Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background

Chapter 95: The Secret of the Little Bookworm

Chapter 95: The Secret of the Little Bookworm

I woke up early as Evelyn told me to, the sun was just rising.

Next to me were Lily and Eli sleeping, we didn't sleep in the bed because it reeked of vomit and alcohol.

We were sleeping on the floor.

Suddenly, a cloud appeared in front of me.

It was Evelyn's underwear lying on top of me.

"Good morning, Razel-san."

She said from above, looking at me as if she was a superior being to me.

Thank you very much for the view.

"Good morning Evelyn."

"Please come down for breakfast, first change into something comfortable."

As always, Evelyn was of few words.

"Very well."

In order to remove myself I must try to remove the girls who won't let me leave.

I wore something simple as she said.

In the dining room there were few people up since it's early.

Among those people was Glenn who was reading the morning paper.

I greeted him.

"Good morning Glenn."

"Good morning Razel-sama."

There was also someone else near him.

"I want to eat now."

It was the demon king Desmond who was grumpy.

Yesterday he just showed up, it seems he was lost since he came back naked.

I imagine Glenn is keeping an eye on him so he doesn't wake Barbara.

I don't think Desmond knows about this place, so he must have come because of that "smell" he claims to recognize. He did the same thing when he got to the mansion.

I'm a little scared of that, I thought he was lost forever.

"Razel-san, come."

Evelyn called to me as she waved her hand from her seat.

I walked over, she was wearing a beautiful beach dress that matched her hair and mouse ear bows.

I wanted to hug her because of how cute she is.

I sat down and asked her.

"What's today's schedule?"

She said.

"It's a surprise, so I don't want to say anything. Let's just have breakfast."

Despite the fact that I don't see her smile, Evelyn seems happy.

Well, if she's happy, so am I.

"W-We're not there yet."

We walked to a place she found on a map.

The place is away from the county so no carriages or cabs pass through there since it's not a tourist area.

Since I told her it was going to be a long ride, she should get on my back.

I've been walking for three hours, I had a light breakfast so I'm lacking strength.

"Just a little more, we're almost there."

That's what she was telling me while being carried on my back.

I was in so much pain I couldn't enjoy the feel of her thighs or her breasts.

I was climbing a hill with no road.

So it was riskier for someone without a team.

Come to think of it, there is levitation magic, shouldn't I learn how to use it?

I think I'll save myself a lot of trouble if I learned it.

"Razel-san, there it is."

I noticed how a building started to appear in the distance.

It was gradually increasing in size.

After a few steps I managed to reach the top.

I put Evelyn down and let out a big breath.

As I relaxed, we noticed a granny sweeping near us.

Granny came up to us and said.

"Kids, did you come up that way?"

"Don't you know there's a road a few yards up that way? It connects to the county so you could come straight up from there on bicycles."

"This road was destroyed precisely how dangerous it was."

Both Evelyn and I made the same X with our mouths.

Only in my case it was worse, I fainted because of what granny said.

"Feeling better?"

She was saying as I was lying on her plump thighs.

She gave me some water that granny brought.

As I felt better I could see something strange about this building.

It has a lot of windows.

That's odd since normally a country house doesn't have that many, but this one has a lot.

Evelyn noticed my eyes looking around and she replied.

"This place is special, I always wanted to come here once, but I couldn't because of how far away it was."

As I felt better, I stood up and told her.

"We are already here, let's go inside, if grandma will let us in."

"She'll let us in, it's a public place after all."

"How nice."

After saying that, I regretted later saying it.



Evelyn expressed happiness on her face.

The reason for that was something I didn't think about, my fault.

"I want this one."

"Also this one."

"Oh, this is a good one."

"Ah! This one I could never get a copy of."

The place was an old library, Evelyn was in her natural habitat.

Since she was very smart and her hair buns looked like mouse ears, that made her the cute little bookworm.

I watched her as she picked up books at high speed.

I was sitting on a piece of furniture watching her as she moved at high speed, making her underwear visible.

It wasn't so bad this.

"Hehehe, this place hadn't felt alive for a while."

Granny arrived with a silver tray on which were some desserts and green tea drinks.

"Thanks, but we didn't order anything."

