Power and Wealth

Chapter 140 –Rescue!

Dong Xuebing immediately used all 7 BACKs without hesitation. These were all the BACKs he saved over the past few days.

“Why is the bus not here yet? Is there a traffic jam?”

“Who knows? I think 2 buses will arrive together later. We should be able to find a seat later.”

The traffic on the road was heavy, and many people at the bus stop were complaining about their wait for the buses. This was precisely 7 minutes ago. Dong Xuebing was thinking about many things. He saw Xie Huilan not too long ago when he was having lunch. Qiaobei’s river was not too far away, and that little girl should have just fallen into the river now. There’s still time!

Dong Xuebing immediately took out his phone can call Xie Huilan.

Ring...... ring...... ring...... ring......

Please answer...... Quick...... Don’t go into the water......

Xie Huilan did not answer his call. The phone had rung for quite long, but no one was answering. Shit! Shit! Shit! Sister Xie must have thrown her phone by the riverbank and entered the water to save that girl. No....... Maybe she saw that girl fell into the water from afar and was rushing to save her. That’s why she did not answer her phone.

What should I do? What should I do?

Dong Xuebing almost threw his phone on the floor from his anxiousness.

No. I cannot let Sister Xie die. I must save her!

Although Dong Xuebing did not want to face it, deep in his heart, he lusts after Xie Huilan. This had nothing to do with or without Aunt Xuan. All men have lusts. That’s why when Dong Xuebing heard that Xie Huilan will be leaving this world soon, he lost his mind. He could not keep calm. He started running towards the direction of the river while calling Xie Huilan again.

Ring....... Ring...... ring...... No one was answering.

F**k! Dong Xuebing cursed and ran as fast as he could towards the East.

Wait for me. I will be there soon. Hang on!

Dong Xuebing did not know he could reach in time. What he could do now was to run as fast as possible. 50m...... 100m...... 200m...... 300m...... Suddenly, the word ‘seaweeds’ appeared in his mind. That old man mentioned that all the onlookers did not enter the water to save Sister Xie was because of the seaweeds. Even if Dong Xuebing reaches there in time, he also could not save her. He might also be drowned. He immediately looked around and saw a small general store nearby. He dashed into the store.

“Boss!” Dong Xuebing threw a 100 RMB bill on the counter. “Give me a knife!”

That boss was shocked and did not move.

Dong Xuebing had no time to waste. He took out his work pass and slams it on the counter. “Police! Give me a knife!”

That boss saw Dong Xuebing’s identification card and quickly took out a fruit knife from under the counter. There was still a piece of apple peel on it. “We do not sell knives here. This is for our own use. You......”

Dong Xuebing grabbed his work pass and the small knife and ran out. He continued to run towards the river.

After making a turn into a corner, Dong Xuebing continued running forward. There were rows of houses by the side. The main road outside was bustling, but this place was formerly a village and was quite secluded. That small river on the east was not well maintained. There were all sorts of rubbish and was full of seaweeds. Sister Xie should be passing by that area to get to the food street on the opposite bank. Dong Xuebing quickly estimates the location where Xie Huilan drowned and planned the route in his mind.

I must get there in time!

500m...... 600m...... 700m......

Almost 3 minutes had passed. In another 3 minutes, that old man will be calling him to notify him about Xie Huilan’s death.

Hurry up! Dong Xuebing, why are you so slow? Run faster!

3 minutes and 15 seconds......

3 minutes and 30 seconds......

Suddenly Dong Xuebing could see the end of the row of houses. Dong Xuebing had gone to the food street here several times during his university’s days. He had walked on this route before and knew after these houses, he will reach the river. He used all his strength to run faster.

5 steps.......

10 steps......

15 steps......

20 steps......

Dong Xuebing finally got out of the alleyway.

He looked at the river. Where? Where is Xie Huilan?

The river was not frozen and was still flowing. At about 50 meters away, a young girl, covered in water, was lying by the riverbank coughing. There were 3 to 5 middle-aged men and an old man shouting towards the river anxiously. One of the men had one leg in the water and was poking around the water with a bamboo stick.

