Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 375 Orochimaru

As Rau came closer to where Gregory was working, Rau asked Gregory what he was looking for and Gregory told him that he would know once he sees it.

“There is something strange about them. They don’t feel… Normal. You felt it too, didn’t you?’

Rau couldn’t even deny it if he tried and he was shocked that Gregory noticed it so soon! All the Alcatraz members were too strong to be mere white stars.


Gregory’s eyes suddenly widened in shock as he saw something under the man’s shirt! Gregory grabbed the man’s shirt and tore it into two and the man shrieked in shock while crossing his hands across his chest! what the hell do you think you’re doing!?

Gregory rolled his eyes and slammed his fist into the man’s face! The man’s head slammed into the ground and the amount of force Gregory used was enough to knock him out cold! Gregory hated explaining himself so he didn’t even turn around to see the shocked looks on everyone’s faces. He just searched through the man’s body until he found what he was looking for and Gregory frowned when he exposed the extra star hidden on the man’s lower abdomen. It was a white star. What the hell is this gold star doing with a white star on him? And why does he even have two stars?

Gregory turned to Rau and showed him the star and Rau was also shocked! Having two stars was impossible in the temple so how did this man get an extra star? Rau immediately called another adventurer to bring a second Alcatraz member to him! The adventurers dragged the man to them and he dumped the man at Gregory’s feet. Gregory stood over and man and the man started to scoot back as he saw the glare on Gregory’s face!

Gregory was not happy at all and he wanted to know why the hell a chosen would be having two stars. Who gave them another star? Who is helping the Alcatraz guild to become stronger? And who else has these stars? It is possible that other chosen on the lower floors will also have these stars and it will be bad if those chosen start acting like the Alcatraz guild and killing people. Gregory asked the man these questions and when the man refused to answer, Gregory grabbed the Alcatraz members by the shirt and hoisted him up! Gregory spoke with a scowl

“Clench your teeth,”


Gregory slammed his fist into the man’s face and his head shot back as blood flew from his mouth! The man was shocked by the sudden hit! What the hell!? It felt like a metal rod slammed into his head! If I receive another one of those hits, won’t I just die!?

Gregory pulled his hand back and the man rose both hands!

“Okay! Okay! I’ll tell you where we got the star from! Just don’t hit me again!”

Gregory nodded and threw the man down and the man spat out a tooth from his mouth as he breathed heavily. Gregory wasn’t even trying to injure the man, but the difference in power was so great that only a small hit from Gregory was enough to knock the man’s teeth straight out! The man sighed in tiredness as he finally spoke.

“I don’t know who he is, but some man named Raphael gave them to us,”

Raphael? Gregory narrowed his eyes in confusion. He has never heard that name before. it doesn’t sound like any of the people Gregory has ever met on the top floors. Gregory turned back to Rau and asked Rau if Rau has ever heard of Raphael before and Rau also shook his head in the negative. Rau hasn’t even encountered anyone that was named that.

Gregory turned back to the man and asked him to explain more. Who the hell is Raphael and how was he able to give you that extra star? The man told Gregory that he didn’t even know what Raphael looked like and when Gregory tried to hit him for lying, the man screamed!

“I really don’t know, I swear!! I only met him with a blindfold on! He told us that we weren’t worthy of gazing upon him or some shit like that! He sounded like one of those stuck-up pricks that look down on everyone! If I saw him then I would tell you! His stupid boost didn’t even do much for us, we still lost in the end!”

Gregory gave the man another glare before he finally looked back. Gregory told the adventurers there to take the men away till he and Rau were finally alone again. Once the adventurers left, Gregory spoke to Rau in a quiet tone so that no one would hear him.

“I am not too sure about this, but I think this Raphael might be a Celestial. If he is telling chosen that they aren’t worthy to even look at him then he is probably one of those bastards,”

Rau couldn’t help but agree. It’s only a Celestial that would tell the chosen that they weren’t even worthy of looking at his face so they had to wear a blond fold. All the Celestials see chosen as cattle so they wouldn’t even want us to look directly at them. Gregory clicked his tongue in annoyance as he thought about this. The issue with that theory was the fact that the celestials weren’t allowed to come into the temple.

Ratte told all the kings that the creator prevented all the celestials from moving into the temple whole Han was on the top three floors. If the celestials couldn’t come in here then how in the world was Raphael able to come to the temple? And why is he giving a boost to the Alcatraz guild? Is he trying to make us fight against each other so that our forces will grow weaker? Or is he just trying to make us stop trusting each other?

“What should we do about this? I don’t think they are the only ones that have this extra star. If more people hear about it then it could cause a lot of issues on the lower floors. The people down there are desperate for power and they will definitely start flocking to Raphael for a boost as well,”

Rau said this to Gregory with a conflicted expression on his face. It was obvious that Raphael was trying to turn some of the chosen into enemies. Raphael is promising them power and all the chosen were eager for power. that was the entire reason they came to the temple in the first place! They came here to be the best and they will surely want more power by any means! Rau knew that they couldn’t let this happen but what will they do? The person with the highest authority here was Gregory so Rau had to wait and see what Gregory would do.

Gregory thought for a moment and he finally decided that it would be best to go and find this Raphael themselves. The most likely place where he would be was the lower floors so they would have to go down there and look for him. Gregory and the rest of the adventurers on the upper floors wouldn’t cause the lower floors too much damage if they go there so it would be okay for them to go down to even the first floor. Gregory knew that if it was someone like Han or Esteroth that was going down to the lower floors then they would damage the lower floors by just being there! Their power is just too great! But Gregory would be fine since he wasn’t as strong as them yet.

