Reincarnated as Napoleon

Chapter 213 British Vs Danes

One hour later, just two kilometers off the coast of Copenhagen, the British Baltic Fleet spotted a Danish Fleet on the horizon, rapidly closing the distance.

"As expected, the Swedes have alerted the Danes," Parker stated, his tone resolute as he lowered his spyglass. "Prepare battle stations, everyone. This is a pivotal moment in our campaign. If we can defeat the Danes here, it will give us a chance to control the Baltic and block any potential Russian support to the French."

The crew swiftly responded to Parker's orders. The deck buzzed with focused activity as sailors manned cannons, secured rigging, and readied the ship for combat. Other ships of the British were manning battle stations as well, communicating to other ships through radiotelephony.

"Signal the fleet to form a battle line," Parker instructed, his voice carrying across the deck. "We'll engage them head-on and hit them with everything we've got."

Flags were raised and orders relayed down the line as the British ships rearranged themselves into a disciplined formation. The southerly winds tugged at the sails, and the tension on the deck grew as the British Fleet readied for the impending clash.

The Danish Fleet drew closer, their silhouettes growing more defined against the horizon, illuminated by the moonlight. 

Parker's grip tightened on the railing as he scrutinized the enemy ships, gauging their speed and direction. 

"Prepare for a broadside! Steady, everyone."

The distance between the British and Danish ships shrank rapidly, the wind carrying the sound of creaking wood and straining sails.

"Fire!" Parker's voice thundered through the chaos, setting off a deafening symphony of cannon blasts. Smoke billowed from the British cannons as their deadly cargo hurtled toward the Danish ships. The air filled with the sharp crack of wood splintering and the concussive force of impact.

On the receiving end, the Danish Fleet reeled under the onslaught. The first broadside had taken them by surprise, and the initial impact left their ships vulnerable. 

Amidst the chaos, the Danish ships returned fire, their cannons adding to the cacophony of battle. Cannonballs tore through the air, smashing into the HMS London's hull with bone-rattling force. The ship shuddered under the impact, and the crew fought to keep their footing.

"Reload and fire at will!" Parker's command cut through the din, and the crew rallied. Cannons were loaded and aimed, fired and reloaded in a relentless cycle. The HMS London's deck became a storm of smoke, fire, and frenzied activity as the battle raged on.

Minutes stretched into an eternity as the clash continued. The British and Danish ships were locked in a deadly dance of destruction, cannonballs creating plumes of water and wood fragments with every impact. The ship rocked and groaned under the punishment, and the crew pushed themselves to the limit to respond to each command.

And then due to the winds, the British Fleet found themselves dangerously close to the Danish Fleet.

"We are at cable's length!" the cry rang out from the lookout.

Parker's heart raced as he realized the peril they were in. The ships were now so close that the crews could see the faces of their adversaries on the Danish decks. There was no time for a broadside now – it was a battle at point-blank range.

"Prepare for boarding action!" Parker's command sliced through the chaos. The crew shifted their focus, readying cutlasses, muskets, and grappling hooks. 

The two flagship ships, HMS London and Dannebrog were now locked together, their hulls grinding against each other with a bone-chilling crunch. The space between them became a death zone, with British and Danish sailors commencing boarding action, and fighting fiercely for control.

Parker himself joined the fray, his uniform now a target for Danish marksmen. He ducked and ran, trying to get away from the muskets that spat leaden death. The smoke hung thick in the air, making it hard to see who was friend and who was foe. 

But as he was avoiding everyone, he came across a Danish sailor, charging at him.

"Die!" the sailor roared, his eyes wild with rage. He swung his cutlass with reckless abandon, the blade whistling through the air toward Parker's head.

Parker's instincts kicked in, and he sidestepped the blow just in time. The cutlass missed him by inches, slicing through the air with a deadly hiss. Without hesitation, Parker brought his own cutlass up in a swift arc, aiming for the Danish sailor's exposed flank.

The Danish sailor quickly shifted the blade of his cutlass, blocking it. 

Parker felt the impact reverberate through his arm as the blades met. He gritted his teeth, his muscles straining against the force of the blow. The Danish sailor he was facing is strong, there's no doubt about that. If only he had been thirty years younger, he could have defeated him easily.

But still, Parker still had it in him. With a sudden twist of his wrist, Parker disarmed the Danish sailor, sending the cutlass clattering to the deck. Before the sailor could react, Parker's boot struck out, connecting with the man's chest and sending him sprawling backward.

Parker's breath came in heavy gasps as he assessed the situation. The chaos of battle raged on around him, but for this moment, the world seemed to narrow to the immediate threat before him. The Danish sailor struggled to his feet.

Parker didn't hesitate. He closed the distance between them in an instant. With a final, powerful thrust, Parker's cutlass found its mark. The Danish sailor's defenses faltered, and the blade slid into the chest. The man's eyes widened in shock, and then he crumpled to the ground, lifeless.

  Parker pulled his cutlass free, his chest heaving with exertion.

"Are you okay, Admiral?" Otway rushed over, concern etched across his face.

Parker nodded, sweat streaming down his brow. "I'm fine, Otway. Just a close call." His heart still pounded from the adrenaline, but he couldn't afford to let his guard down.

"We have to clear this ship of Danes."

"We are doing that as we speak, Admiral. The Danes are retreating back to their flagships."

Parker's gaze swept across the battleground. The British crew had managed to gain the upper hand in the melee, driving the Danish sailors back toward their own ships. 

"Otway, send orders to our men that are fighting the Danes, to target their Admiral. It's the only way to end this battle," Parker instructed.

Otway nodded. He swiftly relayed the order to the British sailors engaged in the brutal struggle on the deck. The message spread like wildfire, and the British forces intensified their efforts, now with a clear target in mind.

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