That’s the place!

Dong Xuebing could feel his blood rushing to his head and shouted: “Move aside!”

The people at the riverbank stopped moving and looked at Dong Xuebing, who was running towards them. “Young man, what are you doing? There are lots of seaweeds in the river. You will die if you enter the water.”

The man was using the bamboo pole to poke around in the water while shouting: “Grab onto the pole, quick!”

Dong Xuebing had reached those people. “Take that pole away and get out of my way!” Before all of them could react, Dong Xuebing had jumped into the water with his coat and shoes on. Everyone by the riverbank was shocked. That middle-aged man quickly moves aside with his pole. He shouted to Dong Xuebing that it’s dangerous in the water. But Dong Xuebing could no longer hear him.

Cold. The water was piercing cold!

The water was smelly, but it was not cloudy. Seaweeds had covered the bottom of the river.

Both Dong Xuebing’s legs landed into the seaweeds the moment he jumped in. But luckily, he reacted fast and tuck his legs up, preventing his legs from getting entangled in the seaweeds. He opened his eyes and ignored the stinging pain to search for Xie Huilan. He turned to his left, right, bottom.......

There she is!!!!

Dong Xuebing saw Xie Huilan 2 meters diagonally bottom from him. Her face was pale, and her lips had turned purple. Her long hair was messy, and her eyes were shut. She was no longer moving and seems to have lost consciousness. Dong Xuebing’s heart skipped a beat. I’m late? Am I too late? But Dong Xuebing had no time to waste. He swam towards her while praying in his heart. Sister Xie, you must not die. Hang on for a while more. I will bring you back to shore.......

Dong Xuebing, who had been sprinting all the way here, had used up all his stamina. What was supporting him was his determination to save Xie Huilan.

1 meter......

2 meters.......

Dong Xuebing swam over and grabbed Xie Huilan by her waist with his left hand. He started kicking and used his right hand to try to swim to the surface. But no matter how hard he tried, he could not pull Xie Huilan up. He looked down and saw a bunch of black colored seaweeds entangled on her right leg. Damn! Dong Xuebing quickly dived and took out the fruit knife to cut away the seaweeds on her leg.

The seaweeds were cut.

But just when Dong Xuebing was about to swim towards the shore, he felt something pulling him by his leg. One of his legs got entangled by the seaweed. The more he struggled, the tighter he got trapped. He could feel he was nearing his death. He had no more strength and could not hold his breath any longer.

Will I die here?

Dong Xuebing had used all his BACKs and had no other options. He gritted his teeth and summoned the last of his strength to cut the seaweeds on his leg.

Hang on for a while more......

Dong Xuebing kept telling himself to hang on for a while more, while he swam towards the surface with Xie Huilan’’s lifeless body in his arms.

1.5m to the surface......

1m to the surface......

0.5m more......

Har!!!! Dong Xuebing finally got to the surface and was gasping for air.

Alive! I am still alive.

Dong Xuebing turned and looked at Xie Huilan. He quickly swims towards the shore.

The people by the riverbank were stunned by Dong Xuebing’s bravery. No one ever expects Dong Xuebing to carry a fruit knife with him.

“How is the girl?”

“Save her! Save her quick! Is she still alive?”

The tired Dong Xuebing carried Xie Huilan onto the riverbank and lay her flat on the ground. He checked her breathing. 1 second, 2 seconds...... Dong Xuebing was shocked. He quickly checks her pulse. 1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds...... Dong Xuebing was silent as he looked at Xie Huilan’s pale face.

No breathing and no pulse. Sister Xie is dead......

Dead? She is gone? I still did not get here on time?

The onlookers could tell from Dong Xuebing’s expression. Some of them sighed while others looked away.

Suddenly, the young girl, which Xie Huilan saved, shouted: “My teacher says you should do CPR during times like this. Hurry up and save her!”

Yes! That’s right! CPR!

