t believe it at all. To think that Han Luo can kill celestials. It is unbelievable.

For a short moment, nobody said anything. Han narrowed his eyes and watched each of them closely. So it was still news to them that I can kill them? Is it that they don’t want to believe it? I’ve already killed two Celestials before and they are just knowing about it now?

But even though Han was thinking like this inside his mind, he showed an expression of shock on his face that he thought Taurus would make in this kind of situation! He looked towards Paladin and spoke.

“You say he can kill us? Should that be possible? Shouldn’t the creator be doing something about this?”

Tibet sighed. His son has been away for a long time so they cannot blame him for not knowing.

“The creator has been silent for months. I don’t think he intends to do anything about Han Luo. He is just going to allow him to do whatever he wants. If you ask me, I think the creator is planning something as well,”

Han was surprised. So the creator was also silent? I thought that the creator would be one of the most active in trying to fight me. Doesn’t he want to get rid of me because of all the things I’ve done? There are only four more floors before I can come here permanently. That creator has to know that I’m coming for him. If he is as omnipotent as they claim he is, he can probably see everything that is happening in the temple and he knows what my plans are. But then, why is he silent? Is he really planning something?

Paladin saw the contemplative face that Taurus had and he thought that he had finally gotten Taurus on his side! That is good! At least Taurus can convince his stupid father to join me. If Taurus is half as smart as people give him credit for, he will understand the gravity of the situation and en will help me to convince his father.

Taurus nodded while turning towards Yggrain.

“So you’re the reason why there have been a lot of species on the upper floors of the temple? They have been very beneficial to my cultivation.”

Yggrain shook his head.

“No. Actually, that was Raphael, the leader of the angels. He was the one that sent out those people to stop Han Luo. But there was a group that tried to betray him and Raphael easily killed all of them. I don’t know why he sent them though, people like that cannot stop Han Luo for any time at all,”

Oh, so that’s what happened to Kanna. Kanna was the girl that Han spared a long time ago and he allowed her and some of her people to live. But it turns out that it was just a waste of time. They were still killed by Raphael at the end of the day. How stupid.

Paladin and Yggrain were both waiting for Taurus to say something. Paladin waited for Taurus to support him in convincing his father, but instead of supporting him, Taurus asked a question of his own and Paladin looked at him in surprise.

“What will you do when you finally get to him? You say that he is just a mortal, right? He has to be important to you if you are going through all this trouble,”

The tension in the room increased again and Yggrain cursed inwardly! Why didn’t you just agree with him like everyone else!? Paladin hates it when people question him so much! Yggrain knew that Paladin was going through all of this because of a selfish desire to have Han Luo’s child as a test subject, but Paladin hasn’t told anyone about that and he was only telling people that Han Luo was dangerous. Will Paladin tell Taurus the reason for his actions or will he just get angry like usual? Yggrain tried to speak up and make Paladin calm down, but Paladin spoke before Yggrain could say anything.

“I intend to take his child and use it in an experiment. The creator already took away my right to have Han Luo himself, so the best thing I can ask for is his DNA. His child is the only living thing with his direct DNA, so I will take it and tear it into pieces for science,”

As Paladin was speaking, the tension in the room just continued to climb higher and higher! Yggrain could feel the air boiling and he noticed that the entire room was becoming one large sauna! He looked towards Taurus and he saw that Taurus was looking at Paladin with wide, terrifying eyes. Taurus looked like he was one moment away from blowing his gasket! What the hell is wrong!? Why is Taurus so angry!? It’s not like this is something new! Paladin always tries to experiment on interesting mortals and even the creator allows him to do whatever he wants!

But Taurus’ anger wasn’t reducing at all! Instead, it was increasing! There was a smirk on Paladin’s lips and his smile widened when Taurus spoke.

“I’m not surprised that you found out so quickly. The moment I entered, you were already suspicious, weren’t you? I suppose you are really as smart as people give you credit for,”

Paladin chuckled.

“Oh please, you flatter me. I just took the little hints you dropped and put them all together to come to a conclusion. You would be able to do the same thing, wouldn’t you… Han Luo,”

Yggrains eyes widened!

“What – !!!!!”

[Mine] has been activated!!


Before Yggrain could finish what he was saying, the entire room exploded in brilliant white light! The peninsula crumbled as the entire space was covered by the large explosion! The entire area around the house was also covered by the explosion and there wasn’t a single celestial in the mansion that wasn’t affected by the explosion!

The explosion that happened wasn’t only at the peninsula! All over the dimension, explosions rang out one after the other as the entire dimension started to blow up! There wasn’t a single place in the dimension that was spared! The skill [Mine] allowed Han to plant mines at any place he wanted. These mines would all be connected to him and they would only explode when he wanted them to! Han knew that if he was ever found out, it would be impossible for him to fight his way out of the celestial plane if there wasn’t a big accident that distracted them, so he has been placing mines inside the ground ever since he came here! There wasn’t a single part of the Xian territory that didn’t have a mine in it!

“W-Whats going on!? Rasy! Rasy, are you alive!? Wake up!”

“There’s a building on top of some of the students here! Come and help them!”

“Who the hell did this!? I’ll kill them!”

“I don’t even know what’s going on here!”

“Rasy’s dead! He actually died!! What’s going on!?”

Things like these were being shouted around the celestial plane as all the celestial were shocked by the explosion! None of them expected it and so they didn’t even have time to get out of the blast zone before they were blown to kingdom come! Some of the unlucky celestials were standing right on top of the explosion and so they were the ones that died immediately after the explosion went off!! Since it’s Han’s skill that was used to create the mine, that means that all the celestials that were gravely injured were killed!

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