"Don't worry, it's a gift. It's been a decade since anyone's been here."

Granny's words surprised me.

"May I sit down?"

"Go ahead and do it."

He sat down near me and told me a little about this place.

"This place was recognized as the first library of the empire. Back then the palace was not as it is now, in the historical books are pictures of what it looked like before."

"Sure, I'm talking about five centuries ago."

"After several years the palace was expanded and this place became obsolete."

I asked granny.

"If it became obsolete, why are you still here?"

She answered me with a smile on her face.

"This was the place where I met my husband, back then I came alone because my mother ordered me to do so, but when I met the man who would become my husband, this place became a memory I will always treasure..."

"A memory?"

I said that without thinking about it.

Memories are things that happened to you in your life, in my previous life they are many bad memories.

But there is one in specific that I will remember, it was from when my dad and I were going to see my mom to work since her car broke down that day.

We went to the movies, to the park and then to the ice cream shop.

Back then my father was smiling in such a way that the face he saw before he died was that of another man.

Now that I think about it, could my Japanese father have been reincarnated?

If I found him in this world, would I ask him to come and live with us?

How should I treat my father from this world and the one from the previous one if they ever conversed?

I feel like I'm complicating my life, the worst part is that if my father were to be reincarnated, he could be one of the guys I killed, someone with no memories, and even my own family.

But it's better to leave things in the past.

I looked at Evelyn who was running from bookcase to bookcase like a butterfly flying.

Granny handed me a cookie, I took it and ate it.

"That girl is your girlfriend, isn't she? She's very pretty, pretty girls are the hardest to conquer. Says someone who used to be a beauty, hehehe."

Granny stood up and walked away.

"I'll go get some rest, you guys don't look like young people who would do something horrible if left alone. So despite being alone don't do anything improper, hehe."

Granny left and only Evelyn and I were left.

I walked over to Evelyn and as I was about to call out to her, she fainted.

I was about to scream for help, but I saw that her face showed the same expression I do when I have Barbara's breasts in my mouth.

Evelyn was in a pleasant vivid dream that she fainted.

I gently picked her up and carried her to a piece of furniture.

"... Where am I?"

After several hours, Evelyn opened her eyes.

I had a book in my hands so I enjoyed the time.

The information in the book could be considered private information as it talks about the prestigious families of the empire.

This is all before the current dynasty.

The information it talks about is even that of a Simon of the Bazett dynasty, the imperial family before the arrival of Bryes.

Seeing that Evelyn noticed the sun was setting she stood up fast all at once.

"What happened!"

I replied.

"As you can see. You were asleep because you passed out from excitement, it's been a few hours."

Evelyn looked shocked and then wanted to make a sad expression.

"So I stayed like that all day?"

"You could tell."

She became more relaxed and then looked down at the floor.

"I'm sorry, Razel-san, I was so excited and we spent the day like this..."

I hugged her so she wouldn't say nothing more.

"It's okay, you wanted to come here, therefore, it was my wish too. It's still a nice memory because I could see your face sleeping which was so cute."

I looked at her and I could see her face blushing, even she couldn't believe it herself.

She took my hand and said.

"Razel-san, have you ever wondered why my father wanted me to be your concubine when I am a homunculus?"

I wanted to tell her the truth "No, I never thought about it. is it important?" so let's say something else.

"Well, unlike Celia it has to do with her father, but your father I don't know who is him. I only know that he is part of the holy wizards and that he works in the ministry."

Evelyn said as the sun went down.

"Before I tell you the reason, I'll tell you something you may not know."

"My heart is not like yours, it's a core called a philosopher's stone."

(I already knew that, in the game it was a normal item that gave you experience in upgrading weapons and was hidden in every corner of the game, I better not tell you that).

"According to my father, he wanted to create life with his own hands since he gets it fatal to socialize. That's why he decided to create me."

"He said that in some ruins he found a diary. That journal was written in an ancient language. There he found information about that red stone."

"According to the diary, the method to create one is to use living beings to convert them into energy. The soul and the magic element are the same so it can be compared to energy."

Evelyn noticed the expression I made when I heard that word, "Living beings."

She reassured me.