There’s still a glimmer of hope left. Dong Xuebing immediately straddled Xie Huilan and start doing chest compressions. 1 press, 2 press, 3 press...... water began to flow out of her mouth. Dong Xuebing lowered his head. He hesitated for a moment and start blowing air into her mouth. 1 blow, 2 blows, 3 blows...... he got up and start the chest compressions again.

“Sister Xie, open your eyes! Don’t die!”

1 press, 2 press, 3 press......

1 blow, 2 blows, 3 blows......

“Xie Huilan! Wake up! Do you hear me? Wake up now!”

After a few cycles, Xie Huilan was still lying there motionlessly.

An old man sighed and said: “Young man, you know this lady? I think you should contact her family.”

That little girl started crying. All the bystanders felt there was no way for Xie Huilan to return to life.

Dong Xuebing was furious when he heard this. “Contact her family? Who the f**k says she is dead? Ah?!” Whenever Dong Xuebing got agitated, he will start swearing. This was Beijing natives’ character. No matter whether if it is a quiet and shy woman or a little girl, they will curse. “Wake up now! Xie Huilan! Wake up!”

After some chest compressions, Dong Xuebing gave a few blows into her mouth again......

“Cough, cough......” It was a coughing sound.

Dong Xuebing felt Xie Huilan vomiting the river water into his mouth.

“Ah! She’s coughing!”

“She is still alive! She is alive!”


Dong Xuebing’s eyes were all red and continued with the chest compressions. He had revived Sister Xie.

Not long after, Xie Huilan vomited out more water and looked around her. She smiled weakly and asked: “What happened to me?”

Dong Xuebing stopped the CPR: “You still can smile? Do you know you almost died?”

Xie Huilan rubbed her face and suddenly remembered something: “How is the kid?”

“You saved her.” Dong Xuebing got off from Xie Huilan. “Just lay there. That little girl is fine.”

“Aunty...... I’m fine. Thank you for saving me.”

Xie Huilan smiled and nodded. But she was frail. She asked softly: “Xiao Dong, why are you here? I remembered I got entangled in the seaweeds. Cough.......” Xie Huilan coughed a few times. “I remembered I got not pull the seaweed off me, no matter how I tried. Cough...... Why am I still alive?”

Dong Xuebing was full of respect for Xie Huilan. She could still be so calm and think logically after she was almost drowned. “I just happen to pass by.”

“Young lady......” The old man said. “You are fortunate to meet this young man. We tried to save you from the riverbank, but everywhere is seaweeds, and none of us dare to enter the water. This young man ran over from a distance and jumped into the water without any hesitation. We were all shocked. We thought he will be...... but who knows he had a fruit knife with him and used it to save you. But after he dragged you to shore, you have no heartbeats, and we thought you are gone. But this young man did not give up and performed CPR until you wake up.”

Another man added: “You own him your life.”

Someone said: “That’s right. Luckily, this young man is around. It’s rare to see such a brave and selfless young man at this age.” The crowd felt that when Xie Huilan went into the water to save the child, she did not know about the overgrown seaweeds in the river. She did not know about the danger. But when Dong Xuebing jumped into the river to save her, the crowd had told him about the threat. Even when he knew about the danger, he still jumps into the water without hesitation.

Xie Huilan heard what happened and looked at Dong Xuebing. “You...... What should I say?”

“All this does not matter as long as you are fine.” Dong Xuebing was exhausted. He was relieved and could no longer stand upright. He fell on the ground panting. Actually, Dong Xuebing was not as great as what the onlookers said. He only did not want a woman he likes to die before him.

Xie Huilan was touched. She does not know why Xiao Dong appeared here or why he was carrying a knife with him. She could not understand why someone who she had met a few times would risk his life to save her.

Xie Huilan could not express how grateful she was to Dong Xuebing.

Xie Huilan thanked him. “Xiao Dong. Thank you for saving me.”

After a while, the Police and Ambulance arrived.

Dong Xuebing recovered some of his strength and went over to help Xie Huilan up. “Sister Xie, I will help you to the Ambulance.”

