Protagonist?Antagonist? I Reject Both

Chapter 257 257:Mind Break[IV]

Chapter 257 257:Mind Break[IV]

As Seph kneeled before Leon, a surge of shock and disbelief flooded his senses. The very core of his identity, built upon the belief of invincibility, shatters as he finds himself powerless.

Seph's pride rebelled against this indignity. He tries to rationalize and deny the reality unfolding before him.



"Hit your head."




But as the commands persisted, the weight of his humiliation shattered every last barrier of his pride.

He didn't feel sad when he was defeated because as long as he was alive he could fight back.

He didn't break nor lose his sanity before the gruesome torture without a break, but this makes his heart quiver.

Trampling over his pride as if it meant nothing made him feel like a naked man thrown onto the street to be condemned.

Every fiber of his existence screamed for retaliation. He wants to fight back, yet beneath the facade of defiance lurks a gnawing fear, a fear of the unknown, a fear of confronting someone who can't be surpassed.

As he was lost in his thoughts, he felt a hand grabbing his chin and lifting him.

His vision was torn by a pair of beastly glowing eyes looking at him.

Leon's lips, covered in darkness, widen apart with a crimson trail.

It was horrific…it was utterly terrific, like a demonic ghost crawling out of the abyss sending him a shiver.

"Your eyes are of someone who doesn't fear death…No, it's of someone who has an extra security."

"You have an additional life, isn't it?"

And this is the last straw that broke everything apart.



A screeching voice akin to dragging nails on a metal surface erupts from his throat.

It is so loud that it almost tears Seph's throat.

"Just how do you know so much?"

"How…Just how?"

"Why did you know so much?"

The sole reason he was still sane was that he knew he wouldn't be dying. He has already bought an extra life, so once he was killed, he would act dead and resurrect, but who knew…who knew this son of a bitch even knew that?

All his pain and all his confidence suddenly crash down at this moment.

As if a broken record, Seph keeps on repeating the same words, but at the end of his speech, a sudden realization hits him.

"You…Aren't you a warrior of justice?… You punish all evil beings but don't innocents. You are good so I beg you, please give me a chance.."

Seph jumped up and held Leon's clothes and shouted like a maniac.

"Give me a chance. I will prove my worth. You can buy anything from my system. You can use it any way you like, so don't kill me."

The memory of the past flickers in his mind when a group of people try to flock at him for benefits.

Leon shakes Seph's hand and speaks with dead eyes.

"Don't mistake me as a savior. And never lump me together with the heroes of justice or crown me as a villain...And as per your question, who am I...."

"I am nothing but a hypocrite sinner who just does what my heart says right?" Leon spoke to the crest-fallen Seph and raised his hand.

A terrifying smile crept on his face that ignited the deepest despair of Seph's heart.

"By all means…I accept Seph's surrender and punish him for his imprudence…"

"Surrender…Spare.." Seph muttered with narrowing eyes.

On one hand, relief shone on his face, but his inside was twisting in disgust.


All the high-ranking shadow soldiers of Leon appeared and started tapping on the ground with joyful screams.

"Death penalty."

"Death penalty! Death penalty! Death penalty! Death penalty-!"

Seph's face becomes pale, and his steps falter.

Leon yelled aloud.

"Commit suicide by strangling yourself, but before that…."

"Strangle your beloved mother and then your woman."


Panic-filled screams erupt from his lips, and before Seph can realize the situation, his body moves on its own.

Leon clapped, and the three broken, disheveled women were dragged out again.

"Free them."


The chains and locks on their arms were unlocked.

And just as they wondered what was going on, like a madman, Seph's figure rushed towards them.

Eleanor, whose face was filled with shock and disbelief, was hit by Seph, and as she fell to the ground, she guessed the situation.

"Seph, what did you do?"

"Are we free now?"

Ella and Wang Mengqin's lifeless gazes shone with a bright light, and they almost lept in joy, but just then…

"My boy…"

Crying in tears, Eleanor wrapped her bruised frail arms around Seph, trying to hug him tightly.

"Seph, I knew it…I knew that somehow you would choose to save me."

"My boy, I am proud of you. Mama hasn't raised you in vain."

"Mama hadn't raised you in vai….KHUMMMM!"

Eleanor's cries of joy turn into screams of terror as Seph's hands close around her throat, cutting off her air supply. Panic floods her senses as she struggles against his relentless grip, desperately clawing at his arms in a futile attempt to break free.

Eleanor's screams pierce the air filled with horror and pain as Seph's grip tightens around her throat. "Seph, please! Stop!" she pleads, her voice choked with fear and agony.

"I am your mother…I carried you for 9 months. I have bir…."

Her voice stopped as Seph's grip became tighter.

Veins bulge over her throat with her eyes and tongue slowly popping out.



Though his body obeyed the sinister command, a part of him screamed in anguish, fighting against the command that threatened to consume him entirely.

Seph's eyes flickered with a glimmer of despair, and a plea for mercy buried beneath the dark veil that clouds his mind. "I...I can't..." he choked out, his voice a tortured whisper, barely audible amidst Eleanor's frantic cries.

"I can't…I can't…" Drops of tears start to drown out from his eyes.

The memories of his mother and his precious moments with her flashed before his eyes.

The woman whom he adored the most and prepared to do anything for was now dying in his hands yet he was powerless to even resist those beastly hands that despite all resistance kept on choking her.

'It hurts….It hurts…'

'I don't want to be a villain anymore….I don't want to be invincible…More than that I just don't want to kill my mother or die…Please someone take me out of this hell. Please take me out of his cruel hell.'

'Please say that this dream…Please someone say that this is a dream..'

"Please…stop this…"

Seph's broken murmurs accompany Eleanor's gasp as she flips her hands and feet trying to break free.


Ella screamed and jumped back, unable to process it.

Being free, she got up and tried to run, but a sharp voice cut her off.

"Where are you going?"

Ella's whole body froze.

Hella's body appeared, and a command was issued using her power.

"Wang Mengqin and Ella assist Seph in the killing. Then Wang Mengqin and Ella kill and strangle Seph, and after Seph is resurrected, first Wang Mengqin will hold Ella as Seph kills Ella, and then Seph will strangle Ella himself."

Saying this, Leon turned his back to leave.

Behind him, the deadly struggle continued, playing a heartbreaking scene of agony and despair, as Eleanor fought for her life with Seph and battled struggling to escape, but just then Ella and Wang Mengqin jumped on her and bound her hands and feet.

As Leon's back disappeared, the sound of pitiful sobs and heartbreaking cries resonated all across the place, creating a hellish nightmare for the four who screamed and begged for mercy yet their bodies ignoring everything went over each other's throats, strangling the life out of one another.

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