Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background

Chapter 97: Villainess are also cute and whimsical

Chapter 97: Villainess are also cute and whimsical

Today was a special day, it was the day where I would have my date with Eli.

This time the pillowy feeling came from Lily and Eli.

Having two cute girls cuddling me is the best.

I was being squeezed by the villainess and the protagonist.

Before I knew it, the air was running out as they squeezed me tightly.


Was all I wanted to say before I passed out.

I woke up again this time with no problems.

I got dressed and when I came downstairs no one was there.

Except for her.

Eli was sitting in an armchair, the way she sat reminded me of the villainess in the game.

Crossing her long legs that showed off her white skin and pink thighs.

Eli is a rich girl, so wearing fancy clothes was normal for her.

Today's outfit was so elegant that I wouldn't want to know how much she spent.

I walked up to her and said.

It's finally our day.

For some reason she didn't respond.

She was quiet for a moment, or so I thought when I reached over and touched her cheek.

Eli opened her eyes and screamed.

"Uwaah, I fell asleep!"

"... Really?"

She jumped up with a start.

Her perfectly coiffed hair began to dishevel.

"Gyah! I wanted to give you a wonderful presentation to prove that today would be the day where you would give me all the pampering I wanted, but I fell asleep waiting for you!"

"... Sorry."

"No sorry. Let's do it again, come back and I'll call you."

"... Really?"

"I'm serious."

Well, she's a villainess, she must be this capricious and conceited.

But I love her for who she is, even this side she rarely shows.

I listened to her and she called out to me.

"I-I'm ready."

I walked as if I didn't know what was going to happen and now yes Eli's aura was different.

She was in the same position, but she had a bottle of strawberry juice in her hand pretending it was wine.

Eli doesn't like wine.

She saw me and smiled with the typical "fufufu" a rich girl would say.

"I'm glad to see you so early this morning, my dear betrothed. Today is our special day, for today is the day where I, your fiance, Elize von Rosenberg, will be in your care."

"Today is the day where you will be able to admire for several hours the sole heiress of the Rosenberg Duchy. The finest territory in the empire."

As she stood up she said that and even moved her hair to generate an aura of elegance.

I approached her and asked her bluntly.

"What's wrong with you?"

She stared at me and then ducked her head.

She shyly approached toward me and grabbed the sleeve of my shirt.

"I-I want today to pay me back for all the times we didn't get to spend together when we were kids."

She was really making a face of a little girl who wanted to be spoiled.

I told her to stop manipulating my heart.

"It's okay. For the whole day I will indulge your whims, my lady."

Eli placed her arms together, getting her breasts squashed together.


Eli's cuteness knows no bounds, between her and Lily I can't tell who is cuter.

The cuteness of the villainess and the protagonist is a battle I will one day fight.

Eli took my hand and led me outside.

"We have a lot to do today."

With those words we went to please the former little villainess.

The first place we came to was a costume store.

Eli said she always wanted to wear outfits she couldn't find at home, but was always curious because of what she saw in picture stories.

We went in and Eli started dressing up as anything she wanted.

First it was a werewolf.


She looked sexy instead of scary as she roared.

Next came a vampire costume.

"Sha, I'll suck your blood!"

This one didn't make me laugh, I remembered the vampires in the lawless city.

Then she dressed in other outfits like cheerleader, sailor, warrior, teacher and finally the one I liked the most, maid.

"What's up?"

Maid Eli certainly was a great find.

She combines her beauty with elegance, it's something I'd like to see every day.

Eli smiled and lifted the end of her skirt.

"Master, do you like the way I look?"

"You look very pretty, the kind of maid who is the wife's right hand woman."

Eli smiled, but then remembered that she wanted to do spoiled girl things.

"Wait, I should be the master here! Chaaaaaaaaaaaangeeeeeeeeeeee!"

Eli forced me to change into a butler's outfit.

There was an armchair nearby, she sat down and then ordered me.

"My servant, please your mistress."

She said like all villainess.

She stretched out her leg demanding a massage from me.

My mother taught me how to give as she sometimes got sore shoulders so I will apply that.

I gently and fragilely touched Eli's slender white legs, I could feel her skin through her pantyhose.

I asked her if she was okay, but Eli for some reason was quiet watching me silently.

I didn't understand why she was like that.

So I kept going until I was almost touching her thigh, then went to the other leg.

This time I noticed that Eli lifted her shoulders slightly and averted her gaze.

Before I could touch her thighs she stopped me.

"Th-That's enough."

"Let's go to the next stall."

With those words she went to the cashier to pay.

Her face was red.

Come to think of it, when I gave my mom a massage one day, she told me to take Gina to the park after my dad arrived.

Curiously almost a year later my younger brother was born.

I don't understand women, do they like massages or not?

We went to the zoo, Eli wanted me to take her to the children's area where the small animals are for the kids to play.

"Razel, look, it's a real long-necked cat!"

She ran off at the sight of a strange cat with a long neck.

There were monsters that were harmless, they also didn't serve as materials when extracting their magic stone, that's why we took them as pets or for display.

For some reason I feel it's cruel but they don't hurt them, they can even get donations so you can touch them, feed them and even walk them.

They came in all different shapes and sizes.

Some even looked like mutants or chimeras.

A dog with the body of a duck.

A sheep with rabbit ears.