Xie Huilan frowned and shook her head. She spoke with a shivering voice. “Can you tell them that I am not going to the hospital? Cough...... I am fine now. Furthermore, it is the Lunar New Year now. I should not let people visit me at the hospital. This is the bad thing about working in government service. Cough...... you should understand this too.” Although the temperature was not below 0 degrees, it was still winter. Xie Huilan, who was drenched, was shivering. Even the coat she got from one of the onlookers did not help. Her clothes were all wet, and she could not remove them in public.

Dong Xuebing replied: “You are coughing and shivering. You should go to the hospital. It will only be a temporary stay, and no one will know that you are hospitalized.” Dong Xuebing knew what Xie Huilan was worried about. If Dong Xuebing was hospitalized during Lunar New Year, he also does not want to tell his parents and colleagues. He will not be in the mood to entertain his colleagues and subordinates. “You can choose not to tell anyone.”

Xie Huilan smiled. “Listen to me. I cannot go to the hospital. I guarantee that within 5 minutes after I step foot into the hospital, my family and some people will know. I do not want them to visit a hospital during the new year.”

Dong Xuebing was surprised. “Will they know if you don’t use your identification card to register?”

Xie Huilan smiled weakly. “I am also not sure. Help me back...... Cough......”

Dong Xuebing held her and said. “If you are worried that others will find out, you can come over to my place for a rest first. I am staying nearby.”

“It’s Lunar New Year now, and I will be disturbing your family. I...... I will go over to my brother’s place.”

“It’s fine. I am living alone.”

Xie Huilan looked at him and smiled. “Ok...... Sorry to bother you.”

Dong Xuebing spoke to the ambulance staff, and after they left, he went over to pick up Xie Huilan’s handbag, high heels, and phone. But one of her heels was missing. She might have dropped it in the river. Dong Xuebing helped Xie Huilan over to the police car and asked an officer, who was about his age. “Hi, can you send my leader and I to North Heping Road? It’s not far from here.”

That officer hesitated for a while: “...... I can help you all get a taxi.”

Dong Xuebing took out his wet work pass. “We are all from the same unit. Thank you.”

The officer saw Dong Xuebing’s work pass and laughed. “Sure, no problems.”

North Heping Road.

The police car stopped not far away from Dong Xuebing’s estate. After thanking the officer, Dong Xuebing helped the shivering Xie Huilan alight from the vehicle. Xie Huilan’s stockings were drenched and had lost one of her heels. So, Dong Xuebing took off his shoes: “Wear my shoes first.”

Xie Huilan raised her arm to stop him, “I’m fine. It’s just a few steps.”

“There are firecrackers bits all over the place. You might hurt your foot.”

“You also cannot walk back barefooted.”

“Then...... Let me carry you up?”

Xie Huilan nodded slightly, and Dong Xuebing bend over to piggyback her. He could feel two soft mounds pressing against his back, and his heart starts beating faster. He used his hands to hold her thighs and begin to walk back to his building and up the stairs. He did not let her down until he entered his room. He carefully lowered her onto the bed. “You need to change out of your wet clothes and get a hot shower before you catch a cold.”

Xie Huilan replied weakly. “I am still feeling giddy. I will not take a shower. I need to lie down for a while first. You should take a shower first.”

Dong Xuebing looked at her worrying. But his eyes uncontrollably drifted to her sexy lips. During the CPR earlier, he had close contact with those lips. He blushed and took out some clothes from his wardrobe. “Ok...... let me know if you are feeling unwell. I will close the door you.” As he was leaving, he asked: “Do you want a glass of hot water to warm yourself up?”

“My stomach is full of that smelly river water. Cough...... I don’t feel like drinking anything.” Xie Huilan smiled. “Xiao Dong, you have saved my life, and you don’t need to treat me so politely. Haha, I am also not your leader.”

Dong Xuebing also knew that he will be closer to Xie Huilan after this incident. But he could not be casual with her immediately. Also, Xie Huilan had the air of a leader, and it was hard for him to act naturally in front of her. “Ok. Have a good rest.”

After closing the door, Dong Xuebing went to take a shower.

