Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 100: The Aftermath

Chapter 100: The Aftermath

Lucia held her hand out to Odele, waiting for the [ Mermaid ] to make her choice. "If you wish to survive the night, then we shall leave."

She watched the visible hesitation on her friend's face as they reached out to her and then drew back her hand, "I'm staying, it doesn't make any sense that we'd leave them behind"

Without even finishing her sentence, Odele ran away and headed back towards the center of the trouble. "Sorry!"

The [ Mermaid ] had more of a sturdy spine than herself, the [ Light Elf ] closed her palm and shook her head and resumed on her path towards her allies. 

It was better for them to escape than deal with something they weren't prepared for and she soon reached the other side of the forest that gave view to the city of Gloria, its barriers were shattered with one attack from the [ Wood Elf ] despite the Colossal Wyvern's earlier lightning attacks that created craters across the earth. Somehow the [ Wood Elf ] was powerful enough to do something like that?

"Lucia!" Her friend called out to her.

Her gaze fell on the [ Tiefling ] as guilt stabbed itself hard in her chest. Tierra's skin were scorched, searing marks apparent on her face. "What took you so long?"

Somehow, their plan was still laid to waste and her friend had to endure attacks that were blessed by a god? "Are you guys ready to leave? I'm so sorry that I dragged you guys here, I thought it would be nice for Tierra to befriend the [ Human ] or [ Mermaid ] but it didn't work well." Raising a hand towards the air in front of her, an Elvish Rune appeared as she drew out the teleportation scroll. "We might just have to try it with somebody el"

A sigh would escape the lips of Tierra as she scratched her head, "We're just leaving them then? Those three of them?"

"It's too risky. Besides, they're with the [ Wood Elf ], I'm sure that they'll be able to escape..." She coughed slightly and tried to adopt her most convincing tone. Missions were difficult but they'd survive.

"Tsk. We could have gotten that Colossal Wyvern by ourselves. Bleu was able to pierce through its eyes and mouth. We could have blasted it down its throat"

Her ear twitched for a moment as she raised a hand and motioned for Tierra to zip her mouthBleu worked faster than her and threw out one of his dagger into the darkness. 

The dagger was thrown back as someone stepped towards them, a handsome young man who inclined his head, "I don't wish to interrupt the party, but I'm here to collect, one of my colleagues said you held a human hostage. Bring them out and we'll let you leave in peaand consider that as good will for defeating the Colossal Wyvern." 

It seemed like he winced for a moment.

Lucia blinked and frowned, "No, we would neverI mean, we're" She glanced at Bleu and Tierra. This was all some kind of misconception.

"Well, actually that was a lie"

"So you've killed him! She's lying!" A female voice shouted.

Lucia narrowed her eyes and only saw the man rubbed his face, she clicked her tongue. "Invisibility. If you harbored no bad will then why is"

A blast of light pierced the night.

Tierra ducked down and rolled over as she narrowed her eyes, "Where's our truce" A potion was thrown into her direction as she once again stepped back and grunted, "This isn't going to end pretty."

A puddle of acid lay on the grass and burned the earth where she had been standing only moments before. Bleu dove towards the man, forgoing the shadows to fight them head-on.

Holy light once again shot out as the form of a familiar figure began to shimmer back in. It was the woman that Bleu and Tierra had fought. 

The male human flickered backwards from Bleu, his movements sharp and fluid as he threw out potions towards all three of themLucia shattered one before it could hit close, smoke poured out.

She hacked her throat for a moment and stepped backwards, her entire vision blurred and stung as her throat burned. She concentrated mana into her palm and returned the attack.




Han stepped out into the clearing, carrying the sleeping Ellynn in his arms and found the ongoing fight occuring. He knew that something had happened but it was there that he realized that it was the [ Professors ] from Kraelonia Academy.

He might need to step back...and it was too late. They had already seen him. "Uh, hello?"

The woman couldn't believe her eyes. "He's still aliwait, there are two of you." Professor Orleans brought her sword down as she gazed at them before glancing back at her opponent. "Did you you said that he died?"

