Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 783: Garrosh: Counseling today is for not counsing next time

  Chapter 783 Garrosh: Today's counseling is so that I won't coax next time... It seems a bit convoluted?

  Garrosh's life is indeed difficult recently. The war against the Alliance has barely maintained a balance of power, and Hillsbrad can't tell the winner for a while.

   But the war situation with the oath made him very annoyed. He felt as if he had been calculated by the ancient oath, and he was led by the nose from beginning to end.

  Whether it is the attack on the northern castle or the invasion of Ashenvale, even Gazlowe's joining, the southern wild boar's attack on Theramore, and the support of the crossroads reserve force, etc. are all regarded as deadly.

In addition, after the original catastrophe, there were many disaster relief projects that needed to be carried out, and now Orgrimmar has a lot of resentment. Under the instigation of some caring people, the green-skinned orcs who were bewitched before all missed Goel again. The reign of the chieftain.

  Although in the eyes of some hot-headed brown-skinned orcs, Goel's diplomatic strategy is indeed "cowardly", but at least during that time the orcs did not worry about their homeland.

  The various problems faced by the tribe's survival have also been solved one by one through the efforts of the great chief...or at least there is hope of a solution.

  But Garrosh, the new warchief, is different. He has just taken over and is eager to prove to the tribal people that he is no worse than Go'el with his military achievements. For this reason, he does not hesitate to fight the alliance and the oath at the same time.

  The result... Although Charlemagne was merciful out of the idea of ​​​​conserving troops, and did not destroy the army that the orcs were proud of at one time, anyone with a little discernment could see the decline of the Horde on the two battlefields of the Barrens and Ashenvale.

   "There is no doubt that this situation is expected by the oath. The course of our war with the oath is almost all predicted, and the person who implements this plan... should be the regent of Quel'Thalas."

Eitrigg felt a little disheartened when he thought of this. At the beginning, he urged Garrosh not to start the war with the ancient oath lightly, but the great chief who was full of meritorious deeds didn't listen at all, which led to the current situation. The embarrassing situation of being pressed and rubbed.

   "We have no hope of winning the war in Kalimdor. Continuing to fight is just a waste of resources and manpower. There are still many manpower gaps in disaster relief. Please ask the ancient oath for peace talks."

  Garrosh's face was full of anger, but after this period of tempering, he was actually very clear that although what Eitrigg said was blunt and harsh, it was the unquestionable status quo today.

  Barely suppressing his anger, Garrosh asked in a deep voice, "Will the ancient oath agree? I am not willing to beg for peace with them as a defeated nation."

Eitrigger persuaded again, "So now is the most suitable time. Although we are at a disadvantage on the battlefield, at least we have not experienced a clear defeat. If we use the excuse of violating the treaty to support the alliance first, maybe we can win A good negotiation result."

  Garrosh sighed helplessly, waved his hands and said, "That's it, let you handle the peace talks, as long as you don't embarrass the tribe, I don't want to hear rumors that the tribe bowed to the oath."

   "Your will, Warchief."


  Five days before Queen Lianda's wedding, Charlemagne had just arrived at the office in the light rain, when a member of the Hidden Path promptly handed him the latest information from Kalimdor.

   "Garrosh wants to make peace? Huh..."

After Charlemagne asked the members of the Hidden Passage to retreat, he said to Lisson with a smile, "At the beginning, this guy looked smug and wanted to take down Ashenvale and Theramore. I thought he could hold on for a while, but I didn't expect that It's pretty fast."

   When Charlemagne, Aurelia and other masters were all out, Leeson has been acting as Charlemagne's duty to handle various official duties and intelligence collection, and he is quite clear about the current situation.

He chuckled and shook his head and said, "The war between the Horde and the Covenant is all about quickness. If they can set up a stronghold in the depths of Ashenvale before the night elves react, maybe they can really drag the war to a long-term war." .”

   "But now... They are blocked at the entrance of Ashenvale and cannot be stored. The battle situation in the southern barren land is not optimistic. In addition, the huge number of people affected by the disaster in Durotar, they can't afford it."

It is rare for Onyxia to handle official business with the hostess in the absence of the hostess. At this time, she also raised her head with a smile and added, "In addition, the war with the alliance also involved too much energy, Hillsbrad The situation is getting more and more dangerous, if we don't send support... the eastern continent will completely collapse."

  Charlemagne also nodded with a smile and said, "This timing is actually good. The tribe has not yet fallen into a disadvantage. With some efforts on the negotiating table, we should be able to barely get out of the body. It will be hard to say if it drags on."

Sure enough, just two days before Lianda's wedding, the envoys of the tribe came to Quel'Thalas on the grounds of congratulating the Queen's wedding, but the first contact they made was not Lianda, but Aisa, the leader of the oath in name pull.

  In the study of the Prince Regent’s Mansion, Azshara told Velen and Charlemagne what had happened before, “The tribe expressed their intention to negotiate with me, what do you two think?”

  Charlemagne and Velen looked at each other, and said with a smile at the same time, "Let's talk."

  Although this war did not show the thunderous offensive of the ancient oath, the powerful heritage of this neutral organization in the face of the assault of the elite orc troops has already caught the attention of all races in Azeroth.

  After the goal is achieved, Charlemagne has no intention of continuing to entangle with the tribe. Today's main theme is still to defeat the conspiracy of Deathwing and Cho'gall. It would be best if N'Zoth behind them can be found out.

  However, the time for the peace talks will still be after Lianda's wedding. Now that the whole of Quel'Thalas is busy preparing for the Queen's wedding, there is no time to discuss the peace talks.

  In order to express goodwill, the Horde has ordered the attacking forces of Saurfang and Vol'jin in Ashvale to withdraw to the Warsong Vanguard Battalion.

  After obtaining permission from the frontline commander Jarod, the three Windrunner sisters and Tyrande teleported back to Quel'Thalas from the frontline, just in time for the grand wedding of Queen Leanda and Cairne Sunfury.

  The wedding was held in the Sunstrider Square. Visitors from all ethnic groups gathered around the square to witness the birth of the new prince. With heartfelt blessings, the people of the high elves all hope that the Queen can give birth to a son and a half for the royal family as soon as possible.

   Of course, Kane, who was regarded as a planter, was not so happy. After the ceremony, this guy was drunk by a group of bad friends such as Charlemagne and Sean with a bad laugh.

  If it weren't for the wine guards specially arranged by Lianda to take turns, Kane might be poured to the ground before spending his wedding night.

  While the people waited with anticipation for the good news from the Queen's stomach, the peace envoy sent by the orcs finally formally sat down at the negotiating table with the leaders of the oath.

   Azshara looked at Eitrigg who had just sat down with interest and said, "Then... let me hear the sincerity of the Horde."

   Thanks to the book friends "鬼ovo Remnant Soul" and "Strike Mie Tianlai" for their support.




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