The hot water fell on his body and warmed him up. His blocked nose was also cleared. Xie Huilan, who was supposed to be dead, was saved by him with his powers. BACK was too powerful. His life had changed since he got BACK from that accident. His life had become smooth sailing.

After the shower, Dong Xuebing changed into clean clothes.

After blowing his hair dry, Dong Xuebing wanted to see how Xie Huilan was doing. But before he leaves the bathroom, he heard the sound of the bedroom door opening, and there were fast and heavy footsteps nearing the bathroom. The next moment, a naked Xie Huilan appeared at the bathroom door. She was covering her mouth and dashed in. She did not even look at the stunned Dong Xuebing and started vomiting into the toilet bowl.

Dong Xuebing was standing there looking at her slim naked body. She’s...... She’s...... Damn! Why was she not wearing anything?

Luckily Dong Xuebing was no longer a virgin and had seen Aunt Xuan’s body many times. He quickly covers his eyes and reaches over to pat Xie Huilan’s back. He also wanted to help her balance herself. Dong Xuebing could turn away or shut his eyes close, and he will not see Xie Huilan’s body. But this was not the issue of whether he had seen her body. He needs to let her know that he was not looking at her, that’s why he covered his eyes with one hand.

Xie Huilan’s back was damp and warm. Her complexion was very smooth, and Dong Xuebing could feel the outline of her bones. She was very slim.

After patting her back for a while, the vomiting sounds died down, and Xie Huilan said with a hoarse voice. “Thank you. Haha. I had embarrassed myself in front of you.”

Huh? You are still able to laugh now? “I will help you back to the room now?”

“Let me rinse my mouth first. Cough......” Xie Huilan still could not stand properly and was still feeling giddy.

“Don’t walk by yourself. You will fall.” Dong Xuebing replied with one hand, still covering his eyes. “Give me your hand. I will help you up.”

“Haha, it’s fine. You can open your eyes. I don’t mind.”

Dong Xuebing jumped. “Huh? How can I do that?” He could hear Xie Huilan trying to walk in front of him. He was afraid that she would fall. The bathroom’s floor was still wet after his shower. So, he mustered his courage and take his hand off his eyes. He narrowed his eyes and pulled Xie Huilan up and bring her closer to the basin.

Xie Huilan was not as shy as Aunt Xuan. She did not cover her chest or privates and did not blush. She opened the tap and washed her face. She rinsed her mouth a few times and then turned toward Dong Xuebing. She smiled: “I think I really need you to help me back to the room. I am feeling very giddy now.”

Dong Xuebing quickly covered his eyes again. “Ok. Be careful. Let’s walk slowly.”

“How can you walk with your eyes shut? I’m fine. You can open your eyes.”

“Errr......” She’s not shy about this, and why should I be feeling shy?

Dong Xuebing slowly opened his eyes, but he did not look down. If he looked down, he would see her whole naked body. He looked straight ahead and helped Xie Huilan walk back to the bedroom slowly. He only turns towards Xie Huilan after she got under the covers. He went over to his wardrobe and took out a white shirt and a pair of long pants. “Sister Xie, these are new clothes. If you don’t mind, you can wear them first. I will help you buy a set of new clothes in the afternoon.” She can’t be walking around his apartment naked.

“Haha. Thank you.”

After placing the clothes on the bed, Dong Xuebing saw the pile of wet clothes on the chair. He turned back and wanted to ask Xie Huilan, but she had fallen asleep. Dong Xuebing did not wake her up and went over to carry the pile of clothes out and closes the door. He brought the clothes into the bathroom and soak them in soap. He also separated the darker colored clothes into another pail.

Xie Huilan’s bra was black in color with a beautiful red flower embroidered on it. It was very sexy.

Dong Xuebing was surprised. He did not expect a leader in the Central Government would wear this type of sexy undergarments. His impression of high-ranking officers in the government was conservative. The higher the rank they are, the more conservative they are. But...... these were undergarments, and no one will know even if they were sexy.

