Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 238 – The Last Dance

Chapter 238 – The Last Dance


[Name: Ikarus   |   Species: Phoenix (Demon Lord)   |   Level: 1000]

[Health    166,666/166,666]

[Stamina 166,242/166,666]

[Magicka 166,666/166,666]

[You currently have 50001 unassigned points]

The final battle, the last dance, the round up, our final encounter with Zeus is fast approaching so it no longer makes sense to save anything for later. It’s do or die, it’s… I’ll stop this now. The point is, this battle will be it. We can finally live a long boring day full of peace once he’s gone… freaking hope that’s the case but I lost blind naiveite long ago.

‘Hey Aesa… would it be possible to buy back an ability?’

There’s one in particular… self-sacrifice. We’ve already got a last resort being the first phoenix’s sword, having another doesn’t sound like the worst.

[<It is Ikarus… but Aesa is not allowing Ikarus to break promise to wife>]

‘I’d like to argue but already know I’ll lose… fuck it. Can you just randomize the buy?’

Still quite a few abilities to upgrade and most I can find fault with. Anything that falls from the sky won’t work if there is no sky, for example if we’re in the void or a cave. My AOE attacks don’t seem to affect the Gods as much as they should, Aesa has already said upgrading the revival abilities won’t affect cooldown, and I’m not sure if the passive effects like eye of wisdom would do any good upgraded.

[<Aesa can randomize it, but wouldn’t recommend it, Ikarus>]

‘Eh, fail to see the problem, all the sacrificial lamb purchases were randomized. Let’s just do it because I won’t spend it otherwise’

[<Okay then Ikarus… processing true randomization subroutine. Ability -human descent- has now been upgraded… changes are best seen rather than explained>]


---Last time I’ll show the overall table like this.



‘What are you talkin-, eh!?!’

Oh dear God, I’ve done something terrible! My horns start to retract into my head, two things raise up in their place as well as something fluffy and bushy grows from just above my bum. I know human descent is meant to be my base form; this is not okay though!


---Couldn't decide on which image to use so you get 2 again!



“Heh, new upgrade, Ikarus? Looking adorable!”

Oh right, I forgot to mention something important since Petra was waiting patiently for me.

While everyone else is preparing themselves, possibly to say goodbye as well, me and Petra were aiming to practice against each other in our favourite park. Both of use wooden blades today, think we wife fancied something a little different before we finally walk into the belly of the beast.

“Don’t freaking compliment woman, I can’t stop wagging this freaking tail!”

“Heh, really Ikarus? This could be fun…”

As I try to hold my happy tail from wanting to be a rotor blade, Petra charges at me and tries to take swipe me down!

I’m quickly able to regain my composure and dodge, all the while my tail finally appears to be dying down. This is really how we’re going to train before fighting Zeus?

“Heh, the way you move is beautiful, Ikarus. Pure perfection in every way”

“J-Just stop!”

Tail wagging out of control and fluster growing uncontrollably again, Petra goes for my shoulder and this time I’m forced to block. Bish please, my wife is just plain evil!

‘Aesa, I want to switch back!’

[<Normally, Aesa would be willing to help. For now though, Aesa thinks Ikarus should remain in this form. Hence, the option to switch is currently under lockdown>]

‘You traitor, stop encouraging our wife!’

Again, Petra fires an onslaught of attacks in my direction, every single one I either duck, dodge or block. She’s relentless… but, such eagerness can be exploited.

Just a small opening by her hip and without a second though, I swing the blade…

“Heh, so adorable and cute, Ikarus”


I miss my attack when this moronic tail upsets my balance, falling into the wife who has to catch me. I would’ve gotten her, no doubt about it. This student is never going to surpass the master it seems… is there a roleplay opportunity there? Ah, focus Ikarus. We have a lifetime for stuff like that once Zeus is gone.

“Heh, think I win. You’re too easy to distract, Ikarus”

Helping me back up from behind, Petra picks up her prize and does something to freak me out. My tail brushing against her is bad enough, the nibble on the ear cannot be ignored though.

“Urgh!? D-Don’t do that! S-Seriously Petra!? This i-is supposed to be a serious battle!”

Don’t ask about the moan, the sensitivity is just like my horns, impossible to ignore and insanely pleasurable to touch. My tail as well, even just a light graze is enough to cause it to wag. It’s official, I’ve found a form worse than Brooklyn.

“Heh, was planning to Ikarus, then you grew ears. It’s your fault really. I couldn’t help but nibble on them, could I?”


‘What the… fucking cultists. Can’t we just have a moment alone?’

In our ‘battle’ distracted state, I had no idea a small crowd of cultists were watching and enjoying the display. We’re so going to take a long break away from the settlement when all this business is over.