"Father said he didn't use living beings, it would be illegal for him to do that being a man who must submit a report on his research every so often to maintain his position as a holy wizard."

"He said he used the magic stone of several high danger level monsters to merge them into one..."

"That results in every time I die and revive, I will have spent my chances of living."

She held up her hands.

"In total there have been eight times I have died, so this is my ninth life. Father won't tell me how many he used."

"About why I am with you is because Exner Household is a house where there are only the two of us left. No one wants to associate with broken homes, ruined by debt or bad relationships."

"The Rosenbergs at the time were going through a bad situation so my father used that situation to his advantage. The duchess knows that, but she doesn't care."


She leaned close to my ear.

"This is something my father said, I hope you won't take it the wrong way, but it's very important for you to know."

"He revealed to me..."

What Evelyn said left me in a cold sweat.

"H-Hey, what you're saying is real... Is that really real!"

"Yes. But he said it doesn't matter anymore, so there's no need to say. Or... are you angry?"

What Evelyn said is something I don't want to remember, I'll forget it.

"N-No... just very surprised..."

She stood up and looked at the moon shining.

"I of all people know I'm not like the others, I try to fit in with everyone else's pace. But I have my own way of thinking."

"And that way of thinking says that one day I will die as a homunculus."

"Father said that homunculus get old as the magic stone wears out. Looking at my body you could say I age like you, but who knows what happens in the future, for that reason..."

She turned to look at me.

The moonlight made a beautiful blend with her waving hair and her bright eyes on her night-darkened face.

"Razel-san, would you allow me to stay by your side until then. I want to experience more things with you and the others, this journey has been very wonderful for me. I can feel something I've never felt before, that's why... I want to stay with you until the time where my consciousness shuts down."

I stood up, walked over and gave her a tight hug.

"Death is natural, so one day I will die too."

"Evelyn, you will not die like this!"

I stepped back so she could see my face as I said the next words to her.

"You're going to die an old woman like all of us, with our children by your side. I'm going to make you have my children, I don't care if it's possible or not, but I'm going to do it."

"You're one of my women and if I say I'm going to make you happy, I will. Because that's the responsibility that comes with having a harem."

"So Evelyn, you just have to smile, I will make sure you are happy, you are my girl and I keep my promises."

Her face showed that she heard words that were unimaginable to understand, but then she burst out laughing.


"Geez Razel-san, with you I always understand that logic is a hopeless case. You've said words that only seem to express a feeling of the moment, rather than an action that shows you'll do it."


"In short..."

She kissed me and we embraced after that.

Stirring our tongues, she said.

"Next to you I'm sure this world will make me see things that will never be seen the same way. Thank you for being like this, it makes me feel special."

We laughed a little and granny popped up.

"Young people these days sure take promises to another extreme."

"I remember years ago I saw a boy who said he would become a holy wizard."

I asked granny.

"Did he make it?"

"If I remember correctly, he is now called the wizard god."

"So I'm sure that promises made with longing and optimism will always be fulfilled."

Hearing that Oscar's grandfather was here and that he proclaimed he would be one of the most important wizards, and in the end he was one far more important than all.

That made me say this.

"Then I'm sure since Evelyn is very smart, she could not only be a holy wizard, you could also become the next magic god, no, goddess wizard would be the right name."

"There are thousands of people struggling to become one, my chances are the same, but to be considered a goddess wizard is a very childish thing to do."

"Imagine me saying that Razel-san would one day be emperor. No one would imagine that outcome."


I laughed a little because it's scary the idea.

The empire is a scary place, it's full of dangers and ambitious people.

If what I read in that book is true, being a member of the imperial family is more dangerous than playing with matches in a room full of gas.

Anyway, the emperor will be Cid's older brother, I hope Regulux won't be in the end.

I said to Evelyn...

"We'll come back next vacation, shall we?"

"Yes. This time I want to do things together with Razel-san."

I looked at granny and asked.

"Granny, can we come back?"

"If you can bring more people better for me hehehehe."

I turned to look at Evelyn's face.

"You heard."

"It's a promise."

With her saying that, our day was over.

Now there were only three girls left.

The Rosenberg women, you asked me who it will be with next?

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