Dong Xuebing swallowed his salvia and started to help her wash her clothes. He gently scrubbed the bra with his hands.

Hmmm...... Is Sister Xie married? She seems to be living alone and should be single. Ahhh....... If she can become my wife, it will be like a dream come true. I am not good at political wisdom, and Sister Xie is so smart. She can help me with my career. Furthermore, she is also a leader in government service. But...... Dong Xuebing was only fantasizing. Xie Huilan was so pretty and held a high position in the government. She was also older than him. There was no way for her to like him. Anyway, Dong Xuebing wanted to date Aunt Xuan. How can he be thinking of betraying Aunt Xuan?

Long johns...... shirt...... pants...... coat......

After washing all those clothing, Dong Xuebing threw them into the dryer. What’s left was Xie Huilan’s stockings. He started scrubbing her stockings.

The pair of stockings were slightly torn. There was no need to wash it. But Dong Xuebing still washed it cleanly. He seldom washes a woman’s clothing. It was not because he wanted to bootlick Xie Huilan. It was mainly because he wants to satisfy his own curiosity. If he missed this chance, he might never get to wash the bra and stockings of a female leader in the Central Government.

Dong Xuebing felt satisfied after all the clothes were washed. He hanged them by the heater in the living room for them to dry.

Dong Xuebing quietly walked back into the bedroom to look at Xie Huilan. What he saw was her naked back. She must have kicked the blanket off when she turns. He could see her whole back, from her neck to her feet. His heart started beating faster. He suppressed his desires and walked softly over to the bed. He covered his eyes slightly and pulled up the covers for her. Actually, it does not mind whether if he had covered his eyes or not. But who knows if Xie Huilan would wake up suddenly or not. This was showing his respect for her.

Wow....... I am so lucky today. I get to hug her in the river, kissed her on the lips during the CPR, carried her on my back, seen her naked in the bathroom, and still get to touch her bra and stockings.......

Dong Xuebing was reminiscing about what happened today. He looked at the time and went out to help Xie Huilan to buy some clothes and shoes. He brought along Xie Huilan’s heel with him to the nearby mall to get a pair of similar heels. Then he went to the women’s section to buy a set of woman’s clothing. After that, he dropped by a pharmacy to get some cold and fever medications.

Dong Xuebing had gone out for more than an hour and wonders if Sister Xie had woke up.

Dong Xuebing opened the door of his apartment with all the shopping bags in his hands. The moment he stepped into his unit, he heard Xie Huilan talking on the phone.

“Happy New Year to you too...... Hahaha...... you don’t need to visit me...... I’m...... Cough...... I am not with my family...... I am fine. I just caught a cold....... Yes..... Thank you....... There is no need for you to visit me....... That’s it.” Xie Huilan was leaning against the bathroom’s door frame. Her hair was still wet and had the fragrance of shampoo. She was wearing the set of clothes given to her by Dong Xuebing earlier. The clothes were slightly bigger, but it was still fitting. After hanging up the phone, she rubbed the center of her brows and looked at Dong Xuebing. She then looked at her bra and long johns hanging in the living room. “I’m sorry to let you wash my clothes for me.”

Dong Xuebing blushed and replied: “Your clothes still have the smelly river water smell. If it is not washed as soon as possible, the smell might remain. That’s why I washed them without your permission...... Errr...... I hang your clothes in the living room is because the heater is here. If you do not like it, I will hang them at the back. But it will dry slower.”

Xie Huilan waved her hand. “It’s alright. I told you that you do not need to be so polite to me.”

“Oh...... you have taken a shower? Are you feeling better?”

“Yes. But I am still feeling giddy. Maybe I have a fever.”

“Ah...... I had bought fever medications. Oh, I have bought a set of clothes and high heels for you. You can change into this. It’s not nice for you to...... wear my clothes.” Dong Xuebing waved the shopping bags in his hands. His eyes wandered to Xie Huilan’s shirt, and his heart started to beat faster. His shirt was white in color, and the material was thin. Xie Huilan was not wearing anything underneath his shirt, and he could see the outline of her nipples clearly.

