Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 97: One Sided Conversations

Chapter 97: One Sided Conversations

What was the absence of light? Darkness. Her own nature had to be given up temporarily for them to escapethe [ Light Elf ] casted the opposite of [ Light ] and enshrouded herself and Odele with darkness. And it was there that the Colossal Wyvern then redirected its attention towards the [ Human ] and the [ Half Elf ], Lucia tried not to shout but saw a ripple within the darkness.

It was one of Bleu's skills, he nabbed the two right before the monster could attack them.

Odele sent her a message and the two of them moved towards the opposite direction right as another message came from Tierra. She would have to meet up with them some other place. it wouldn't do any good to be in one place and allow the monster to attack them all in one go. But somehow it felt like they were giving the beast an opportunity to take them out one by one

The Colossal Wyvern blasted lightning towards the forest.

'Let's move faster.' She sent a message towards Odele, 'We have a teleportation scroll.'

'W-what? And what of the other three?'

Lucia fell silent for a moment as she ran through the forest, she could detect where Odele was thanks to her applying the enshrouding on them but guilt wormed its way to her heart. Somehow she was responsible for this incident by letting them all gather around here. 'We all need to gather around and then use the scroll in close proximityif we're too slow, the Colossal Wyvern could get teleported along with us.'

'But, they could die!'

Of course she was concerned about that too and yet she couldn't afford too much charity as she already did before. Her loyalty was with her [ Alliance ] and with her friends and though the

The Colossal Wyvern soared through the skies and landed further towards the forest. 

Her heart pounded for a moment until she received a message and sighed in relief, a confirmation that it wasn't Tierra or Bleu who had been chased. At least the two of them were able to outwit and stay undetected.

She paused in her steps and glanced towards the direction where the two were supposed to be in. Dispelling the spell around her hand, she motioned towards the path and looked at Odele, ir at least where the darkness loomed thicker than usual."Come with us, surely you can return back to the ocean around another beach." The fey offered a hand towards her friend.

Odele hesitated as she reached out to the [ Light Elf ].

.. .

The leaves and branches bristled through the air, and cut through his face. The young man traversed through the darkness and charred forest and found himself landing into a clearing, the monster in sight, it was facing a singular personEllynn. She was darting around, a mana barrier around her as the beast blasted back and forth.

Had everyone else already left?

"Hey!! You piece of" He tumbled into the other side and cursed himself, that direct attack had almost hit him. "I mean handsome wyvern!" A blast of lightning shot towards his feet and he was thrown back against the forest, gnarly trunks of trees crashed down along with him. "Okay, of course it can't speak Common." His entire body seared in pain but unlike before, it was much bearable.

Notifications flew across his vision and he dismissed them.

At least his body's durability was increasing. And yet Ellynn wasn't moving away for some reason, Han cupped his hands around his mouth, "Hey! Hey! Let's talk!"

The Wyvern growled and once again sent another blast of lightning into his direction.

[ You Have Dodged The Wyvern's Lightning Attack ]

[ Your Luck is High ]

[ Skill: Basic Agility Lvl 4! ]

Han began to run towards the creature, couldn't it still understand his words? Well he had to come closer and find its earrhole or something. He needed to communicate

Several trees shot out towards the Colossal Wyvern's chest, a minor annoyance.

"Clearly the two of you are two idiots, you should leave something like this to someone who can at least do some damage." The [ Wood Elf ]'s voice sighed. The forest had already suffered a lot of casualties, trees lay with split trunks and missing barks and yet everything was growing once more.

"Father!" Ellynn glanced towards Han's general direction, before looking around as well. Unlike before, the [ Wood Elf ] didn't show himself this time. They were taking in a more defensive position.

Somehow it felt like there was green in the air.

Han coughed and wheezed, another notification popping in the air. 

[ Skill - Mana Sense Obtained! ]

It felt a bit stuffy, as he dismissed the notification and quickly opened the private chat and sent the [ Wood Elf ] a message: 'Are you a Druid? Can you talk to the Wyvern, maybe we can reason with them?'

