Reincarnated as the butt-spanking Knight with a System

Chapter 124: Intertwined Fate (12) (Explicit)

Chapter 124: Intertwined Fate (12) (Explicit)

=== Author Warning ===

Necrophilia reference heavy. Do read this at your own risk


I don't mind those as I had washed her face, hair and so on properly. And then, I bought her head back while covering it with the towel. 

I walked back to the tent while talking to Ricky,

"How did you guys manage to get this woman's corpse?"

"Some of the acheologists in our empire were the ones who found it. And it took a month to decrypt the tomb since we wanted to fix the tomb and rebuild it away. So... this is why..."

I had been impulsive though at this time. I apologise for being harsh earlier. Thus, I decided to go to the chamber as soon as we had arrived there.

Then, I requested the rest to leave the place since it was the signal from the corpse that the corpse was only wanting me to do this job.

So, they left accordingly with the request from me.

After that, I'm placing her head on the soft  ground in the corner of the area. 

At the same time, I prayed and I told her,

"Apologies for the impudence, I need to bathe you and put your body back in your tomb once the tomb is fixed."

The stiff body had gone soft after I told her so. In other ways, she allowed me for that.

"Well... Re embalming start." I reacted as I was wearing the gloves and... i started it.

I started it by stripping her dress first.

Strip from the lower to top...

I can see it. Purple triangle linen and a black coloured breast cover. Of course, it was too impudent. But I had to do it as a sign of respect. Otherwise, I will end up getting the stone from the skies.

I'm flipping and putting her dress properly on the table beside the patient bed.

After that, I'm removing her triangle linen as a result of it being censored by the light while I can see everything on it.

Then I'm observing on her lower part which seemed to be well trimmed, unlike Albedo or Reili's which was too hairy...

Thus, I can hear laughter with sweet words whispered on my ears.

You're cute... Kuso

Of course that lady will be taking care of their own lower part properly.

I think... Your wife does.. Did she?"

Well... It was pretty shameful to be acknowledged, to be honest.

Because there is a fact that everyone knows that she never trims her own lower part.

As a guy myself. I even trim myself every week. But, why didn't she?

But that was no longer an issue as I removed her breast cover and I saw everything.

A super seductive voice being emitted in my ear as she said something that led me to comment,

"I'm not necrophilia!"

And the voice was only laughing as she commented,

I'm just teasing you around. Don't take it too seriously.

Thank you for helping me to clean my body, Kuso. You can take my bow as exchange or... maybe...

I don't need your body or your bow.

But since you are entering my person on the question list, then I will request,

"Get your body revived and let's talk about it."

The weird voice had gone silent after I stated that. By other means, I can tell that she could not be able to revive.

Well... I guess that's logical. Not to mention that her head was severed. 

With this condition, we can tell that even if there is a necro magic that we can use for reviving this corpse. It would be futile as well.

Thus, the weird voice had started to talk.

But... I can tell everyone that this is too creepy.

That head...

I can see it...

That head was opening her eyelid as I took a glance at that severed head.

"Says someone who is asking me to revive. I don't even have my body anymore."

While at the same time, she puffed her cheek as if that I had requested something impossible.

But I need to confirm your existence. I mean, look.  There are many literatures that mention about the devil disguises. and you might be one of them which I was worried about the most.

What if you want to eat me? Or force me to sell my valuable soul to you?

Soul is much more expensive than a pair of kidneys you had in your lower part.

"I'm really Kiana! That damned god killer Kiana and the original owner of that bow you put on your back. Yet, I don't know what's on your guys' mind to excavate my body from the coffin while I was supposed to stay here... sleeping for eternity."

But you don't sound like someone who has been sleeping for decades or centuries... That's what I can tell you about your current condition.

But wait, Kiana?

Kiana, the god killer elf. You need to be careful with her.

Shit! I just remembered that.

I pulled my gun immediately and commanded her as I pointed the gun to her severed head,

"Raise your hands! You're under arrest!"

"My hands? Look at my severed body?" The severed head replied to me with a sigh and unamused smile.

But, I can tell that she was trying to pull something at her sleeve.

Thus, it led me to ask her,

"Can you put your head back and raise your hands?"

A flat expression was given to me by that severed head once I stated so for her answer. Then, she looked at me again with a stern glance. And she replied to me,

"If you really insist me to raise my hand. Then do it by yourself. My body is there, up to you for what you want to do... Even if you want..."

When she said "Even if you want...", her face blushes and it had giving me a bad vibe that she would do something for...


I know what's on her mind.

My mind was travelling away to imagine that I'm sleeping with that headless body.

No girl!! No!

I don't have a fetish for the corpse which you called necrophilia.

You know what necrophilia is right?

That weird dude with a weird desire for a corpse?

Yes. You didn't read it incorrectly!

I'm not the one who has that weird desire!

I looked at that head again and commented to her,

"I'm not as degenerate as you think, old lady. You know, I'm the one who would not be going to sleep with your century fermented body yet smells like a new one as if that you had been dry aged for days!"

Hold on!

I think...

I had triggered someone's anger.

From my point of view, I have seen her unhappy face showing up which was giving me a chilly vibe.

Thus, I tried to pick my words wisely. Either stays alive here or...


The hell?

I'm seeing a head jump to the body and then. It stuck by itself.

Both creepy and funny at the same time and yet, she looked at me and looked at my lower part.

After that, she slammed me for words that would lead everyone to accuse me of necrophilia.

"Guess... Someone was wanting to have a good sleepy day huh..."

She stated that as she touched my lower pointy part gently. And then, she grabbed it gently to make me feel good.

But hey, she's a corpse!

I can't even feel the good way when someone does that with the condition that the person had died before.

Thus, she just smiled as she managed to make my lower part peed with the white liquid that she gathered it to her right hand. And she commented,

"You have a strong will indeed. But, a male's libido is noticeable easily. To hide those, you should consider doing the fasting. A year for twice in three weeks timestamp. It works like a charm to Lira as well."


Hold on...

Did she know anything about it?

I mean... The truth beneath the war that happened centuries ago?

"I know what you want. I want to clarify everything over your misunderstanding about me. This will be very useful for reviving Laira Village as..."

She looked at me with a confident expression, and she answered to me.

"The founder of the multiracial civilization of this world."


Written and Directed by Hartpeler, Published by W.e.b.n.o.v.e.l, Any piracy is not advisable as it's a part of a crime.

Pirate this book and Corona will send a calamity to the earth and then, you will lose your life for eternity.

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Privilege 1k In March = Mass release is as much as you can request and I can do.

No 1 all-time trending for 1 year straight = manga adaptation


Author note:

Please support this novel through buying privelidge or paid by using the paid coins. I need that money in order to improve this novel's readability. Thank you and have fun reading.

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