A fox that reeks of cocoa.

Very weird all and I don't want to know where they came from.

Eli paid to pet a strange creature that she said was cute.

It reminds me of that anime Japanese folklore monsters that were popular when I was a kid, they were called youkai.

The thing is... Eli is petting a dog... with the face of an old man in his forties or so.

I wanted to tell her "Get your hand off that thing" but it would be frowned upon for me to order her to do that.

So I endured watching Eli petting the strange youkai.

My god, how ugly it is. And I'm not one to talk, but how ugly is that thing!

After leaving the zoo and disinfecting Eli's hand from touching that thing.

We went to eat.

We didn't go to an expensive restaurant, we went to a children's restaurant.

I looked at Eli and she averted my face, but I know where she was looking.

It was a sign that said there were fake crowns for princesses.

I asked Eli if she wanted those.

She said in a shy voice.

"...When I was a little girl, I always wanted to come to one of these places, but my father said it wasn't suitable for a duke's daughter."

I took her hand and said.

"Today is the day where it will be all the childish and whimsical you are."

Eli ended up embarrassed as the children approached her.

The day was coming to an end.

The sun was setting.

Soon it will be time to go.

Today was a long day, we did everything Eli wanted to do as a child.

In fact, I remembered that little girl who almost killed herself and me that day.

The day I remembered everything.

So, I wanted to please Eli with something I couldn't give her.

I blindfolded her and told her to come with me.

"Razel, I don't like these weird games you use. The same way I'm telling you I don't want you to throw anything weird on my face or hair again."

Eli wanted to take off the blindfold, but I told her to hold on a little longer.

After putting it in a proper position I told him.

"Take off the blindfold."

She took it off and her beautiful raspberry red eyes sparkled like rubies.

"T-This is..."

I brought Eli to a special place, it was a greenhouse where certain types of plants are grown.

In this case, it was a beautiful rose garden.

Eli was amazed by the place.

She walked through every part looking at the red roses like her eyes.

Then she came running up to me.

"Razel, I love it, I love you!"

She jumped up and hugged me.

"Hehehehe, this place is wonderful."

I hugged her too, I liked to see her happy.

I rubbed her back and told her something I couldn't tell her a long time ago.

"Happy birthday."

"I wanted to tell you that a long time ago, but I never got the chance to, that's why I brought you here. Because I wanted to show you how much I care about you."

"Eli, unlike before where I thought I was doing my best I didn't realize how much it hurt you. I told you I would make you happy and this detail is something I wanted to get off my chest."

"That's why. With this I hope I've made it up to you for that day"


She suddenly came up to me and gave me a deep kiss.

As she withdrew her mouth a bridge of saliva formed.

Eli's face was so beautiful in this starry sky night that I thought I was having a date with an angel.

"What a fool you are. But I like that you think about making me happy so I like your silly side too."

"Razel, I have long since forgiven you. If I forgave you and accepted you having my mother as your wife, and even having my cute little sister as one of your women, I have forgiven you and accepted many things because I love you."

"What happened that day was sad but you have already shown me how much you regret not at least saying goodbye."

"Razel. I am happy for what you are doing for me, for the others and for the duchy. I am eager to know that when this year is over we will be married and I will officially be your wife."

Her smile was shining brighter and brighter, I felt my heart would stop for seeing her smile.

But Eli flashed a playful fang and then turned away from me.

"There's something I can't forgive you for."

"Really? What is it to make amends for?"

She wobbled prettily and then turning away said something that froze me.


"I wanted to be the first to have your baby. You know, now I'm having mixed feelings about the baby brother or sister my husband will have with my mother."

"Will I want that baby? I think I will. But I'll certainly be jealous that my womb wasn't the one that fathered one."

I began to sweat.

"W-Wait Eli. You said when we got married you'd be my wife, which I assume is a sign that that's when you'd first want children."

Tilting her head to the side she said smiling.

"No way. I want one now."

"I don't give a damn about being in class and with my belly looking like a ball. I want to have your kid darling."

My sweat was running down my body more and more. She wasn't kidding.

Her gaze and eyes were watching me like a predator watching its prey.

"Look Razel, I am the daughter of a duke, I was born to be a princess, that's why I was betrothed to His Highness Regulux, because I was born to live a life of luxury and whimsy."

"I am capricious, I will never stop wanting things that make me happy, thanks to living as a poor person I learned to value what I have."

"That's why what I want is something that only you can give me. And by the way, Lily-chan thinks the same way I do."

Eli closed her eyes and smiled as the moonlight gave her hair a divine glow.

"When we're going to do it from now on, I'll make sure to get pregnant. I won't wait until marriage."

"Aah! How good it feels to get it out of me, I wanted to tell you as soon as possible. Now that I did~."

She turned around and walked away as if she was playing leapfrog.

"Let's go eat~."

"I want to eat a juicy steak~."

"I'll make sure to be a mom this year~."

I went after her very scared.

"Hold on Eli!"

"With only one child on the way I feel like my heart will burst out. At least wait until graduation to want one."


"I don't want to~, hehehehe."

And that ended our date.

I'm scared, Eli doesn't joke around and I love to have fun with all of them.

I'm sure Eli will tell them not to except do it with me except for her and Lily.

Eli please! Let me enjoy the miracles of not being responsible at least until I graduate!


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