Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 762: The flames of war that burn across Azeroth

  Chapter 762 The flames of war burning all over Azeroth

On the northern castle battlefield, Daelin was very pleased with his daughter's support. After the soldiers of Theramore and Dalaran joined the battle, he voluntarily let the troops of Kul Tiras charge at the forefront, taking advantage of the artillery support from the orcs' rear line to completely misfire , Daelin moved the battle line back outside the castle.

Malkorok was furious at the current disadvantage, but things that made him even more annoyed were still happening one after another. The news that the wild boars and the reinforcements at the crossroads were intercepted quickly reached his ears as the Warlord of the Barrens. middle.

Gazlowe frowned, his eyeballs rolled, and it took him a while to persuade him, "Overseer Malkorok, let's retreat to Ratchet City for now, the crossroads is the logistics center of the entire Barrens. "

   "Once this stronghold is lost, our supplies in the Barrens will have serious problems, and King Saurfang's battle in Ashenvale will also be seriously affected..."

   "The northern castle can be attacked later, we must first keep the intersection."

Gazlowe saw the struggling expression on Malkorok's face, and said while the iron was hot, "The group of black-skinned tauren attacking the intersection... If my information is correct, it should be the Grimtotem stationed in Stonetalon Mountain. "

   "This clan is the most brutal and warlike clan among the Kalimdor tauren. Once they are rushed into the crossroads... the consequences will be disastrous."

  The troops Garrosh left at the crossroads were the reserve army formed after he took office, and their combat effectiveness and military discipline were already a long way behind the regular army.

  Although the number is 20,000, but against the tauren, which is known as the strongest race in land warfare, even if Magatha has only 5,000 people, it is enough to fight, and maybe they will collapse if they are stunned by a round of charge.

  After years of cultivation, the tauren have gradually regained their vitality. With their fertility rate, a new generation of tauren has grown up, and the population is no longer the same as when they moved to Mulgore.

  And now they don't only have primitive totem poles and simple leather armor, but also high elves enchanted armor and weapons.

  What would it be like to fight the group of ferocious tauren from the Grimtotem and the tribal reserve army... Malkorok didn't dare to think too much.

   Struggling for a while, seeing that the troops without support on the front line were becoming more and more unable to withstand it, Malkorok could only give an order to retreat unwillingly.

   "The whole army retreats! Return to Ratchet City to regroup, first of all, keep the intersection!"

  For the Horde, the key to the war situation in Kalimdor has never been the alliance, but the strength of the ancient oath that has been hiding its power for many years.

  The northern castle has been beaten to pieces, as long as the oath is cleaned up, it will not be difficult to turn around and pull out this nail.

Daelin knew that it would be difficult to put too much pressure on the tribe with his own army alone, so he simply left some troops behind and repaired the northern castle, and led the invincible fleet of Kul Tiras to swim in the sea. and the supply ship were sunk on the spot.

The crossroads are still in the hands of the Horde, but Magatha's terrifying totem tauren rode Kodo beasts and galloped recklessly on the vast land north of the crossroads. The centaur army went northward to the battlefield of Ashenvale. Now there is no one in the barren land. can pose too much threat to them.

The Grimtotem has repeatedly harassed the tribe's supplies to be transported to the front line of Ashenvale, and there is no problem in a short period of time, but once King Saurfang's Ashenvale army cannot receive supplies for a long time, it will be destroyed by Jarod and Fandral. It's only a matter of time before it's crushed.

  The southern front is also a headache for the tribe. Although the wild boars are large in number, their individual combat effectiveness is far behind the tauren.

  In addition, after the northern castle was rescued, the floating city of Dalaran came to support in this direction. In desperation, Ramtas, who had just left the house not long ago, had no choice but to retreat back to the Razorfen.

   When Charlemagne received the information, the Alliance, the Horde, and the Oath had already fought in the Barrens and Ashenvale, and it seemed that the Oath had the upper hand, which made him very relieved.

  The other thing is the battle situation in the eastern continent. The Hillsbrad battlefield has completely become a meat grinder. After the support from Gilneas and Lordaeron arrived at this hill respectively, the decline of the original alliance gradually turned into an advantage.

  Solas had to mobilize part of his troops from the Sadore Bridge, where the battle was good, and send them to the Hillsbrad frontline through the Wall of Thoradin.

  The two sides have now used their brains in this area, and the number of soldiers killed by both sides every day is rising steadily.

  The situation on the Sador Bridge in the south of Arathi is still in a stalemate, while the situation in the Hinterlands is not good for the alliance.

The Vilebranch troll didn't know what medicine he had taken, and he wanted to break through the Eagle's Nest Mountain of the Wildhammer dwarves with all his heart. If the army led by Tirion hadn't rushed to support from the Poison Mist Canyon in time, who would own the Eagle's Nest Mountain now? It's hard to say.

  Charlemagne lowered his head and muttered, "The Evil Branch troll... What did Garrosh promise them? This must have been exhausting."

  Finally, there is the situation in Twilight Highlands. Bryan and Kurdran have joined forces to defeat Grim Batol, and they regained the fortress and used it as the alliance's forward base in Twilight Highlands.

  The tribe has initially established a firm foothold in Dragonmaw Port, and Zaira was easily recognized by the remnants of Dragonmaw.

  When the Alliance consolidated Grim Batol and sent Wildhammer Gryphons to explore the way, she also sent a large number of Horde laborers to expand Dragonmaw Port, and at the same time let the Viletooth Trolls act as scouts to investigate the situation ahead.

  'Fortunately, the control areas of the two sides are far apart, and they should not be able to collide in a short time. Let's wait and see what happens. '

  The flames of war in the eastern continent could not be ignited on the oath for the time being. After a little attention, Charlemagne gave up and continued to think deeply.

"Thank you, Brand. The Secret Path continues to pay attention to the Kalimdor continent. Lesac, the Department of Homeland Strategy will focus on the eastern continent for the time being. Learn more from your seniors, and sooner or later you will be able to Stand alone."


   "Yes! His Royal Highness the Regent!"

After the two left on their flying mounts, Charlemagne sighed softly, and said to Cirvanas beside him, "I hope Chris and Lilith can arrive soon, the curtain of war has already begun, and time waits for no one." ah…"

  The situation on Mount Hyjal involves too much, first is Deathwing's plan, second is the revival of the demigod, and then Ragnaros' ambition to burn everything, and now it is also related to the outcome of the tribe and the oath in Ashenvale.

  If Mount Hyjal can be resolved early, the oath side can draw a lot of troops to join the frontline battle in Ashenvale, not to mention defeating the tribe, at least it is possible to beat them so that they dare not come out.

  Dark Portal In March 28th, three space warships carrying the main forces of the high elves, nightborne, draenei and a large amount of logistics supplies finally sailed into the range of Mount Hyjal from above Winterspring.

  When the three space warships defeated the intercepted Twilight Dragoons under the cover of the Sunstrider Wings and the Air Combat Mecha all the way, and transported a large number of troops to the Malorne Sanctuary, Charlemagne showed a confident smile on his face.

   "Next, it's our turn to counterattack!"


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