Han stepped back as another lightning was shot into his direction. Somehow they were now only paying attention to him, which was risky with his current [ Skills ] but each strike he missed was another increase to them.

'That's an idea. But they'll be unwilling to work with usunlike other animals, this one is bloodthirsty and can't be reasoned with, we have to end them or escape if we want to survive.'

His mission's words shot through Han's head: 

Despite What The Creators Hoped For All The Different Races

The Bloodshed Continues, A War Endlessly Rages

The intentions of the Creators weren't simply just fighting, the line made it seem like they were tired. And though he wasn't sure if Wyvern was considered as a 'Race', surely they were more interested in being pacifistic right?

A lightning blast had the man reeling backwards but was inevitably cushioned by a bush that sprung up behind him. A wooden wall bursted in front of him and channeled the lightning in his place.

Some breathing room as he sent a reply.

'If you don't want to talk to them, let me try.' 

'Do you think you can even do it? Haven't I already said that communication with them is'

'Give me a chance, if things work out then we live.' 

'If not, then you die.'

'Yeah, so go do those vine traps thingy again.'

'I can't believe our tactician is you.'

Their mode changed towards the offensive. Instead of the dodging, defensive and escapingtraps and vines shot out towards the Colossal Wyvern, but this time they were more prepared.

Lightning seared and burned them, claws ripped them as it flew into the air and shot another attack at Han. This time around, Han managed to escape and see a blast of wind shoot towards the air and attack the wings.

Its head focused on towards the [ Half Elf ] but a rotating trunk shot towards him.

The vines couldn't reach him but there were a lot of things that you could use as ammunition instead for ranged attacks. 

Roaring in protest, the Colossal Wyvern took most of the attacks without even dodging. His scales and body unperturbed by the attacks as it shot towards Han once again.

Ellynn was standing around still in the same position, somehow the Wyvern's attention had completely shifted towards himbut that was the intention right from the start, "Hey! Over here!" Couldn't he gain a new class now? Wasn't his luck really high?

Another tree bolted into the air from one direction and then the next.

Wind shot from behind him.

Colossal Wyvern's attention was divided now.

Han was the easiest target as he waved his hands around, "Hey look at me!" He gulped for a moment as he watched the creature dove down towards him. Just a little bit more for them to be

It moved much faster than he expected it to do.




"Stop!" The words vibrated and tensed the air. Han stood unblinkingly as the Colossal Wyvern mid-bite before the vines and tree trunks began to encapsulate and trap the creature once more.

And yet those words weren't his.

Glancing back behind him, a red haired siren stood uneasily behind himher hand was stretched out towards the Colossal Wyvern. This was the person who somehow saved him in the nick of time. "Thanks."

She gave him a wide-eyed look but didn't move or said a word. Somehow she was still staring behind him, perhaps that was how she controlled them?

'Well hurry up already!' The [ Wood Elf ]'s message popped up at him. 'We don't have all night!'

He shook his head and concentrated towards the creature in him, Han gulped. Even its mouth was now snapped shut with vines, and he wasn't even sure how long the [ Wood Elf ] could keep that up, "So yeah, sorry for keeping you tied up a bit."

The creature snarled at him, little sparks of electricity escaping its snout.

Han stepped back and waved his hand, he could remember the movie where you had to scratch some part of the creature's body to tame itbut that had been a dragon. And he wasn't really willing to find his hand bitten off if it was stronger than it looked. He cleared his throat, didn't they say repeated attempts would help him gain a class or skill? "Why are you trying to kill us?"

The Colossal Wyvern, for all its worth and danger, gave him a look that made him feel like he was an idiot.

Or maybe that had been just his imagination, still he knew that it wouldn't be able to reply with its mouth snapped shut with vines could it? "So, I think conversations aren't supposed to be one sided, nevermind all the ghosts uh, [ Wood Elf ] can you release the vines around its mouth?"

"Are you insane?!" The [ Wood Elf ] answered without the chat function this time.

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