Power and Wealth

Chapter 71

Power and WealthChapter 71 – Amazing Xiao Dong!

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Next day. Tuesday.

Today was the most important day for Dong Xuebing. Themoment he woke up, he was feeling very nervous. He climbed out of his bed andtook a few deep breaths. He had done everything he could. There’s no pointbeing nervous now. Dong Xuebing stopped himself from thinking about the outcomeof the Party Committee Meeting. He slapped himself lightly on his forehead tocalm himself down before preparing himself for work.

At the entrance of the Western District Branch Bureau, DongXuebing saw Guo Shunjie and a woman.

“Didn’t I tell you not to look for me at my workplace? Whatdo you want?”

“You think I am willing to come here? You forgot yourphone!”

“Ok, ok! Hurry up and leave!”

Guo Shunjie grabbed his phone from that woman impatientlyand kept it in his pocket. He then waved the woman away. This woman was GuoShunjie’s wife. She was 30 years’ old when she got Vitiligo. Her face and neckhave patches of white skin. This was why Guo Shunjie had never mentioned hiswife at work. He was also afraid of his wife coming to his workplace. He feltit was embarrassing. But when Guo Shunjie looks around to see if any of hisco-workers had seen his wife, he spotted Dong Xuebing crossing the road andwalk past him.

Guo Shunjie pulled a long face and said. “You are earlytoday!”

“Not as early as you!” Dong Xuebing’s hatred for him deepensafter seeing how Guo Shunjie treated his wife.

“Do you know? The Party Committee Meeting today will bediscussing who will be promoted to be the Deputy Chief of the General AffairsDepartment.” Guo Shunjie stared at Dong Xuebing coldly. “Young man, I have toldyou before that I will be a leader within one year. I had offered to groom youas my trusted aide. But you are the one who rejected my kind offer. Are youregretting now? It’s too late! Once the order is passed down, you will be dead!I will make sure you will regret it!”

Dong Xuebing glanced at him. “You are so sure that you willbe promoted?”

Guo Shunjie arrogantly replied: “Haha, you think Guo Panweiwill win me? Dream on!”

Dong Xuebing clenched his fist. He must not let Guo Shunjiebe promoted. If not, he will not be able to carry on working here.

General Affairs Office. People start arriving at work.

Dong Xuebing could feel the mood in the office wasdifferent. He could feel the tension.

There seems to be something happening. Guo Panwei enteredthe office, and he was obviously in a bad mood. He did not argue with GuoShunjie like the previous few days. He just dropped his briefcase at his deskand went upstairs, to the Political Section Chief Pang Bin’s office. GuoShunjie took a glance at him confidently and then left for Political CommissarZhou Guoan’s office.

Political Commissar office.

This office was dim. The thick curtains had blocked thesunlight from entering the room.

Guo Shunjie stood cautiously by the side: “Uncle Zhou, laterduring the meeting......”

The scheming looking Zhou Guoan narrowed his eyes andinterrupted him. “Shunjie, I have promised your father I will try my best tohelp you. Don’t worry. There will not be any problems. You should go back towork, and during this period, you should not be coming to my office. Do youunderstand?” Government officials seldom claim that things will surely be done.They will always keep a leeway for themselves. Since Political Commissar Zhousaid there will not be any problems, then it means he was 100% confident ofcompleting this task.

After hearing this, Guo Shunjie felt assured and thanked himexcitedly. “Thank you. Uncle Zhou. I will give you a thank you gift after thismatter is over.”

Zhou Guoan did not like the way Guo Shunjie put his words.It was too direct. He frowned and wave him off.

After leaving the office, Guo Shunjie was feeling great. Hewalks back with his back straight and chests out.

The other side of the building.

Dong Xuebing had received a call from Xu Yan, asking him togo to her office.

There was another man in Deputy Branch Bureau Chief Xu Yan’soffice. That man was about Xu Yan’s age and had big eyes. There were a fewstreaks of white hair by his sides, and he looks very alert.

Dong Xuebing had seen this man before. He was the BranchBureau’s Party Committee Member, Commission for Discipline Inspection SecretarySong Shoujie. He was close to Xu Yan.