Thankfully, not all that make up the crowd are idiots… I’m excluding one member of our party for obvious reasons.

(Zeki) “Erk, you two are so gross! I need to bleach my eyes”

(Ariza) “Uh, lighten up Zeki. You do the same things with Ria”

(Zeki) “That’s way different brother! For starters, I don’t like her! Someday I’ll be free from the cow’s curse”

‘Heh, freaking moron doesn’t realize he just admitted to liking us’

(Charlotte) “Can we try that someday Nat?”

(Nathan) “We can Lotte… maybe not when other people are around though”

(Nyx) “Young love really can be nice”

(Kellearzar) <Are we getting a move on yet? Think we’re all done>

Everyone is already here, patiently waiting for us to lead the way and finally stick it to Zeus. All that’s next is to join hands and teleport to the ol’phoenix cave.

‘There’s just one more thing that needs to be done. You done having your fun yet, Aesa? Can I change back into the demon-phoenix hybrid yet?’

Like with my Brooklyn body, Petra cannot be trusted with this. Even now, she keeps making me flinch with her insistence on stroking or playing with my tail. It’s nice and all but this damn! This thing has a mind of its own!

[<Aesa would prefer wife to torment Ikarus for longer, but knows fun is now over. It’s time to get serious…>]


(Zeki) “Erk… this place looks like a shithole. Can you get cleaning brother, then make me a sandwich brother?

(Ariza) “You really are unbelievable, Zeki. Just how sexist can you be?”

“You have no idea brother… think it’s impossible for me to be sexist anyways”

‘Zeki really is a dumbass. Of course you can be sexist to your own gender… I think?’

Teleporting straight into the belly of the beast, of more specifically the phoenix cave, we all arrive at peak combat stance only to find the place covered in dust and not a sign of Zeus in sight. It’s exactly how those two left it with even the chunky wooden door still locked.

“This is going to sound stupid but… he’s going to be on top of the mountain, isn’t he?”

The rest of the party look to me with all in agreement, guess it isn’t so stupid then. The Gods were originally meant to live above Mount Olympus so the idea of him stealing this mountain top isn’t beyond belief.

Anyways, all of us head outside and get ready for flight with the only two people who aren’t capable of flying up on our backs. It’s a shame succubae and humans can’t grow wings but I’m still happy being the carrier pigeon of us all… even if mother is the one carrying them.

‘Damn… you know what they say. People who overcompensate have small… you know what’

Balanced perfectly on the mountain peak, Zeus’s golden but obnoxious palace overlooks the world and couldn’t stand out more if you tried. Even the courtyard has somehow managed to remain intact, housing quite a few ‘residents’.

“Erk, it’s these things again! Let’s get stabbing!”

“The pained souls of the Underworld. Uh, really wish I could heal them”

(Nyx) “Corrupted denizens of the Underworld, created and experimented on by Zeus. Countless times the masters of the Underworld tried to force him astray but his experiments couldn’t be stopped”

Blackened apelike creatures with outstretched limbs alongside hellhounds adorn the courtyard like we’re in some dark apocalypse, these creatures we’ve once experienced down in Tartarus itself. All of which are contained within the golden gate.

Also, on said gate contains a handwritten note tied to the handle. By the way it looks like a toddler has written this, it doesn’t take a lot to know who’s responsible.

“You’re better at reading his handwriting, Petra. What’s it say?”

“It says… only the two invited shall enter my hall. If another soul tries to enter, I’ll flee. Any other phoenix, dragon, prime, mortal, you won’t be seeing me for a very long time”

(Kellearzar) <Is there any way we can stop him fleeing? I don’t feel comfortable letting them go in alone>

(Nyx) “Unfortunately not, Kell. This unfortunately has to be done, high likelihood there is no trap with Zeus being the way he is. There wasn’t anything about us clearing the way though”

(Nathan) “One last battle, Lotte?”

(Charlotte) “Yes Nat… it’s time to take down some heathens… summon”

(Zeki) “Erk, this is such an obvious trap but no! No one ever listens to me. Fuck it, I’m stabbing this rage outta me!”

(Ariza) “Uh, I’ll stay back and heal if any of you need it. You can keep the bow, Nathan”

The rest of the party, excluding the bluebird take control of the situation and rush ahead to start the purging of Zeus’s creations.

It takes but a moment for Charlotte’s blades to cut one in two, Nyx’s power to hold and crush another, mother’s flame to incinerate a few to dust, Apollo’s bow penetrates one after another and Zeki’s God of war spear goes straight into the groin of a creature. Now I’m worried he’s going to turn into Loki if this is how he wants to do things…

This barely scratches a dent in the army of denizens of the Underworld, it is more than enough for me and the wife to glide on over to the golden door avoiding all of the fighting though. Might as well save our strength if only we’re to rid the world of one last God.

