Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 808: Harvey who likes to brag and cheat

  Chapter 808 Harvey who likes to brag and cheat

   Since Zhu Taran had been vaccinated before, Charlemagne was not surprised that the Alliance and the Horde discovered Pandaria.

  After all, such a large continent, the route from Booty Bay to Steamwheedle Port can easily discover the northernmost Thunder God Island and Giant Behemoth Island in Pandaria, and then discover the entire continent.

   "Don't panic, let the pandaren deal with the alliance's diplomatic dealings for now."

   "In addition, in the name of the ancient oath, we issued a solemn warning to the tribe. Their warship is sailing into the area occupied by the oath. If no reasonable explanation is given, we will sink it immediately."

   Following Charlemagne's orderly arrangements, normal order was restored in the office that seemed a little flustered due to the sudden situation.

  The domestic affairs have basically been arranged, and it should not be so easy for the tribe to directly invade the territory occupied by the oath. Charlemagne intends to take advantage of this time to fulfill his promise to Leiden first.

   "Lisson, next I'm going to Stormheim in the Broken Isles. I have something important to ask Ulan to send someone to Vardisdan to look for me."

  Lison bowed slightly and said, "Yes, Your Highness, please be safe."

  When Charlemagne told the family that he was about to go out again, the three Windrunner sisters and Tyrande both expressed that they could not leave for the time being.

   A lot of work has accumulated from skipping work for half a year before, and they need to spend some time to deal with it. In order to reach the advanced demigod standard as soon as possible, the three of Aurelia are all ready to work hard...by the way, they will train Lilas more attentively.

  The people who went out with them were finally determined to be the stalking Black Dragon Queen and Valeira who couldn't go out to play last time.

  In addition, Mr. Bigglesworth and the mount No. 2 Eragon who are always on Charlemagne, after saying goodbye to his family, Charlemagne opened the portal and came to the Highmountain Thunder Totem.

   Today's Thunder Totem is much more lively than before. While retaining the traditional style of the tauren, the upper platform of the Thunder Totem is mixed with many vendors of other races and buildings with various ethnic characteristics.

  Charlemagne first found Ulan Gaoling, and entrusted him to send someone to Vadisdan to convey the news when something important happened.

  Ulan, who is getting older, like Barre of the Tianjiao tribe and Naig of the Bloodtotem clan, has begun to cultivate successors for himself.

  Charlemagne also saw Ulan's only daughter, Meera Gaoling, the next Great Chief of High Mountain, who was still very immature at this time.

  When Charlemagne took Eragon and gradually dived from Highmountain into the Storm Fjord, the group accidentally discovered that the Vrykul below seemed a little restless.

  Valeira noticed some of the anomalies with her secret agent-trained observation skills. "Is this...infighting?"

  Charlemagne and Onyxia also gradually noticed the specific situation below. In a relatively large-scale Vrykul settlement, two waves of Vrykul were attacking each other with weapons.

  Charlemagne turned on the eagle eye technique and took a closer look at the clothes of the two parties. "It seems that there is indeed an internal strife between a certain Vrykul tribe. The clothes and flags of the two sides are exactly the same."

Onyxia curled her lips in disdain and said, "This is not a strange thing for a barbaric race like the Vrykul, right? Maybe they just digested food after a meal, after all, when these guys participated in the funeral banquet of the warriors You can even get drunk and resign yourself to your fate."

Charlemagne did not refute Oni's words. As she said, many primitive and barbaric customs of the Vrykul have not kept up with the times. At least most races in Azeroth will not drink and make trouble at someone's funeral …

   "Something is wrong..."

  Valeira looked down with half-closed eyes and said, "The Vrykul wearing a crown on the ground should be the king of this tribe, right? I think they should be fighting for the throne."


  Charlemagne only became a little interested, and looked in the direction of Valeira's finger, and sure enough, he found a Vrykul man lying in a pool of blood and wearing a crown on his head.

  Beside his corpse, there were four vrykul young men who looked very similar and were attacking each other. The entire tribal camp was also clearly divided into several groups to kill each other. The scene was chaotic.

  Onyxia urged impatiently, "Master, don't worry about their boring house fights, don't we still have to go find Odin?"

  The battle with the highest combat power is at the hero level. In the eyes of the Black Dragon Queen, who has fully accepted the power of the protection of the earth and has reached the demigod level, it is indeed like playing a house.

  Charlemagne nodded, "Let's go, Elegon, the internal strife among the Vrykul for power has nothing to do with us. Let's go to Vardisdan to check the situation first. I don't know if anyone knows the whereabouts of that Harvey."

   At this time, Charlemagne still didn't know that the Vrykul tribe who was fighting among themselves below was called Tide Tide. The four people who attacked each other on the ground were brothers, and the Vrykul king who fell on the ground was their father.

  The names of the four brothers are Vodgar, Udgar, Agnol and... Skovald.

  In order to avoid panic among the Vrykul in Vardisdan, Charlemagne purposely let Eragon land secretly outside the town.

   After wrapping Eragon in the form of a scarf around his neck, the group walked slowly towards the interior of Vardisdan.

   "Harvey? Don't you just drink and brag outside? That rune prophet cheated a lot of good wine and meat with his profound knowledge."

  When Charlemagne asked the tavern owner of Vardisdan, he quickly got the exact answer. It just so happened that the incarnation of Odin happened to cheat food and drink in this small town.

The three of them came to the big fire in the center of Vardistan Town, where a group of Vrykul were sitting around drinking and eating meat, and a bald Vrykul with runes carved on his face was spitting all over the place. Telling something.

  "...Hela thought she could develop her followers among the Vrykul without telling Odin, ha! The great Odin has long been aware of what this witch has done!"

   "Pfft~" Hearing Harvey's self-promotion, Charlemagne couldn't help laughing.

The Vrykul who had been interrupted turned their heads and looked at him dissatisfied, Charlemagne then waved his hand and said insincerely, "I'm sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your bragging. It's funnier."

  Harvey's eyes flashed brightly, and he stroked his long, braided beard with great interest, "I hear what you mean... it seems that you know my identity?"

  Charlemagne looked up and down the other party with a playful smile on his face, and sent out a thunderous sentence in his mouth, "Hehe, what do you think, Your Excellency the Chief Manager?"

   Harvey's face changed, he stood up and said, "Friend, please take a step to talk!"

  Then he clapped his hands pretending to be careless and said to the surrounding vrykul, "It's gone! That's all for today, old Harvey, I have business to do."


  As the Vrykul hissed and dispersed, Harvey brought the three of Charlemagne to a secluded grove outside the town.

   Harvey who turned his head could no longer see the cynicism just now on his face, and he asked majesticly, "Tell me, who are you? What is the purpose of coming to me? Why do you know my identity?"


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