"I didn't said that, you stupid bitch." The [ Tiefling ] coughed for a moment and spitted out some blood. Compared to his [ Professor ], she looked more wear and tear. She eyed him with narrowed eyes before sighing, "Glad that somebody decided to join us."

From their reaction, it seemed like they really were expecting Han and the others to come, despite no longer giving any aid. It startled him for a moment as he tried to think of a retort but decided not to say anything.

These were still the [ Players ] who had decided to up and abandon him and the [ Wood Elf ] to run away.

Just a further more into the back were three still fighting, giving no heed to his arrival. He recognized another figure.

Owen Liddell blocked a blow from the [ Shadow Elf ] and kicked them backwards, he sidestepped and avoided a light blast that came for him. The [ Light Elf ] held one hand over her chest, a golden glow, while the other was shooting blasts towards his [ Professor ].

The man was dealing with two [ Players ] and seemed to be managing just fine for some reason? Han wasn't sure if he was seeing clearly. Perhaps it was because the two had already drained much of their energy dealing with the Colossal Wyvern?

Regardless of occasion, the [ Professor ] threw a look at his colleague and shouted, "Don't stall around and save them" He catched a dagger thrown his way and clicked his tongue and crossed the distance between him and the [ Shadow Elf ].

The [ Cleric ] hesitated as she looked at him and then back at the [ Tiefling ], "My apologies for assuming you had killed them, but why did you lie about kidnapping them?" The woman had a sudden change of heart as soon as she saw that he was safe.

Tierra glared at the human, never lowering her stance, "That's whatit's not even worth talking to you."

It was there that the [ Wood Elf ] stepped behind him, it took them long enough to go out of the woods as he and the [ Mermaid ] came out, "Hmm, it seems like they're having more trouble than I expected them to be."

"..." The [ Mermaid ] gave no reply and instead winced at the sight of the trouble in front of them. Somehow she seemed more bothered by this than the earlier fight with the Colossal Wyvern?

But there was no time to keep pondering.

Both of his [ Professors ] had already seen him and Ellynn here, Han threw a look at [ Mermaid ] and concentrated with his thoughts, 'Sing!'

The [ Mermaid ] blinked for a moment before she sang once more, she mustered her voice to be louder and took advantage of the temporary break

"What the?" The [ Tiefling ] watched the [ Cleric ] stagger and topple down into the grass. And was soon followed by [ Professor ] Owen while he was in mid-attack.

Han sighed in relief before he eyed the other [ Players ], just because he was a tad surprised didn't mean he'd let things slip by from him. "It seems like coming here led to more harm than good, I'm surprised that you guys are still here." 

The [ Tiefling ] glared at him, a burst of energy and flames around her, "Why you little"

"We're already leaving, my apologies for bringing some destruction into your territory." 

The [ Light Elf ] wasn't apologizing for the trouble brought into the city, she was simply being sorry for his territory. The word choice didn't seem like a lot but it mattered to Han.

It mattered to Han Jing.

There was a clear divide between the [ Players ] and the world they were interacting with. He understood it from an outside perspective, he truly didbut at the same time, he didn't. He wanted to wake up already but at the same time, he wanted to make sure that things were cleared out here.

That Han would be able to return to Kraelonia Academy and was able to attend another day of his schooling. That Han would be able that he would be able to enjoy and dwell in his life here.

Her words simply added more of a headache to him as he mustered a grin, "Well, if you really want to make up for it, give me the teleportation scroll."

"What?" The [ Light Elf ] blinked for a moment, "Why would you need"

Han shrugged, or at least attempted to do so, Ellynn was heavier than he thought, "Consider it as recompensation."

"You know it's not really necessary to do that." The [ Tiefling ] spat out as she catched a potion bottle in her hands. "We can do whatever we want, you should be thankful that we aren't"

"Attacking hmm?" The [ Wood Elf ] raised a brow. "There are no rules as the Creators gave us all an opportunity to do as we wish here, but now that this [ Human ] and I are in an [ Alliance ], you should speak more warily."

The [ Tiefling ] clicked her tongue and shared a look with the [ Light Elf ]. A silent conversation between each other.

Unperturbed by them all and just right behind them, the [ Shadow Elf ] pickpocketed the items that came from his [ Professor ]'s pouch.

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