Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 112: Timothy's Predicament

Chapter 112: Timothy's Predicament

During the events after the Colossal Wyvern disappeared from the sight of the City of Gloria, both the city and the Kraelonia Academy were quick to focus on the restoration of the destruction caused in their own premises. 

And it also happened that was the occasion when Timothy and Iola snuck back into the Academy and actually succeeded in doing so. Although he would end up wondering if this had been a good choiceshe had an invisibility cloak.

If that didn't spell out something about her background, then he wasn't sure what would.

But he still kept his word. There would certainly be benefits into helping a person like them wouldn't it? 

Once they reached his dormitory room, the young woman immediately took off her cloak. Timothy blinked for a moment until the young woman pulled out a couple of necklaces from its pockets and handed it to him. She gave him a look, "That should fetch you a good price."

He wordlessly accepted them. Regardless of her background, he was getting paid by her and that was something that he and Han would need in the future. Speaking of which, he still needed to find that idiot and yet although she gave him the jewelry without even much of a blink of an eye, it only made him wonder. Did it not hold any emotional value to her at all? He glanced one last time at the young woman, "Are you really going to pay me with jewelry instead of money?"

"I have no time to exchange it, do it in my stead."

"I still have to look for my friend." Timothy picked up the most plain oneit looked like actual gold and then gave back the rest to her, "I'll pawn this and then if you're willing to look for it, then you can get it back." Taking too much advantage of a young woman who ran away from her home seemed a little too much for him.

Regardless of how badly he needed money.

Her lips pressed into a thin line as she waved him off, "Do whatever you wish for it. Pawning it off will probably diminish its value but it's still good nonetheless. When you get back, do get me dinner though."

Her requests were enough to make him regret taking her in. Still, at least she was direct to the point with it unlike some other people. Returning her wave, Timothy would leave his room

"Hey Timothy!"

The young man stiffened at the sound of a familiar voice. He saw that Han was well and good and relief flooded his chest until he noticed the person in his arms. And it was not just any person. It was Ellynn. "So you managed to find your way back on your ownand why is she with you?" What had exactly happened?

"It's a long story, well, to put it shortly, we met along the way and I think she passed out among the crowd of people. It was a good thing I was there or who knows what would have happened?"

Timothy rolled his eyes, "Very heroic." Somehow the idea seemed absurd but he'd choose to trust that there was a reason for it.

"I know, you don't have to keep praising me. But my problem still stays the same, I don't know where her room is, you think we can ask around?" Han flashed him an awkward grin until the man wobbled for a moment.

Timothy's eyes widened as he prepared to catch Ellynnbut then Han straightened up and flashed him a sheepish smile.

Was the guy messing with him?

"Alright let's go find her room." The two of them began to ask around for help but kept getting turned away, until he realized how stupid it was for them to do it.

The young man then instead asked around for Penelope Primrose's room alone without Han and was quickly given directions to that room for some reason. Unfortunately, when they arrived, the young woman wasn't there and they were then redirected to Angelika's room.

Albeit the one who opened up the door was their younger brother. Elliot's hair was currently braided but the young boy didn't seem to bother as he eyed him and Han with a raised brow, "Yes?"

Timothy mustered a small smile, "Hey, I was actually looking for your older sister but can I ask for some directions?"

Penelope came right behind her brother with a smile, "HelloW-What happened to her?!" The young woman stepped back involuntarily and glared at the two of them.

It took a moment for him to realize that she was probably alluding to something else and yet it was Han who spoke up, "She fell asleep and I just want to bring her to her room. Do you have a problem with it?"

Well that wasn't how Timothy had planned to ask them, but it would at least get the job done wouldn't it?

Unfortunately, the response would end up spiralling a lot of rumors that would surround him, Han and Ellynn. Han was still an idiot wasn't he?




"Wake up, I'm hungry."

Timothy's bloodshot eyes opened up drearily as he met the girl's gaze before he ended up knocking his chair backward. He rubbed the back of his head and muttered a good morning. He hardly got enough sleep to begin with and of course his guest would eventually end up waking him for her needs. "Why did I do this again?"

"Because I'm paying youand it's not to slack off." Although she had initially managed to get inside the Kraelonia Academy on her own, the young woman wasn't capable of getting her breakfast. The young woman had been leaning towards him before straightening up and shaking her head.

He sighed inwardly and remembered the jewel that the young woman tossed at him last night. "Yes, your Highness." What had she exactly said that time?

"I-it's Iola, don't be funny." The dark haired young woman turned away from him and sniffed, "I would have gotten breakfast myself but I wouldn't want to be branded as a thief or brigand."

"I see," Timothy pulled himself off the floor and picked up his chair. Right in time as the sound of knockings began. What time was it? "I'll try to get back as soon as I can."

And that was how Timothy's predicament started.

.. .

Now as for Han, somehow he ended up actually eager to eat and start his day, it was technically just his second day in Kraelonia Academy as a studentand he was positive that with his new [ Skills ], things might turn out a little easier for him. Han plopped down on his seat and watched the other guys do the same, for some reason, the girls weren't around yet.

It wasn't actually a bad thing.

"Based on the events yesterday, do you think that there's a chance for classes to get cancelled?" Despite his eagerness to actually bounce back from his horrible rank in the Academy's ranking, if there was a chance for him to kick back and relax well he wouldn't exactly hate that either.

"Unfortunately, I don't think that has ever happened beforewell, Miss Orleans' class getting cancelled yesterday may have been a precursor to the attack, but ah, I think it's best not to talk about it." Sir Leon de Harrington offered a sheepish smile, "Instead, I'm actually quite curious about what happened last night at the dormitory, it isn't often that Lady Penelope would end up in an outburst."

That last bit felt like a lie.

And yet somehow Han ended up being the perpetrator of that didn't he? What kind of Soul Waves trigger made that happen? He would end up scratching the back of his head, "It's nothing really, I went out to the market and got separated with Timothy."

His friend made no comment to dismiss or agree with him.

"And so I ended up meeting with Ellynn during the mass panic and she passed out." Han explained with a sheepish smile. Hopefully this wouldn't bite him in the back but the only one who could prove him wrong was the [ Half Elf ] herself and he was positive that she would prefer for such a rumor to die down. "But seriously, don't we have anything else to talk about? Get me some scoop on something else."


"I mean, argh nevermind. Is there anything that one can do to catch up to you guys in lessons?" As much as he would like to perhaps hear some interesting story about the building and how it was builtcatching up to them would be more beneficial wouldn't it?

"Hmm, well most of our lessons in the Primary Combat Curriculum are mostly related to fighting so it's something that you can work on. As for the Primary Mage Curriculum, the books prescribed are something you should read."

"I see." Han would have to do a lot of work then. Soon after a few more questions, it became more apparent that it was only Sir Leon de Harrington who was willing to converse and talk. Donovan would give inputs that mostly agreed or restated with the young [ Noble ]'s words and Timothy was too forlorn to even care at all. 

He really couldn't get this guy's personality.

Once breakfast has arrived, Timothy sighed and picked up his plate, "I think I'll be eating in my room."

"Huh?!" Han lifted a brow.

Timothy stood up, "Is it disallowed?"

"I mean, not exactly." Sir Leon de Harrington remarked with a sheepish smile. "But wouldn't it be better"

"Goodbye then, I'll see all of you in class."

Timothy didn't even let the [ Noble ] finish his sentence at all as he walked off. Han frowned but it was just in time to see the arrival of a familiar cloaked figure. It was Ellynn. 

And oh, the Primrose sisters were also thereand Timothy just walked past them without even so much of a greeting. What had just happened?

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