He turned to Rau.

“We’re going down to the lower floors. Get a team ready for us to leave by tomorrow. Make sure they’re all white stars or low-level black stars so we don’t cause too much damage to the lower floors. We’ll just carry out a quick search and we’ll leave if we don’t find anything,”

Gregory couldn’t allow Han’s army to be affected by this fucking idiot that calls himself Raphael. Gregory was going to go down to the lower floors and he will find Raphael himself.

Rau nodded to show that he agreed and he left to do as he was told.


Han opened his eyes inside his [Shadow World] and he smiled at the usual bright scenery. Everything that Han created in this world was growing and becoming better since Han came back from the celestial plane. There was a lot more land and the trees and oceans also expanded to cover more of his world. Han had been coming into his shadow world twice every day and he would train himself for hours inside here. Since four hours inside here was the same as one hour outside, Han was able to get more than enough training even if he only stays here for a short time.

But today, Han wasn’t here to train! Han was here for something more important! Han looked around till he saw the golden egg that the system had given him as a reward the last time and Han grinned when he saw the egg shake! This was one of the only good things that came from Han going to the celestial plane!

The egg that the system gave Han required him to kill a lot of people before it would hatch and Han thought that it would take a lot of time for him to kill enough people to hatch the egg! But thanks to that trip to the celestial plane, Han was able to kill more than enough people to get the egg to hatch! The fight that Han had with the celestials didn’t end the way Han wanted it to because of Gretha’s annoying interference, but at least it wasn’t a total waste of time for Han! Han was still able to finish this mission thanks to that trip!

Han went towards the locked golden egg and he saw a notification pop up immediately he was close enough!

[Locked Golden Egg [Epic Rank] – Number of souls needed before unlocking – 0/50,000.]

[The Host has successfully completed the criteria for unlocking the egg.]

The egg started to shake even more and Han waited patiently as he watched it crack, one of its sides finally broke and a small snake fell out of the egg! The snake was pure black with red eyes and it was barely a meter long. Its scales were shiny and they seemed to glow with multiple colors under the sunlight. Han rose a brow in mild surprise. When Han got the egg, he never expected the epic creature to be a snake! And he didn’t expect it to be so… Small!

Han bent down as he saw the snake raise its head to look at him with lidded eyes. There was a notification bar on top of the snake’s head and Han looked towards it.

Name – Nil

Level – 5000

Strength – 50,000

Stamina – 50,000

Agility – 50,000

Intelligence – 50,000

Rank – EPIC

Skills – Nil

[An Epic Rank creature with immense growth capabilities and unparalleled potential. It is currently nameless and skillless but it can learn and grow along with the host for the rest of his life.]

[Give the creature a name]

Han hummed as he looked into the red eyes of the snake and the snake seemed to ask him to name it. The snake hissed at Han and slithered over till it was close to Han’s hand and Han reached out and pet it absent-mindedly. Okay then, what would be a good name for a snake? I haven’t seen a lot of snake pets in mangas or animes that Rina showed me so it’s kinda hard to see which one would be good. Oh, but wasn’t there a folklore that I read once!? About that giant snake that went about swallowing girls! What was the name again? It was something with an O right?

Right! Orochimaru!! That seems like a good name.

Han nodded to show that he decided on that name and the system notification poppies up again.

[Host has successfully named the creature [Orochimaru]]

[The creature will not bond with the Host]


Han looked down with a raised brow as he felt a sting in his palm and he saw that the snake bit into his hand with its sharp fangs! Han smiled a little as he felt some of the snake’s venom entering his body and a notification popped up.

[Poison Immunity] has been activated

Han knew that his immunity would protect him so he wasn’t bothered by the bite. Han just hoped that the snake wouldn’t get poisoned by his blood! Han’s blood was very poisonous and the snake could die if it took in Han’s blood! But luckily, the snake didn’t take in any of Han’s blood and it extracted its fangs once it was done putting some of its venoms into Han!

[The Host has bonded with Orochimaru and will gain a telepathic connection with it.]


“Oh, so you can already talk!? That’s great,”

The voice that Han heard wasn’t from the snake’s mouth, but Han heard it inside his own head and Han was surprised that a newborn creature could already talk! But I guess that’s an Epic Rank for you! They’re just that impressive! After a while of petting the snake, Han finally decided that it was time to go and he stood up. The snake looked up curiously as Han brought up his hand and activated many skills.

[Shadow Hunter] has been activated

[Deaths Plaything] has been activated

[Supernova] has been activated

[Worlds End] has been activated

The snake tilted its head and slithered forward as it saw the entire world grow dark. It looked up and saw hundreds of meteorites falling at the same time. There was an explosion on the other side of the world and thousands of [Shadow Hunters] appeared around the Shadow World along with hundreds of giant monsters that were crawling out from the ocean. Orochimaru looked back at Han and asked him.

“Is thissss a tesssst?”

Han shook his head. Why the hell would he need to test Orochimaru? Orochimaru was an Epic Rank and Han was only a Unique rank. Orochimaru was a whole rank higher than Han! This wasn’t a test, it was practice! Even though Orochimaru was a higher ranking than Han, it was still pitifully weak because it hasn’t been in any battles yet. It needs to learn to fight and survive.

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