Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 747: Ring the earth? Alas!

  Chapter 747 Ring the earth? Alas!

  When Quel'Thalas ended the war mobilization propaganda, and Charlemagne was busy presiding over the wedding of his younger brother Lor'themar and Liadrin, the Alliance and the Horde were also preparing for the upcoming war.

  The alliance has also detected the news that the tribe is about to use force on a large scale against the northern castle. Just as they were planning to send support across the sea, the changes in the Arathi Highlands reached the ears of the alliance's senior management.

At the alliance meeting in Stormwind Fortress, Jean was the first to give his own suggestion, "Let's stabilize the eastern continent first. Although the northern castle is a pity, it is only an overseas enclave after all. The territory of the eastern continent is the core of the alliance." .”

  Callia hesitated and said, "But the northern castle is our only outpost on the Kalimdor continent. If we lose this stronghold, it will become more difficult to cross the sea to attack the tribe in the future."

Magni sighed regretfully and said, "That can't be helped, we have to deal with the group of bones and sticks first, the geographical location of the Arathi Highlands is too important, if we can't get through here, the transportation of materials from the north to the south can only be done by sea. Even so, beware of the Forsaken's sea fleet."

Falstad also nodded and echoed, "The trolls in the Hinterlands are also in turmoil, not only the Evil Tooth tribe, but the Evil Branch trolls in Sinsaro don't know if they got some empty promises from the tribe. Some are just about to move."


Varian frowned and let out a breath. In the end, he firmed his eyes and said decisively, "Give up the northern castle. Although I'm sorry for Daelin, we must first stabilize the eastern continent. Maybe we can take this opportunity to remove Arathi. The Highlands are a thorn in my side."

  Catherine Proudmoore, who attended the conference instead of Dai Lin, shook her head helplessly, "Okay, I will send someone to the northern castle to tell him the alliance's decision..."

  The great craftsman Mekkatorque said thoughtfully at this moment, "No...maybe there is a turning point."

When several leaders of the alliance turned their heads to look at him, Gelbin shrugged and said, "Think about it, Daelin is going out in person this time, even if Queen Catherine sends someone to let him come back, with Daelin's temper, he will be stuck like this." Run away with tails?"

  Kellin smiled wryly, "With his temper, it's really impossible. He should still fight the tribe to the death. If he loses, he will lose on the battlefield."

  Gelbin walked up to the huge map that Varian hung in the hall with short legs, took out a long wooden stick from his backpack, and stretched out his hand to draw a circle around the southern area of ​​the northern castle.

   "Think again whose territory Dustwallow Marsh belongs to. If Daelin encounters a hard fight, can girl Jaina really hold back her rescue?"

The little prince of Anduin, who was specially trained by Varian to attend state affairs, raised his hand and asked timidly, "But Theramore participated in the war...Garrosh's warlike nature may lead to large-scale conflicts between the oath and the tribe. Right? Will the oath allow her to help?"


  All the leaders present understood the possible development of the situation after hearing this, and the leaders who have had friendship with Charlemagne for many years all smiled knowingly.

Varian kindly reached out and touched his son's hair, and explained gently, "You underestimate the ancient oath. During the Orc War and the Battle of Hyjal, the fighting will of the Tauren, Night Elves and High Elves was very brave. of."

"Charlemagne is not the kind of person who swallows his anger when others spit in front of him. Although he and Queen Azshara, the titular leader of the oath, have kept a neutral attitude over the years, they have always behaved during the Northern Expedition because the oath needed to recuperate. Not very impressive, but…”

  Jin shook his head with a wry smile. He remembered the old tribe that calmly moved to all directions but was beaten by the high elves.

  "Lions will always be lions. Don't treat them as sheep just because they are temporarily dormant. The oath is not a soft persimmon that is easy to pinch. If you provoke them, the tribe is destined to suffer a lot."

Varian patted the enlightened Prince Anduin lightly, got up and walked to the map and said, "Since the oath has a high probability of participating in the war, then we have to make some changes to our previous plan, maybe... The northern castle can still be preserved."


   "Ha! Those eggless ancient oaths are going to fight the tribe? Let them come! Except for a few powerful individuals, I don't think a group of cowards who avoid war under the banner of 'neutrality' can have much fighting power!"

  The war mobilization of the high elves never thought of hiding anyone, and Orgrimmar quickly found out about it through traders and spies.

  However, Garrosh, who was sitting on the throne of the great chief with the golden sword of the horse, didn't take it seriously at all, no matter how much Eitrigg tried to persuade him, he remained indifferent.

   "Notify Malkorok and Kiztan to get ready! Gather an army in the northern part of the barren land. Since the oath is ready to fight the Horde, then we will take the opportunity to attack Ashvale!"

Garrosh stood up abruptly and shouted, "The night elves occupy most of the rich areas of Kalimdor. We want to **** these lands from those soft **** who sleep all day long. I won't look forward and backward like Goel, Get ready for battle!"

  Eitrigg, the advisor to the great chief, sighed helplessly, "Yes..."

Since Vol'jin and the Darkspear troll were driven out of Orgrimmar, the entire tribe has almost become Garrosh's voice, but there are a large number of Mag'har orcs who are willing to be loyal to him, even King Saurfang Under such circumstances, it seemed helpless.

  Eitrigg looked at the blue sky above Orgrimmar blankly after walking out of the chief's hall, "Hey...if this continues, the Horde will really become the target of public criticism, Go'el...what should I do?"

   Goel, who was mentioned by Eitrigg, was still ignorant of the changes in Orgrimmar at this time. He and Agna were discussing elements with a group of tauren and broken ones on a merchant ship.

   "Muen, what do you mean...Deathwing hides in the Deep Rock Continent in the Earth Elemental Realm, and the Earth Elemental's wailing is directly related to him?"

The tauren opposite Goyle and Agna nodded his huge bull head, and said solemnly, "This is basically certain, and in addition, Ragnaros, the king of the fire element, was originally the ancient god. servant, there must be N’Zoth’s shadow behind this elemental riot.”

Agna put her chin in her hand and pondered, "That is to say... the change of the earth element and the fire element has affected the wind element and the water element to some extent. Although it is not obvious, the four elements of Azeroth are indeed very different now." Balance, so that makes sense."

  The tauren known as Mun exchanged views with the Broken beside him, and they both nodded at the same time.

"Guiel, I invite you to join this neutral shaman organization as the leader of the Ring of Earth—Muun Earthfury. We do not participate in the disputes between the Alliance, the Horde, and the Oath. The Ring of the Earth aims to be with the elements. Reach a communication to maintain the stability of Azeroth from the elemental level."

The Shaman of the Broken also said, "My name is Nobundo, and I was invited by Munn to join this ancient shaman organization in recent years. You have been the chief of the tribe before, and we cannot ask you to abandon your responsibilities. Serving the elements of Azeroth, but now..."


  Agna looked at the green-skinned orc who had taken off the plate armor and put on a cloth robe and rosary beside her with some worry and expectation.

Goyle closed his eyes and considered for a while, and finally he looked at the two opposite people with firm eyes and said, "I see, I accept the invitation from the Ring of the Earth. Azeroth is the home where we live together, and we have an obligation to protect the world. stable!"


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