Reincarnated as the butt-spanking Knight with a System

Chapter 76: Special Chapter: Festive Preparation (1)

Chapter 76: Special Chapter: Festive Preparation (1)

== Author Note ==

These are the special chapters to celebrate Chinese New year on 12th Feb 2021. Now, let's relax for a bit. After the Chinese New year. The heavy content will bound to come.


"Wait, what? Chinese New year?" The petite god named Kuso asked the goddess in front of her which led her to nod and she said,

"Yea. We don't need any overly prepared stuff anyway. Just a simple dinner for every villager. How do you think, Reili?"

Reili wagged her tail as she was agreed with it. Then, she commented.

"Yes, of course. We have that kind of summer festive as well as in your world."

They were discussing the small thing that they can do in the Cathedral that was under construction. And Corona was the one who suggested the idea of the event. However, there was nobody out of there who could be able to give the concrete answer about which even is suitable to the citizens... 

Initially... It was what Kuso had asked earlier. Now, she found the idea of how to celebrate their summer festive. But, nobody knew what was that which led Kuso to say,

"It's fine not to know about it. I can help to explain."

"Go..." Reili reacted short but fast. And Kuso answered her gladly,

"Alright. So, Chinese New Year, or I could say it as a spring festive. It's an event that we are always celebrating at the opening of the summer season. Everyone basically buying new stuff, going to the family each other. And then, the feast in a night before the first day. It's all there that everyone can join with. And I plan to gather everyone into one. To tell them our purpose here and eating together."

"Oh whoa!" Both Corona and Reili reacted as Kuso Proposed the idea which led Reili to say,

"That will spends a lot of money!"

"Nah, it won't," Kuso answered simply as she continued,

"Well. You know, we have many hunters here. Make them gather the raw materials and we cook our own foods. Isn't that close to no money spent and teaches us to be united together?"

"Make senses," Reili answered him, then. Corona slapped his word as he said,

"Do you expect everyone to help you?" 

Both Reili and Kuso smirked at him, then. Reili asked Corona,

"Shall we bet?" And Kuso nodded. He freaked out with that statement and he replied to them,

" Alright! Let's do it!"

"Okay. Here is the deal, Corona. If Reili managed to persuade every villager to join the reunion dinner. Then, I will spank you. But if Reili can't persuade them. Then our butt is yours to hump!" 

That bold bet had shocked him as he stated,

"Hell no! There is nobody who betted a game with their virginity!"

"Hmm... Too bad... You know, it's normal on earth!" Kuso replied him smirkingly which led Corona to comment,

"Yes.. Yes... Yes... This is why you guys are very hard to be persuaded! As hard as rocket science!"

"Woi! It's not even rocket science at all!" Kuso smashed his head by using her right palm and reacted to her angrily. 

Then, Reili proceeded as she said,

"I'm also a virgin, free point for you, Corona. Do you want the bet?" While smirking. It led Corona to say,

"No!! Definitely not! Let me devise it. If you guys were unable to ask the villager to join the dinner, then you guys have to eat all of the food! No food wasting!"

"Alright, that's easy. How about you, Reili?" Kuso looked at Reili and asked her, then she answered him in a confident tone,

"Don't worry. Eating a huge feast is an easy task for me!"

"Really?" Both Kuso and Corona looked at her petite body. Then, she took the large chunk of the jerky that the villager had left to them for the snack as compensation after helped them to rebuild the Cathedral. And then,


She ate all of the huge chunks of jerky which sized as large as an ATX* computer case in any dimension in a single chomp which led Kuso to say,

"Glutonball!" And Corona reacted in the same thing as well.

"Try me again?" Reili challenged both and then, both Kuso and Corona had shaken their head synchronously.

"Alright then. We have gluttonous as fuck person like Reili. And now, Kuso... I know he is pretty gluttonous since I did remember that he ate the whole huge bowl of rice. Then... What else we need just in case of the sidelines being happened?" Corona asked them and Kuso had said,

"Necessities for the cook. For that, leave it to me. For Corona. You have to go to the field in this place's backyard. I think we should be able to see some livestock there. Use some of it."

"Hmm... Necessities... Are you sure that you have an idea of what you had stated before, Kuso?" Corona looked at her in an unpleasant look since he was pretty sure of what had happened. He remembered how the citizens were unable to use the LPG** and then. How they were unable to use the electricity as Kuso had created those before.

But, Kuso was not dumb as well. If she knew that it won't work, then she would not proceed with it. It was proven as she stated,

"Well... Not going to lie. I was screwed up back then. But since I know that they can't use it. Then I will not use it... Well... Will in grammar means that you are going to have a possibility to not to obey it... going to sounds better. Alright, I mean. I am not going to use it. So worry not about it."

"Did you know what this girl had talked about before?" Corona looked at Reili as he questioned that. Then she answered him in a mocking tone,

"She was fixing her own grammar. And she did the right thing about it. Anyways, our author was worked so hard to build this novel into this length. He had done the painful grammar training until someone had exclaimed that it had zero grammar issue. Then, he had..."

"Better not to continue about it, Reili. But yeah... He should get the eyeglass any time soon***"

They moved away to the outside after Kuso had told them not to proceed to talk about it...

They walking slowly but sure.... towards the door which they can see soon. 

As they walked out, they had seen the workers were working hard for gathering, building the warehouse while sorting the needed logs, rocks, and so on... Until Kuso had shouted...

"Halt the work first, everyone!"

All of the works were looking at her instantly as she shouted by forming the "O" shape by using her hands to her mouth. Then, the nearest orc was asked her,

"What do you need, Lady Technoknight?"

"Ask the rest to gather." Kuso requested him which led the orc to yell with his own language to gather his orc mates. And then, he yelled again.

"Lady Technoknight had the words want to convey!"

Thus, everyone coming as soon as possible after the man had shouted. It led Kuso to remark,

"Damn. Orcs are surely charismatic as fuck!" 

Then, she observed the gang who gathered shortly after the orc's call. She was seeing it clearly in front of her eyes that everyone was ordered in a well-disciplined gang.

"Thank you for the help," Kuso exclaimed in gratitude to the man who helped her to gather the people.

She observed the gang as she murmured while pointing her left thumb to the left and right,




Then, she tiptoed slightly to see the crowds. And she proceeded,




She was satisfied with her count which led her to return to her own position. Then, she asked them in a firm tone.

"Healthy as usual, guys?"

"YES WE ARE!" The rest were answered her in a decisive tone which led her to have a delightful face. And then, she replied to them.

"You know, guys. We will have a summer opening festival within five days. Then, we had come out with the idea. Know what?"

few of them in the front were shook their head which led Kuso to reply,

"We will have dinner as a whole in five days! Now. Let's take a break from the building cathedral. For you guys who needed to go back to the home. Go back right now, I will prepare the red packet for your children. And for those who want to work. Help me to foliage together with Reili and Corona. Let's make this feast as beautiful as it should be!"


Written and Directed by Hartpeler, Published by W.e.b.n.o.v.e.l, Any piracy is not advisable as it's a part of a crime.

Corona will send a calamity to earth if you dare to pirate lord Hartpeler's book!

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