Reborn as a Noble's Son

Chapter 240 - 239 Shocking the Municipal Committee_1

Chapter 240: Chapter 239 Shocking the Municipal Committee_1

Translator: 549690339

Zhang Chubin was taken aback by Nie Zhenbang’s words. In Zhang Chubin’s impression, it seemed that there had never been anything that posed a difficulty for Nie Zhenbang. In terms of agricultural development, Nie Zhenbang easily established the Farmer Welfare Company. For mining, Longhua Mining made a grand entry. For development zones, the lack of funds, Wal-Mart Group chipped in. The county committee and county government arranged for relocation. There seemed to be a limitless flow of funds from the ministries into the treasury of Lixian County, and the district and city governments couldn’t get a cut of it. Everyone had designated it for specific purposes. In this world, were there any challenging situations for Director Nie?

Then, Zhang Chubin also smiled and said: “Zhenbang, to hear you like this, I am quite curious. I am eager to see the issues that make you feel challenged.”

Looking at the documents on the table. On the title page, it read “1993 Lixian Economic Development Data Report”. Upon opening the report, Zhang Chubin’s originally calm expression, suddenly lit up with excitement.

The total investment brought in throughout the year amounted to 369 million Yuan. The actual amount invested was 324.3 million Yuan. The Lixian Government itself had invested 1.2 billion Yuan.

Overall industrial growth rate in the county had reached an astonishing 93 percent. There were 5,300 new jobs in the county. Mining growth also reached 67 percent. Agricultural growth reached 72 percent. The per capita net income of farmers and herders reached 7,733 Yuan. The average annual net income of urban residents (excluding government officials) reached 7,962 Yuan per person. The overall economic growth rate of Lixian reached 77.3 percent.

From a total income of less than 10 million Yuan the previous year, by this year, so far, the total income has exceeded 89 million Yuan. It had increased ninefold.

After closing the documents, Zhang Chubin was puzzled. This was an extraordinary achievement. If the report was released, he was likely due for promotion.

Looking at Nie Zhenbang, Zhang Chubin smiled and said: “Zhenbang, this is good news, very good news. How did this become a difficult situation?”

Nie Zhenbang also started laughing. Upon initially seeing the report, he thought he miscalculated. He specially brought in auditors and the head of the finance bureau. After confirming, he too thought it was good. Yet, upon calming down, Nie Zhenbang found it challenging.

“Secretary Zhang, the data are excellent and I assure you that there is no padding whatsoever. And these estimations are quite conservative. However, when I think more carefully about it, how are we going to report to the city government?” Nie Zhenbang started to laugh again.

After a pause, Nie Zhenbang continued: “Old Zhang, we have been working together for a while now. After this, I suspect, your promotion is not far off. After all, you were an Executive Director in the past, although you’ve only been the lead for one year. However, with your significant contributions as the leader, promotion is guaranteed. What I am worried about now is whether we should underreport the numbers, following the pattern of the South China Sea Special Zone, which is to control and report the economic development at a rate of about ten percent. Or do we report truthfully? This is where I find difficulty.”

At this moment, Zhang Chubin was also somewhat content. Promotions were inevitable and he would not be offered a job in which there was nothing substantial to do. Most likely, he would still be within the ranks of the party and government leaders.

Zhang Chubin was clear about what Nie Zhenbang was saying. The so-called South China Sea Mode refers to the initial stages of special zone development. In fact, the economic growth rate of the special zone had reached 40 percent. However, the published data was only about 20 percent or so. This left room for other local governments. After all, rapid development in the past didn’t guarantee the same in the future. It was an art form.

After pondering for a moment, Zhang Chubin nodded and said: “Indeed, this is difficult. For the economic data, I believe we should not inflate the numbers. In the past, there was nothing to work with in Lixian and so it was in dire straits. But with the current performance, it was mainly due to the stark contrast. I think a maximum growth of 20 percent should be the target, leaving some room for the future.”

In fact, this thought process shared by Zhang Chubin is generally embodied in normal circumstances. In Nie Zhenbang’s memory, there were occurrences in his previous life where good development was hidden in year one to ensure handsome results for the following year, giving a consecutive year of positive results. Another scenario is when local development data isn’t optimistic, false data is created to preserve achievements, this was a possibility as well.

