QT: Capture The Villain's Love

Chapter 138: I'll Find You!

Chapter 138: I'll Find You!

Tyler didn't know that his senior was looking at him every night secretly through a system camera. But he somehow had a hunch that his lover would do something like that. After all, that person had been a pervert. So to test that person, he pretended to be sad, and sure enough, he did receive someone's call.

It was Thomas.

So the male lead forced this person to call him, seeing Tyler's depressed face. It wasn't like the latter was sad. He even had been feeling joyful and mischievous at the thought of testing his senior. So now, when the other reciprocated so quickly, he felt a flush of warmth in his chest.

Maybe that man was looking at him through a hidden camera. So Tyler glanced at the phone and picked up the call, keeping it at the loudspeaker on purpose. If his lover had asked Thomas to call him, that man would still want to hear what the side male lead wanted to talk about.

So what this senior saw from his system screen was how Tyler selected the loudspeaker button and picked up the call, deliberately increasing the volume. At this time, he finally realized that Tyler had done this on purpose. The latter was clearly trying to lure him out by looking all depressed.

A smile formed on the male lead's lips. Ah...this man was acting like this. No wonder he fell for Tyler.

"Y-You haven't slept yet?" Thomas's stuttering voice sounded through the speakers that made it look like that person was too reluctant to call, but he was still forced for some reason.

Tyler knew why Thomas sounded like that. "Why did you call?"

"Well" Thomas thought for a moment and couldn't find any excuse. But for a moment, when he thought that the person on the other end of the phone was Quinn, he licked his lips. Even though he couldn't obtain that person, he could at least flirt a little. So he just decided to go with the most cliche thing. "I wanted to hear your voice." 

Even though that person had said that he couldn't use intimate and affectionate words, was it really possible for that person to hear what he had said? So Thomas wasn't worried.

But who would have thought that not only the male lead heard those words, but he also chuckled darkly, planning all sorts of things in his mind. He would surely punish this stupid judge for sure!

"Do you have anything else to say?" Tyler's irritation was apparent in his voice. He really didn't want to hear such cringy words from other people. If it were his lover, he would just pretend to dislike it, but he would never stop the other man.

"Um" Even Thomas didn't know what he should do. Just when he was about to say something, he received the male lead's message.

"Cut off the call, or die!" The text was a threat which clearly showed how angry that man was! Thomas's lips quivered at this as a wave of shiver passed through his limbs.

Without even thinking twice, he immediately cut off the call.

When Tyler saw this, he was stunned before he smiled. It looked like his senior was still jealous as before. So now that both of them were exposed like this, he should just go all out. So he suddenly took out a paper and pen and jotted down something before keeping the paper on the table beside him. And then, he covered himself with a quilt and slept.

On the paper, it was clearly written: "I'll find you sooner than you expect."

The male lead's lips curved up at that. "Fine. let's see."


The other day, Tyler finally had a day off since the director was still trying to change that hugging scene. So at this time, he finally thought of playing the 'fake date' arc with Thomas. So he bluntly called the other person.

"Let's meet."

"Okay" Thomas's voice was very low and meek. It even looked like he didn't even want to see Tyler's face anymore. Sure, he was attracted to Quinn, but that was before he was forced to do things against his desires. So now, all he wanted to do was escape. And he even felt a trace of fear every time he glanced at Tyler's face.

"Five pm today at the coffee shop near my house."

Since Thomas already knew where Tyler lived, it didn't matter if he would call the side male lead again.

So that day, both the parties met and sat down next to each other in the shop. Since they were supposed to be 'date' like normal couples, they wore casual outfits. But after looking at the expressions of these two people, no one could tell that they were dating.

Tyler's eyes were cold and aloof, and he looked both irritated and impatient, whereas the other man really wanted to run away from this place. This was the most awkward date they have ever had. Neither of them talked, and Tyler even treated the other person as if Thomas was just air.

Finally, Thomas couldn't take it anymore and said, "Aren't we supposed to act like we are dating?" He knew that even Tyler wasn't interested in him, but for some reason, that man and Quinn both wanted him to pretend as if Thomas and this actor were dating. So he should just come out bluntly.

"No." Tyler knew that they were supposed to, but he didn't want to 'act' with this man. He would never act intimate with anyone other than his senior, even if it were just an act!

Thomas felt helpless at this. Perhaps, he should at least pretend that they were dating even if Tyler wasn't interested. Indeed they had a reason for this, right? Maybe someone was stalking Quinn, and the male lead wanted to save his baby. So perhaps that was why he chose Thomas for this work since that man didn't want to reveal their relationship.

It seemed as if Thomas suddenly realized something, and he glanced at Tyler, who was still oblivious about what was going on in this man's head. So Thomas scooted closer and started putting up food on Tyler's plate.

And this was the scene that Ashley saw when she just entered the coffee shop. Quinn was looking coldly at his plate and slowly picked up his spoon to eat while Thomas grinned while glancing at the cold man beside him.

Wasn't this the spy Jax had set up to find out more about those bees running after Quinn? Why was this man acting so intimately with this actor?! Ashley's eyes widened, and then she glared at this person. It looked like the spy had become a traitor, after all!

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