Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Chapter 588 588 Build A Guild Workshop

"Now that they're gone, we can get the good part started. Becoming my disciple comes with benefits. I will give you a disguise of course but name one power that you always wished you had. It doesn't matter how ridiculous it is, I know a lot of things." Cain offered.

"How insane are you talking? Could you teach me the Holy Sword or the Shadow Step?" Tena asked.

The shadow step she was thinking of was a rogue technique, far inferior to the one used by the Oath Breaker, and Holy Sword was a basic Crusader ability.

"Either one. But think about what sort of fighter you want to be. You only get to use this option once in a lifetime." Cain explained.

"Yeah, and catching him again isn't easy if you want to ask questions." A new voice called out in the distance.

That voice was Familiar, but Cain wasn't sure where he had heard it before.

Three women came into sight, led by a blonde in her early twenties.

[Tall, blonde, smells like Wolf. Penny.] Cain realized who had found them.

"You left us at the Inn, waiting for you." Penny pointed out.

"I may have forgotten you were waiting for me?" Cain asked, wondering if it counted as an apology.

"Fortunately, we saw Master Moon coming from here, just after leaving the city trying to track you, so it must have been where you were. And I see you've gained another disciple." Penny reprimanded him.

"Well, now that we are all together, let's do this as a group. Everyone needs to think of a signature skill they want. One which they could build a lifetime of combat techniques around. Once you have that, I will begin everyone's education as disciples."

Cain's decree caught them all off guard and he heard faint laughter in his mind that wasn't from anything he currently had Merged with him. He needed to pay better attention to the little details now that he didn't have so many people around to cover for him.

Penny was the first to answer. "Can you teach me a better transformation? Lycans are tough, but a huge wolf would be more deadly."

Cain considered that for a while. He did owe them an apology for leaving them flat-broke in a strange city after killing their former Master and taking his stuff.

[Primal Form] was a Druid-only Mythic Skill, which should do exactly what she wanted. Four more Mythic cultivators shouldn't be an issue. Chances are nobody but them would even notice the difference.

[Skill Granted]

"There, you should have an influx of knowledge, right? Activate that spell." Cain instructed.

Penny was about to protest that she wasn't a magical cultivator, but then her eyes opened wide and her body made a grotesque transformation as she shifted into a four-meter-tall Wolf with massive canines extending past her lips and bright white fur.

"Oh, pretty. And she looks extra cuddly. Good job." Luna congratulated Cain, giving Penny a predatory look.

"Why is everyone so small?" Penny's voice came as a garbled snarl that made her look at her body, then freeze as she saw something.

[Welcome to the Wandering Cultivator System]

[Class: Druid] Assigned

[Adapting Level]

[Awakened: Mythic] Active

[Please Choose Skills]

Cain saw the moment that she gained a class and smirked at the others. This world was never going to know what happened.

"While she recovers, who is next?" Cain asked.

Everyone could feel her power level grow as she transformed, and not just because she changed forms, so they all wanted to pick something equally impressive.

Tena spoke up next. "There was a man who came by our Sect once who fought empty-handed or with a staff and could channel his energy into Dragons that followed his movements.

I don't know what it is called, but can you teach that?"

That one took Cain a lot of thought. Duke Chen of Skyview could do a similar attack but it was low-level. If he enhanced it to cast at his power level it would be Spirit Rank, which might be overkill at her level.

Cain searched his summons until he found a monk among the beastkin who had a similar ability at Mythic Rank.

"Go practice that until you can do it correctly," Cain informed her after granting the Skill.

Like Penny, once she tried activating it, she gained an interface, but she was given the class Dragon Monk.

Jen, the blonde human had more simple desires. "Can you expand on the [Holy Sword] we have been learning from the book? I love that fighting style."

With that, their group gained a Paladin, though how the world would react to a woman in heavy armour was anyone's guess. Cain hadn't seen anyone here in the armour of the sort that a Paladin would wear.

Last up was Sabbat, the brunette human.

"Fine, put me on the spot with your fast choices. I want something mysterious but flashy. Like a way to do unexpected attacks that didn't need me to have a lot of strength."

That was incredibly vague.

[Ask Record Keeper, he lives for nonsense like that.] Oath Breaker suggested.

[Thank you, I have just the right idea now.] Cain agreed.

[Warped Reality] created an area of psychedelic mutated plants or tunnels, and was the basis of the Change Mage, a Demonic Cleric class whose very name was misleading.

They were versatile, and their spells were all weird and unexpected. They could use basic healing, but also Balefire, and a unique version of [Polymorph] that made random mutants of its target for a few minutes.

Sometimes that was great, sometimes you got an angry four-armed ogre coming for you.

"Try that and see what happens," Cain suggested after granting her the skill.

The Change Mage class activated as Cain had hoped, and was Mythic Awakened, though she was only level 95. That would force the core she had formed in this world to adapt quickly and should boost her level since it seemed tied to their overall power.

At least, that was Cain's theory.

One after another they recovered from the shock of seeing the System appear, and Cain assumed that like him, they had started in the character creation screen. He had no idea that there had been changes made, or that they had gotten a very different intro prompt than he had.

"Did everyone follow the instructions? Good. Then you should have several fun new skills to work with, that will be the basis for your future endeavours, just like I promised."

Cain chuckled at their stupefied looks, then looked at his interface and realized that he was no longer Guild Master of the Darklight Host.

The title was still there, but it was shown with [Legacy] next to it and seemed to be inactive.

If he couldn't bring them into the Host, they could always make something else.

[Please Select Sect Name]

So that was why. The system was Adapting to the new world.

"Since there are six of us now, we should become a new Sect. Maybe it will keep Master Cain from forgetting us when he leaves town next time. We only spent two days cultivating a new technique and we had to chase you down." Penny suggested.

"I can form one, but I'm not picking the name. I'm bad at names." Cain agreed, making Luna laugh.

"Before you forget, I still need a disguise. Can you make me cute like Luna?" Tena asked.

"Oh, that's easy. Done. No takebacks." Cain agreed.

Not only was she cute like Luna, but they could also be twin sisters, both appearing to be alabaster-skinned, dark-haired, blue-eyed young beauties, on the cusp of puberty.

"Yes, that is perfect."Luna cheered and showed Tena herself in a mirror.

"Why are the most powerful pair of us both turned into small children? Do I just not get the joke?" Jen asked.

"Don't try to understand him. Trust me. But look at it this way, Tena gets to grow up again, and everyone will think she's a prodigy thanks to her extreme power level at such a young age." Luna consoled the transformed cultivator, who was seriously considering attempting to beat Cain senselessly.

"We will discuss this issue later. But for now, nobody would believe I was the same person, and that's the point of a disguise." Tena reluctantly agreed.

"What do we call such a strange group though? None of us are normal anymore, and since it's his fault, I feel like the name should reference Cain, but we don't want other people to know about something this extreme."

Penny growled her suggestion, then transformed back to her normal form, then to Lycan and back to human, to make sure she was still herself.

"I feel like we should get a cute name. I mean, we're all women, and female sects usually have pleasant names. Something about flowers or something." Sabbat suggested.

"With two fake children and a Lycan, something about longevity might be good as well," Tena added.

That brought them all to a stalemate as they tried to come up with a proper name for a group like theirs. Cain thought they made a pretty good Adventurers group, but he was staying out of the naming process this time.

[They should call it the Divine Rosebud. Because you're an asshole who drops random miracles on people.] Oath Breaker suggested.

[If you hadn't explained, that might have been the best idea we have come up with yet.] Cain mentally muttered at the demon.

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