“Erk, that fucker just bit me! All of you, feel my impotent rage…”

Both me and Petra enter Zeus’s palace, best knowing to ignore Zeki’s bloodlust. It’s now time for our battle…

The golden door slams behind us and what lies ahead is a grand hall, marble flooring and gold is present in every direction, the walls being made from the stuff. This really looks tacky.

Both armed and ready, we walk the final walk and both notice the eyes watching us from all around. Countless statues of muscular humans adorn the wall, some broken and others appear purposely smashed.

“You two finally arrive, overlooked by the previous generation that caused us so much hassle. The titans would laugh knowing fate has occurred again”

And right at the end of the hall, sitting on a golden throne is exactly who you’d expect. Except, he seems way more mellow than usual. Extremely tired for sure, not a single bulging vain in sight though.

‘Time for the final countdown… heh. Status’

[Name: Zeus   |   Species: Olympian   |   Level: 2500]

[Health    250,000/250,000]

[Stamina 37,183/150,000]

[Magicka 100,000/100,000]

‘Sleep really must elude him…’

“Considering the love you have for the titans; I’m surprised you’re happy to honour them like so”

Already knowing my quip will anger him, I just can’t help myself. All the wars and hatred between Olympus and the titans, having their statues in his hall seems odd.

“Bah, they’re kept as a constant reminder of my errors, everything spiralled out of control after an agreement I never should’ve made. The flying lizards, the oracle, those that have betrayed me. All of this could’ve been avoided. Even you two wouldn’t be here if Hephaestus and Athena hadn’t turned astray”

Still on his golden high horse, Zeus rambles on while me and Petra slowly get ready to strike. I’d like to know some more but this guy really isn’t going to explain much to us. We already knew that those two Gods were responsible for summoning us ages ago.

“I still hold no regrets. My death is inevitable now, it’s just a matter of time. All the meddling those primes have done makes it obvious now”

Zeus continues to appear mellow yet also seems to know more than he should if he realizes the primordial Gods are involved in this. Even though it’s technically only the first phoenix and Nyx, we are getting outside assistance from others… even if it feels extremely limited by the yellow guy.

“If you feel that way, present your neck and we’ll make it nice and quick”

“BAH! Stupid orange mistake of a bird, you really think I’ll go without putting up a fight? No, my fate may be sealed, but I’m bringing both of you down with me…”

The hall erupts in thunder from Zeus charging himself up and jumping off his throne, the room cracking and shaking as he throws himself at us.

Not with an ounce of fear, I wildly charge at Zeus like a bull full of steroids while black eyed Petra flanks and takes a more cautious approach. It’s time to play a little bait.

‘Aesa, four abilities, pronto!’

[Aspect of Gigantomachy] [Upgraded] [100,000 damage, body modifier aka B.R.E.A.S.T.S] [24 hours]
[Plot Protection] [Lamb] [Upgraded] [Invulnerability 10 mins] [Reflects damage] [24 hours]
[Star Blaze] [Lamb] [Upgraded] [Big fireball envelops user] [Large building size] [24 hours]
[Doubled Potential] [Lamb] [Upgraded] [Doubled stats 10 mins] [Break stat cap] [24 hours]

[<4 abilities requested are now in effect>]

[Name: Ikarus   |   Species: Phoenix (Demon Lord)   |   Level: 1000]

[Health    333,332*/333,332*]

[Stamina 329,812*/333,332*]

[Magicka 333,332*/333,332*]

[You currently have 1 unassigned point]

‘That one point is still doing my head in’

Invulnerability, breasts growing, power coursing and fire expanding, all four abilities activate while I’m just about to crash down both my blades on Zeus. He quickly blocks it with Poseidon’s trident though. What he can’t block is the burning of flesh with my all-consuming star blaze and Petra’s sword art… even if star blaze barely seems to be doing anything.

“Bah! Even now you use that cursed gian-, argh!”

Getting staggered from Petra’s aspect slicing his back, it gives me the chance to land a hit of aspect on my own, just barely grazing his knee. Resistances or not, my version will always pack a superior punch even with just a tin cut.


[Name: Zeus   |   Species: Olympian   |   Level: 2500]

[Health    122,017/250,000]

[Stamina 36,913/150,000]

[Magicka 100,000/100,000]

‘Heh, we’ve really got him rattled’

“BAH!!! Enough with these pesky antics! No longer shall I continue to underestimate you both!”

