Reincarnated as the butt-spanking Knight with a System

Chapter 117: Intertwined Fate (5)

Chapter 117: Intertwined Fate (5)

"Because of me?" I asked her back and then. I replied to her with an unamused tone since I don't like how people simping on me while I'm nothing. I told her as the continuation,

"I don't care who you are or what you are. Simping me means trying to mess up with me. You should tell me one by one honestly or else, I will complain you to your higher ups!"

She looked at me in a stern look. Sighed and then, she reminisced herself who had an uncolorful eyesight as she had seen a leg with many hairs.

Yet, she looked at the top. It was me who was tad younger back then. When I was an animal rescuer gang alongside with Handi, my best friend who now owns his own girlfriend rental application company. 

She woofed when I patted her head when she was a dog.

Then, she smiled as I told her back then...

"You will be alright, Mari. You have my word."

The time had flashes forward as quick as the latency. And she had seeing her own demise.



"You have to stay alive!!"

"Cutie Ladies hasn't gone unicorn yet! You had to stay alive until..."

But... She was not be able to say anything anymore in which... Lost her awareness for eternity...

Then, she was floating... In her human form which I could see her true form in front of me.

She looked at that dead body as I cried... And she reacted...

" Sorry... Master...


I have finally..."

Yet, the holy beings with a bright looking face had searched over her and then. She was pushed to the skies.

In that skies. It was a gate written in ancient nordic word as 

"Reincarnation Gate."

She asked herself,

"Where am I?"

And then, two scary looking man with an animal head answered her in the same time,

"This is the gate of reincarnation for higher being. Your contribution to make someone happy before his death seven years later... Had changed him into someone better. You ought be happy for that..."

"But... Why I am here? I was supposed to serve my master until the end of his line..." She answered the scary looking man who guarded that gate and then... The man answered her,

"You have done your service... Yet... Your past sins had forgiven. Enter now and become the..."

"I can't let him go..." Albedo answered that two scary looked man. Then, the man in the left explained to her calmly despite the scary look.

"There are only three ways to go ahead.

First, reincarnate.

You might be able to meet your master again as an adopted child.  But, you will forget everything as we can't afford ruining the world balance. Still, we can't guarantee that you will be able to find him for once again.

Second, descend as the demoness in the hell.

You might be able to meet the man you loved once again. But, you will corrupt him and even shorten his life much faster... And you will led him to be sent to the hell to get cursed for the eternity of his soul.

Or... I hope you will be able to bear this consenquence... Intertwined fate."

"Intertwined fate? What was that?" She asked both of them which led them to say in the same time.

"You will serve as the god or goddess for ten thousand eons But, you will not only be able to have a power of a god or goddess. You will be able to protect him... Minimalizing his short lifespan as much as you can. However, there is an unbearable risk you had to pay."

She looked at both of them in a serious glance. It had raised an awe in both as both of them expressed...

"You have a strong will... Lady. Rather... You are a natural born goddess of war. If you love your master so much... Intertwined fate is the only option you had now. Own your power of the goddess of war and protect him from afar. But bear with the price..."

The scary looking man in the right answered her as both of them were stood without moving while talking with the sword being stabbed down to the ground while they were talking like a soldier.

"The price... is your soul. Once you had done with your services. You will end your life for eternity. Not entering the world, nor entering the next life, nor even the final resting place of Asgard. But, you will be ended into the land of endless... Where you will lost everything that you had... roaming everywhere without time and space... And shattered slowly until you can't see the world as you become the dusts..."

She looked at both of them again. Then, she was not sure if her decision was correct or not... But, both of them shown the foreshadow where I was burying her in her favorite resting place in my house... And they persuaded her,

"This is the only choice we can do for you now. We will try our best for not allowing the higher gods to erase your existence after your service ended as you bear the will of soldier with undying battle spirit. To us, it was a rare sight as the being never had such of undying battle spirit before."

"Thank you for the compliment... But... Will this all be alright?" Albedo asked them again in a stern tone. Then, both of them answered.

"Don't worry. We have no merit for this. We will giving the recommendation to everyone who comes to here as it was our job. You can pick the others too... Everything had the pros and the cons. You can pick it yourself whichever suits you."

She looked again into the abyss of the gate...

Then, she reminisced on herself of how abusive her past life was for first two years...

To her, it was an awfully long time as she had faced rods, guns, irons every time.

Even at her genital part.. It was being stuffed by the firecracker as she looked at that herself. The visible gore that could make everyone puke... And could make the animal defenders like myself would gone berserk and killing someone without regard of humanity.

"Humanity is trash indeed..."

"But... I love someone..."

"I love Kuso Amakusa, My Master! And I want to protect him! Give me the power of the goddess and I shall protect him for every eons until the end of my line. No one shall hurt him!"

"Bear the risk of this decision, Mari. 

First. You will have your new name. Albedo Odinson, the granddaughter of Odin and the daughter of the lightning god. The one who shall become the goddess of war. The goddess who will conquer the whole Kanshera to unite them under one leadership. Under your name.

The Goddess Corona.

The goddess who they shall call as the Crown Dowager.

However, you will face a lot of sufferings as the goddess. Much lot than your older counterpart. Bear with your motivation. Bear with your love to your master. And you will be able to overcome that.

But, you won't be able to reincarnate, nor reborn. You will stays as the goddess of war until a hundred eons.

You may be able to meet your beloved master for sure with your goddess authority. But, you shall bear the destiny as the goddess. And then, you had been destined to kill many gods and even... Your own grandfather. Are you sure with your decision right now?"

She looked at both of them again. Then, she looked back as she had seen many souls had queued patiently. Well... It just the world's time being stopped which is why everyone could be able to wait patiently. Even if she hasn't decided anything yet. The rest will kept waiting. Even if it will takes up to two centuries. They will kept waiting instead.

Then, she looked back at the man and she clenched her own fists as she decided.

"I'm accepting that!"


Written and Directed by Hartpeler, Published by W.e.b.n.o.v.e.l, Any piracy is not advisable as it's a part of a crime.

Corona will send a calamity to earth if you dare to pirate lord Hartpeler's book!

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Privilege 1k In March = Mass release as much as you can request and I can do.

No 1 all-time trending for 1 year straight = manga adaptation


Author note:

No dogs were harmed during of directing this story. Hartpeler in which represent of myself, Wandi "Wang Li" Ong. Is a member of Batam Dog Community, the community in Batam, Indonesia which focuses to the protection of the dogs. So, everything abusive here related to the dog is purely fictional. I bear no responsibility for any abuses happened thanks to this novel as I had mentioned earlier.

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