After a moment’s reflection, Nie Zhenbang said: “Old Zhang, in my opinion, we should report the actual figures. Whatever our achievements, we report them as such, without holding back. On one hand, it would set a benchmark for the cadres in Lixian County and put pressure and responsibilities on everyone, including myself. Only under these circumstances, can we push Lixian to continue striving. On the other hand, if we hold back, your accomplishments won’t be as prominent, which would be detrimental to your future.”

Listening, Zhang Chubin felt moved. Despite Nie Zhenbang having his own thoughts doing this, in the end, there was no difference between being a county head or the secretary. The person profiting was ultimately himself.

Moving from an executive position to a bureau level position is a big hurdle. Some may never be able to cross it in their lifetimes. For Zhang Chubin, the temptation to hold a sub-bureau level position was undoubtedly huge. Whether in or out of Lixian, or being a county secretary or not, everything would have to give way to a sub-bureau level position.

Subsequently, Zhang Chubin also nodded, “Hmm, Zhenbang, your consideration is indeed an issue. I suggest we report the situation truthfully. We’ve never manipulated the data and we can withstand any investigation or test. This way, we won’t have to worry about these things.”

Back at the municipal party committee, Liu Wenqing had just begun his day at work when the voice of Mayor Ding Aiguo could be heard from outside, “Secretary Feng, is Secretary Liu in there?”

Upon hearing this, Liu Wenqing was slightly startled and began to wonder. What would bring Ding Aiguo here himself? Did something happen on his end? Even in the case of urgent matters, Ding Aiguo typically preferred phone calls. They had been colleagues for many years, and their relationship had always been cordial. There had never been any direct confrontations between them. But truth be told, Ding Aiguo rarely visited.

Considering this, Liu Wenqing stood up personally, opened the door and greeted him with a smile on his face, “Mayor Ding, please come in. What brings you here today, Old Ding?”

Ding Aiguo’s expression was complex, his face changing as he followed Liu into his office and sat down. He then asked, “Secretary Liu, have you seen the annual economic data report sent from Lixian?”

This question took Liu by surprise as usually, these kinds of reports were not delivered to him. Economic data reports fell under the category of government work and usually these were delivered directly to Ding Aiguo by the relevant departments or officials.

This year, Liu had also received an economic data report from Lixian, but he hadn’t had a chance to look at it yet. At this, Liu shook his head, “No, not yet. The municipal office just delivered it yesterday. I planned to find time to read it today. Why? Did something happen in Lixian?”

Listening to Liu’s words, a knowing expression appeared on Ding Aiguo’s face. He then laughed and said, “Secretary Liu, I suggest you take a look at it personally. This time, there’s a big problem in Lixian.”

Upon reading the report, Liu scanned it briefly. His eyes widened in surprise at the economic growth figures reported for Lixian. It was hard to believe, like a fairy tale.

“Old Ding, do you think there’s any inflation in Nie Zhenbang’s report?” Liu immediately asked with a frown.

The county’s economic growth rate had reached 77.3%, and the average annual net income per capita was close to 8,000 yuan. In this era, this was an incredible achievement. In a time when ten-thousand-yuan households were a rarity, it seemed like by next year, Lixian might become the first county in the country where every household made ten thousand yuan a year. That would be even more astonishing than a ten-thousand-yuan village or township.

Ding could not be sure of the accuracy of this information. The numbers given by Nie Zhenbang and Zhang Chubin were just too shocking, too unrealistic, especially in a place like Xibei where most areas only saw economic growth rates of around 7%. This speed was miraculous.

After some contemplation, Ding Aiguo finally said softly, “Secretary Liu, I don’t think so. We know the character of comrades Zhang Chubin and Nie Zhenbang. They aren’t the kind of people who exaggerate. Plus, since they dare to report these figures, they must be prepared for scrutiny. I believe that the figures are authentic.”

Liu Wenqing also nodded, then replied solemnly, “Fine. I believe comrades Xiao Zhang and Xiao Nie. We will report these figures as is.”

Right now, Liu Wenqing’s decision was based on his absolute trust in Nie Zhenbang and Zhang Chubin. He even skipped the usual investigation and verification process and reported the figures directly. In doing so, he was indeed taking a significant risk. However, Liu knew Nie Zhenbang’s character well – he would not attempt something unless he was sure it would succeed. It could be said with certainty that these data were accurate, if not likely lower than the actual figures.

Similar to Bazhou City, the provincial audit and finance departments were also stunned upon receiving the data sent by Bazhou City. Everyone thought there had been a mistake made. It was only after phone confirmation with Bazhou City that they forwarded the data to the president of the autonomous region.

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