Power and Wealth

Chapter 60

Power and WealthChapter 60 – Save the day again!

This miraculous goal took only 10 seconds.

Many of the Eastern District players were still basking inglory for completing Political Commissar Xu’s orders when the goal was scored!

Fast! The goal was too fast for any of them to react!

The referee was the only person on the pitch who saw thewhole process.

Dong Xuebing had left a deep impression with the refereefrom yesterday’s match. When Dong Xuebing came onto the pitch in this match,the referee was still laughing in his heart. A goalkeeper playing as a striker?What nonsense is this? But the referee knew that the Western District had nomore reserves and he couldn’t care less. The match was about to end too. He hadalready placed the whistle in his mouth and prepared to end the game. But whenhe was about to blow the whistle, he saw Dong Xuebing started to run towardsthe penalty box on the other end of the field. The referee was curious aboutwhat was he doing.

The next moment, an unexplained situation happened.

The Eastern District midfielder kicked the ball back to hishalf without even looking back!

This was more than a stroke of luck. The referee evensuspects that midfielder was in cahoots with Dong Xuebing. The referee sworethat the midfielder’s long pass back was after Dong Xuebing started running.There were no indications that he will pass the ball back. He just turnedaround suddenly and kicked the ball back towards Dong Xuebing’s direction. Theball landed perfectly at Dong Xuebing’s feet. What a coincidence! He could notunderstand how Dong Xuebing did it. It seems impossible!

After the goal was scored, the referee was stunned. He stoodthere for almost 5 seconds, before blowing the full-time whistle!

The referee wondered who this person was. It was toounbelievable!

1:0. Western District Branch Bureau won the game!

At the stands, Tan Limei grabbed Zhuang Zhi and Changjuan’shands. “Damn! Am I dreaming? We won? We really won this match!?”

Old Yan, who does not like football, was also excited. “OurXiao Dong is excellent!”

Cheers! Screams! Shouts!

The stadium was in an uproar!

Xu Yan, Li Qing and the rest of Western District supportersran onto the pitch!

All the Western District players had already surrounded DongXuebing. “Xiao Dong! You are terrific!”

The player from the bureau’s Commission for DisciplineInspection: “I swear that goal was the most beautiful goal I saw in my life!”

A tall player from the Political Section asked: “When didyou run over there? It’s too fast! The goal was scored before I can evenreact!”

“It’s only a coincidence.” Dong Xuebing smiled and stood up.

“Brothers!” A defender from Public Security Sixth Bureauclapped his hands. “Let’s have a celebration!”

“Hahaha! Sure!”

“That’s what I am thinking too!”

All the players turned and looked at Dong Xuebing. BeforeDong Xuebing realized what was happening, 7 to 8 players grabbed him and threwhim up in the air. “Yeah!” The players caught him as he lands and then threw himup in the air again. “Yeah!” this continued for 5 to 6 times. Before DongXuebing got back on his feet, he noticed his boots were lost!

Dong Xuebing was overjoyed when he saw his teammates sohappy. He finally got the revenge for Deputy Branch Bureau Chief Xu and ZhuangZhi!

“Let him down!” XuYan walked quickly towards them. “Xiao Dong has just been discharged from thehospital and is not fully recovered!”

The players remembered this and quickly put down DongXuebing. They were even more impressed with Dong Xuebing. That’s right. XiaoDong got injured when he ran into the burning office to retrieve documents. Butbefore he recovered from his injuries, he managed to save a penalty kick andscored the winning goal in the last few seconds of today’s match.

No wonder his nickname was “firefighter!”

He really deserves this nickname! Whenever there aredifficulties, he will be there to save the day!

Dong Xuebing stood at attention in front of the twoapproaching leaders. “Chief Xu, Director Li!”

Li Qing had a wide grin on his face: “You did not disappointeveryone of us! Good! Good!”

Xu Yan did not say anything, but from her eyes, everyonecould tell that she was overjoyed.

The other side of the field, the Eastern District playerswere looking down in despair. Deputy District Political Commissar Xu faced wasred with anger. She pointed to the midfielder who gave away that goal andscolded. “What the hell are you doing? There are only seconds away from the endof the match, and you make this stupid mistake? What did I say before thematch? Ah? Are eyes behind your head? No? Then why did you kick the ball back?Why didn’t you check if the coast is clear before you pass the ball? You all!What are the rest of you doing? Don’t you understand what is one on onemarking? Did you all mark him?”

The midfielder and the rest of the players bowed their head.There was no way to retort. They were also frustrated by the score. It wasalmost the end of the match, and a reserve goalkeeper scored the winning goal?This sounded like a joke. But this was the truth, and it was still a beautifulgoal!

Political Commissar Xu was still not satisfied. Shecontinued scolding her players.

Xu Yan looked over at the other team. She felt relieved. Shehad finally vented the frustrations she kept in her heart for years.

“All of you have done well. Go back and have a good rest.Work is as usual tomorrow!” Xu Yan said. As she turned and walked past DongXuebing, she said softly: “Thank you......”

But Xu Yan was too soft, and Dong Xuebing did not hear it.“Ah? What did you say?”

Xu Yan’s expression returned to her usual no-nonsense,serious expression. She patted Dong Xuebing’s shoulders and walked out of thestadium with Li Qing. Behind them, the players and supporters crowded aroundDong Xuebing.

Only Guo Shunjie stood away from Dong Xuebing. He waslooking terrible. He also wishes for his team to win, but he did not want DongXuebing to score the goal. If it was like this, he rather lost the match.Seeing Dong Xuebing was the center of attraction, he was pissed! Why was thisguy so lucky? This happens every time. When will his good luck end?

After today, Dong Xuebing’s nickname “Firefighter” spread toevery office in the Western District Branch Bureau!

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