“Chief Xu, Secretary Song.”

Xu Yan acknowledged and pass a document to Dong Xuebing.“Make a copy of this document and send the original copy to the filing room.”

Song Shoujie was observing Dong Xuebing quietly.

Dong Xuebing took the document. “Yes. Is there anythingelse?”

“That’s all. Go back to work.”

After Dong Xuebing left the office, Song Shoujie laughed andshook his head. “That is the Xiao Dong you are talking about? You really wantto push up him to take over the position of Deputy Chief of General AffairsOffice? You should know that Political Commissar Zhou has a candidate in mind,and it is almost decided internally. It will be hard to change.”

Xu Yan smoothed her hair: “I don’t expect to win PoliticalCommissar Zhou, but I just want to try.”

Song Shoujie smiles. “Fine. What I can do is only to say afew good words. But I still must ask you. This person you pick seems to be abit...... too ordinary. He is very young, inexperienced, and did not seem to beable to lead. I wonder what you are thinking?”

Xu Yan slowly took a sip of tea and smiled. “Old Song, youcannot judge Xiao Dong based on his appearance.”

“Oh?” Song Shoujie said. “Tell me about it.”

Xu Yan spoke slowly. “You should have heard what Xiao Dongdid after he joined the General Affairs Office. Haha...... You are an athlete whenyou are young, and you are also someone with guts. But Old Song, both of ushave seen the raging fire in Li Qing’s office. If you are your younger selfthat day, do you dare to run into the office to retrieve the documents?”

Song Shoujie kept quiet.

Xu Yan continued: “But Xiao Dong dares, and he was able toretrieve the documents.”

Song Shoujie nodded.

“You should have heard about the football matches a few daysago. Our goalkeeper is injured during the injury time, and our opponents have apenalty. In that situation, who dares to claim that he is confident of savingthat penalty kick?” Xu Yan put down her teacup. “But Xiao Dong dares to claimthat he will save the penalty kick and he really saves it.” After pausing awhile, Xu Yan continued. “The next game on the next day was a tough match. Inthe final 2 minutes, one of our players got injured, but there are no moresubstitutes. Our branch will be playing 8 games without a single win. At thatmoment, not even those English Premier League star players could do anything.But Xiao Dong went onto the pitch and scored the winning goal in the lastsecond!”

Song Shoujie laughed. “From what you said...... This Xiao Dongis really capable.”

“He is even more amazing than that.” Xu Yan tapped thetabletop with her fingertips. “That day, I went to the City Bureau for ameeting, and I met an old friend. We had a short chat, and we talked about thefootball tournament. But when I mentioned Xiao Dong’s name, my friend also knowshim. She is one of the interviewers for Xiao Dong, and she told me whathappened during the interview. It was an incredible story.”

Song Shoujie asked curiously. “What happened?”

Xu Yan stopped for a while and then opened the door of theoffice. There were sounds of footsteps outside, and a staff member walked passthe office carrying some documents. After the staff member walked pass, Xu Yanclosed the door and looked at the puzzled Song Shoujie. “Old Song, the personwho walked pass just now. Can you remember what color his shirt is? What designis that shirt, and what is the design and color of his shoes?”

Song Shoujie was stunned. “What do you mean?”

“Nothing. I just want to see if you can remember thosedetails.”

“Yan Zhi, are you joking with me? You did not even tell meto take note of those details, and my attention just now is also not on thatperson.”

Xu Yan returned to her seat. “This is why I say Xiao Dong isamazing. During his interview, the main interviewer tried to make thingsdifficult for him, and purposely asked him the same questions I asked you. Butguess what? 3 people walked pass on that day. Xiao Dong not only remembered thecolors of their shirts and designs. He even remembered the pattern of thedesigns, necklace, whether if the shoes had dirt and even the color of theshoelaces.”

Song Shoujie frowned. “How is this possible?”

Xu Yan smiled. “I also feel that it is impossible, but itwas the truth. Xiao Dong really did it.”


There was a period of silence in the room.

Xu Yan looked at Song Shoujie. “Now, do you still think XiaoDong is ordinary? I think he is too amazing!”




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