Electricity explodes once again but this time we’re thrown back, giving Zeus enough space to launch a counter of his own. And then, the entire floor of the marbled hall starts to spark…

The electricity courses through both me and the wife, forcing us both to our knees. Every shock feels like a thousand needles piercing every muscle, all as excruciating as one another. Having invulnerability is pointless when the pain is this bad… I’m surprised he’s having no knockback to plot protection. Zeus must be completely resistant to electricity, I guess.

In response, we both cook fire tornados of our own towards Zeus in order to keep the distance. Thankfully, the attack doesn’t last too long but it still makes my skin crawl.

‘What the… no wonder he stole that weapon’

The God who rules all immediately follows it up with another attack to keep us at bay, pointing the trident and releasing a wave of water that crashes into the both of us.

[<Warning Ikarus, that attack has put a temporary restriction on magic + all abilities regarding fire>]


Both of our phoenix flames, including star blaze are put out from the wave and it now appears both of us can’t use our flame. We can no longer light the spark that ignites pretty much everything. Oh well, it’s not like he’s just switched off our entire reason for existing… wait.

Letting off some more electricity around the place, both me and Petra seem to think in unison. I open my wings while she switches form and we both activate a certain ability not needing the use of fire. Can’t exactly electrocute us if we’re not grounded, wings really do come in clutch.

‘Aesa, undead fiend asap!’

[Undead Fiend] [Upgraded] [Invisibility indefinitely] [15 mins when attacking] [24 hours] [15 mins when attacking]

“BAH!!! You think hiding will stop me?”

In response to our invisibility, Zeus screams and starts to spin with the trident wildly, sending sparks and waves of water cycling all across the room. We’ve got to stay back otherwise we’ll be cooked here.

But invisible Petra does try getting close, only to get hit by the trident and for it to cancel out her invisibility and throw her across the room. The black feather being tossed from her back makes me want to cry.

‘Aesa… I need to rain hell upon this fucker’

[<Fuck him up Ikarus, activating at 100%>]

[Supernova] [Lamb] [TINY faction of a supernova, percentage option] [24 hours]
[Atomic Hellfire] [Lamb] [A literal nuke, comparable in size to WW2 sized nukes] [24 hours]
[Sun Kiss] [Lamb] [Piecing God rays from skies] [24 hours]

My anger rapidly develops to a point and thankfully, my explosion-based attacks are not considered fire. Both arms wielding unreasonable power, I let rip the orbs just as the heavens open up…


Both the powers of the nuke and supernova crash into Zeus… but no explosion occurs. It’s almost as if he absorbs the extreme power like Charybdis and consumes it whole.

This doesn’t come without a kickback though, bloods splatters from every part of his body. I was hoping the attack would destroy the palace, then the God rays could pierce him from above. This is the exact reason why I don’t like sky based attacks.

“*Huff huff*… bah. No more underestimating these little vermin Zeus, it’s time to get really serious”

[<It appears Zeus has regenerated 50% of his HP in addition to what was left Ikarus. Aesa has no idea how this is possible>]

‘Da fuck? Status’

[Name: Zeus   |   Species: Olympian   |   Level: 2500]

[Health  157,017/250,000]

[Stamina 33,301/150,000]

[Magicka 78,118/100,000]

One step forward, two steps back. Zeus seems completely invigorated and decides to now face us, weapon to weapon.

Back in her human body, Petra dodges his stab while I try to back her up, only to find a wall of electricity now stands in my way. Invisibility seems to be pointless if he can just sense where I am at will.

‘Huh… it’s astonishing I’ve never used this in combat before’

[Admin Privileges] [Lamb] [Upgraded] [Teleport to previous locations] [5 seconds]

An ability I’ve only ever used for getting around and never in combat. Since the cooldown timer is only five seconds and all, maybe I can really get in his face…

Teleporting right to his side while he’s trying to strike the wife, Excalibur plunges deep into his side and cleanly pierces him.

“Bah!? You really shouldn’t have done that”

One hand on the trident aiming for the wife and the other going for my invisible neck, I’m unable to fight off the sheer force of his grasp as he cleanly lifts me off the ground.


Petra now wildly charges at him, aiming cleanly and precisely for the hand the holds up my limp body… but Zeus uses this against her.

His hand holding me comes cleanly off but the other holding the weapon, the trident pierces deep into my wife’s bosom. Words cannot express just how angry and sad I am I see her experiencing such pain right now.

It doesn’t help she’s now at his mercy after literally being stabbed in the chest, I’ve got to step in otherwise he’ll stab her again. I need to take the brunt of this attack.

Like the world in spinning in slow motion as I jump in between them both, the trident comes at me just as a message enters my ears.

[<Warning Ikarus, both -plot protection- and -doubled potential- have now expired>]


To be continued…

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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