Reincarnated as the butt-spanking Knight with a System

Chapter 109: Attack on Technoknight: Initiation

Chapter 109: Attack on Technoknight: Initiation

"You mean, using our Dam to defeat their Cigs?" Ricky asked me and then, I nodded to him as I told him,

"Yes. And then, once our currency goes higher than them. We need to take over their stuff by lending them the money and then, we are slowly overtaking the empire. Within few years ahead, we will own that empire."

"That was brilliant." Albedo reacted in an amused face as a sign that she was very happy with that idea. Then, I continued to explain,

"At that time when we managed to secure the empire. Our currency will raises rapidly. Then, that's the time that we will lower down our currency a bit intentionally. In order to raise their money more. The more we got their money, the less their gold will be stocked. By the time that we managed to get the enough amount of the gold. We raise it!"

"That was an exact Layla's plan!" Ricky reacted in a shocking face as I explained that strategy. Then, both I and Albedo looked at him and she asked him,

"Can you explain what was her plan?"

"Alright, to put it simply, she wanted to overtake this empire through the merchants. That's why I'm paying a visit to here as I have to tell this since I'm from Avox Empire as well. As a countrymen here, I have to protect this empire just like how my sister do! And the plan that brother in law had proposed is the exact strategy like how she was wanted to do to overtake this empire."

Damn, that was a big-brained move. I'm glad that I managed to seen through her so easily in which, it led me to smirk and tell him.

"It's fine. Since our strategy is the same. Then how about we did it in the fast way. You understand the economic basic, do you, Ricky?" 

He nodded and then, he continued,

"My sister is a scholar in economic as well. You can rely on her for that."

"Great. Then, I will focus on the research of this deadly arrow with Albedo. After that, do what I told you. I will explain it to your sister later."


"Publish as much our money as possible until our inflation hits 100%" 

Yes. That was the first strategy. We have to make her think that we are about to go to the bankruptcy. Then took the Seikara Empire's asset one by one slowly from behind. And I told Albedo,

"And then, I need your help to gather all of the nobles and conglomerate here which you can believe and able to rely. Remember, don't take the one with the honeycomb pattern as you told me before that it was a sign of that person being your sister's follower."

"Got it. " Albedo replied to me.

Then, I decided to go back to the experiment as I need to proceed with it. Thus, I started to discuss with Ricky as we arrived on the explosion site.

"How about we make a trial first for trying how much water and the acid needed to make it to have an efficient explosion that lethal enough. But also not dangerous enough."

"I think lethal is the same thing with dangerous, yes?" Ricky asked me back in which, I replied to him simply,

"No. It's different,"

Then, he asked me.

"What was the difference in between of them?"

Yes, it was pretty simple. 

The different between the dangerous and lethal is, lethal means lethal. Alias enough to kill someone, meanwhile, dangerous doesn't mean that it will be able to kill someone. Which is why I can understand why Ricky can have that kind of thinking as if that was the same thing. However, it's different.

So, he understood after I'm explaining to him about that. Then, I asked him.

"Do you have science suit?" 

"For?" Ricky asked me back and then, I just pointing the ground easily which I continued to say,

"You know that even Albedo could not be able to block this, do you?"

He nodded as he agreed. But, he told me that we didn't have it. So... 


Okay then, let's get our body charred again.

Meanwhile, in the pallace.





"THE FUCK WITH THAT AMOUNT OF EXPLOSION, GUARDS!" Reili yelled as she kept hearing those weird explosion voice while it was from us who tried the best solution to create the deadly ammo. Yet in that palace. It was only Albedo here who knelt as she said,

"Kuso has the best idea to defeat them without any hassle of violence." 

"I know, but please tell me what had happened in the back? Why I kept hearing the explosion voice.!"

Albedo knew that she was about to shit herself. But, she tried her best to maintain her composure as she knew that Reili might ask that. So, she just simply replied to her,

"It's your husband's work."

"Ha?" Reili asked in a weird tone. As if that her voice had changed into the weird soprano voice when she stated so. Thus, Albedo replied to her,

"They are experimenting the deadly weapon made by your stupid brother!"

"Stupid is too understatement. Retard is!" She replied to the goddess furiously. Yet, the goddess was replied to her,

"But you have to know that Kuso has a great idea when it comes to defeating the empire without violence."

"Hmm... I know about that. He must be thinking about abusing our currency, am I right?" Reili smiled as she looked at Albedo. And then, she proceeded as she said,

"I have been talked with the conglomerates about it as well. And most of them are agreed. But, I have a bad feeling about them."

Yes, what I predicted was spot on. Most of them weren't even trustworthy at all. Yet, Albedo didn't noticed that which led her to get tricked sometimes. And then, She asked Reili as she wonders what had happened. And she replied,

"Someone had stole our data and sell it to the Seikara Empire instead. So, I will ask Kuso to spy that empire later. Kill when needed." 

It had led Albedo to react shockingly as she didn't know that the incident was that grave. It had led her to remark,

"That was dangerous."

"Indeed. But, as Kuso told me earlier. It was not possible..."

"You are suspicious!" 

Albedo pointed the blade to Reili's neck which alerted the guards. Then, she yelled to them,

"Don't get yourself tricked!"

"Goddess Authority: Detect!"

In her point of view. It was the similar magical point that she has. Which led her to remark,


"You have been matured huh, Albedo."

That "Reili" has reshaped herself into the woman who Albedo knows. The woman who once wanted everything from her. And now, she had appeared in front of the soldiers and Albedo which led that woman to clap her hands, and all of the soldiers were all fainted.

It raised Albedo's rage as she yelled,

"What do you want? Where do you put Reili!"

"Oh my... It just me, the sister who misses my own younger sister. Don't worry. I won't attack right now since I came for the personal meeting. Which is, to meet my younger sister over how you managed to alter the time. And making Alox Vilage and Avox Empire goes this good right now."

She pushed her sword gently back to the right. And then, she returned to the throne as she continued to talk.

"Don't worry about Reili. I put her to sleep since she's pregnant anyway. But, why do you want to be a married man?"

"None of your business, traitor!" Albedo reacted in an aggressive tone which led Anna to smile, and she remarked with a smirk,

"As expected of a goddess who protected this empire huh."

"State your business, what's on your mind?!" She asked that woman in a fierce tone, and she answered her simply,

"I just coming here for wanting to meet you. Simple as that. If I want to kill you right now..."

She flew towards Albedo which led her to caught off guard. And when she was about to retaliate, the blade was pointed at her neck with an offensive stance of a woman who had done that.

Yet, Anna's eyes had gone into the cold and sharp. That was an eye that would kill anyone soon enough. However, she stated,

"I won't kill my own sister whatever it takes. But, I want you to stop this meaningless battle now. Join me, and I will help you with anything you need. Even with your Technoknight to simp you for eternity."

"There is no need for that, the fallen goddess."


Written and Directed by Hartpeler, Published by W.e.b.n.o.v.e.l, Any piracy is not advisable as it's a part of a crime.

Corona will send a calamity to earth if you dare to pirate lord Hartpeler's book!

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