Xie Huilan should have noticed it, but she still acted normally. She laughed: “Your shirt is fine. It’s quite comfortable. Haha, I will wear the clothes you bought when I am leaving. I am feeling very weak now. Cough...... Oh, how much are the clothes? I will pay you.”

Dong Xuebing walked over and supported her by her arm. “You don’t need to pay me anything. Let’s check your temperature first and get you recovered first.”

Dong Xuebing took out a thermometer from a drawer and passed it to Xie Huilan. He went to the kitchen and cook a pot of porridge from last night’s leftover rice. When he returned back to the living room with a bowl of porridge, Xie Huilan was done with her temperature reading. 38.9 degrees Celsius.

Dong Xuebing looked at the thermometer. “No wonder you are feeling dizzy. You are having high fever now. You should eat some porridge before you take medicines.” He passed the bowl of hot porridge to her carefully. “Be careful. It’s hot.” Dong Xuebing cared for her like a man caring for his girlfriend. But he cannot let Xie Huilan know about this feeling. If not, the relationship he built up would be over. That’s why Dong Xuebing acted like a subordinate caring for his leader.

After eating the porridge and medicines, Dong Xuebing helped Xie Huilan back into the bedroom.

Dong Xuebing had thought Xie Huilan had only choked on the in the water and should be fine. But now, she was running a fever and should visit the hospital. But Dong Xuebing did not suggest this to her. At the riverbank, Xie Huilan had refused to go to the hospital. If he asked her to go to the hospital now, she might think that he is trying to drive her away.

After getting under the blankets, Xie Huilan looked at Dong Xuebing: “Not only you had saved my life, you even need to take care of me during Lunar New Year. Cough......”

Dong Xuebing helped her pull up the blanket. “It’s ok. I am very free these few days too. It’s not a problem even if I take care of you for another 3 to 5 days. Oh, do you need to inform your husband?” He was asking this just to find out if she was single.

Xie Huilan smiled and tucked her long hair behind her ears. “I am still single. What about you? Do you have a girlfriend?”

Not married yet? Dong Xuebing smiled shyly. “Huh? I...... I am considered single and don’t have a girlfriend.”

“Haha, you are so young and is already a Deputy Section Chief. Many people must be gossiping behind your back. It was the same for me back then. I have a suggestion for you. You should consider setting up a family now. At least there will be lesser people saying you are young and immature.” Xie Huilan laughed. “Hahaha, but I don’t have the right to say this. I am also...... Being single is also fun. Don’t you think so?”

“Yes, Mdm. You are right.”

“You......” Xie Huilan shook her head and laughed. “Stop treating me as your leader. Do you understand?”

“Huh? Yes.” Dong Xuebing said in his heart. Look at your tone when you speak and the words you used. How can I don’t treat you as a leader? But this was not Xie Huilan’s fault. If Dong Xuebing were in her position, he would also be speaking like her tone after a few years. “Are you feeling better now?”

“Yes. My coughing had stopped.”

“That’s good. What would you like to have for dinner? Do you prefer bland food or heavy meals? I am not good at cooking. How about I go out and get dinner?”

“Don’t trouble yourself. I am fine with plain porridge.” Xie Huilan patted the side of the bed. “Xiao Dong. Come over and sit.”

Dong Xuebing hesitated for a while and sat down upright, with half of his butt touching the bed.

Suddenly, Xie Huilan reached over and held Dong Xuebing’s hand.

Dong Xuebing was shocked. WTF? What’s the meaning of this? Why are you holding my hands?

But Dong Xuebing had overthought. Xie Huilan smiled and patted the back of Dong Xuebing’s hand with her other hand. “Xiao Dong, I will remember what you did for me. Thank you. Haha, I know this might not sound right. But in Beijing, I still have some influence. If you encounter any problems in the future, you can just call me.

Dong Xuebing noticed that Xie Huilan mentioned Beijing and not the Central Publicity Department.

She has influence in Beijing? Isn’t she from the News department?

Translator’s notes: Another super long chapter. I hope you all enjoy it.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.