Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Chapter 592 592

Cain could sense that the man had at least a half dozen companions further back into the trees, so he signaled the others to get ready for a fight.

"Fellow Daoists, I am afraid that their studies have not progressed far enough for them to start all over learning new techniques.

The man didn't seem nearly as interested in the actual cultivators as the flying swords though, and Cain started to wonder if he had simply moved from the world with no information network, to the nation of broke old guys. The first sign of anything valuable and the people of this world were all over it.

Or maybe they were part dragons and only the innate need to hoard things remained?

"You brought them out into the mountains of trials before their basic training was finished? Surely there must be some compelling reason for such a rash move?" The man asked, suddenly confused.

"It wasn't really a choice. I was traveling with my daughter and was challenged by a fool in front of an Immortal Sect Master. He demanded that the winner took all of the loser's possessions right down to his disciples, so when he died, I inherited a following. But I am still far from home, and I do have some business that couldn't wait the years needed for them to be prepared to my satisfaction."

Cain tried to convince the man to just go away without a fight, and it looked like it was working, his face showed understanding at the very least.

"Ah, I see. Then you likely aren't familiar with the customs of the Mountains. Every sect is short on new disciples, so we all challenge those we see to bolster our own numbers. Even if it takes five or ten years to teach them our ways instead of the ones they were starting with, it all evens out in the end, as long as we keep collecting more." The old man informed them.

"So, I can expect to be challenged by pretty much every group that we pass? Perhaps it would be easier to circle around the head to the coast and then follow it all the way around the mountains. It would be much longer, but possibly less bothersome." Cain suggested.

"I doubt that. At least the challenges have structured rules, and the disciples won't be harmed much. Outside the mountains, it is free for all, where only the standard of not attacking those below your realm holds among the majority.

You don't look like the sheltered sort, how far from home are you?"

Cain smiled. "Further than I would prefer. We passed through a portal between worlds only to find that it was a one-way trip and now I have to find us a route back to my homeworld." That was the same set of minimal details that Cain was giving everyone so that if they happened to run into people more than once, their story added up.

"In that case, I will give you a piece of advice. Either stay well away from the borders of the sects that you know about or fearlessly cross the boundaries. Skirting around the edges is suspicious, and makes them think that you might be a rival come to scope out their defenses.

If you approach straight through, they will be more likely to believe that you didn't know where their boundaries are and send you on your way without a fight.

But if you head to the river just north of here and follow it upstream, you will find a neutral city near the lake a few days' travel from here. You can rest and get more details there." The black-robed cultivator suggested.

"I appreciate the advice. But we should be going." Cain sighed, looking out at the rising sun.

The disciples all hopped on their swords and rose into the sky, drawing one last envious glance from the cultivator, and Cain discretely activated [Superior Mental Domination] so he could listen in on the group's thoughts as he left.

[Master, why didn't you attack them? Those swords are extremely valuable.] Cain heard one of the disciples in black ask.

[There is something off about that group. Couldn't you feel it? When approached by Forbidden Technique Cultivators he wasn't the least bit nervous, he didn't even ask his disciples to put away their valuables.] The Master responded.

[And the way he casually mentioned murdering a man inside the city for his disciples. Seriously, who would believe that anyone would challenge that man with an Immortal watching, instead of assassinating him? Even if he was impossible to sneak up on, the right answer was to walk away, not issue a challenge to a stand-up fight.] A Disciple agreed.

[Do you think he might have a Mind Control type technique? That would explain the lack of fear, and traveling with all the pretty girls.] Another suggested.

[Hiding his power and living out the Family Man fantasy that he never had time for while he was cultivating? That would make sense. It doesn't make him any less dangerous though.] The first disciple to speak agreed.

[He's on his way to Lakeside though, which is a good start. If he really is just a wandering cultivator who has been collecting beauties, he might be interested in staying for the Tournaments, and then we can gather more information on their techniques.

Befriend them if you see them again, if possible. I want to know what makes that Spirit Awakened Wanderer so certain in his safety, for the good of our sect.] The Master instructed his followers.

"Perhaps they are not all as stupid as they look. It took them a second to catch on, but they're starting to make good choices now." Cain informed Luna, who was watching him as he listened in on their visitors.

"So they're not following us?" Penny asked, tensing for a fight.

"They're going the same way we are, toward the city of Lakeside. There is some sort of event going on there soon, but that group isn't planning to attack us anymore." Cain told her with a smile.

"Oh, thank goodness. We haven't even had a chance to get used to our new skills yet. Having to use them in a serious fight would be a mess."

"We will find somewhere for you all to practice soon. I just need to find a nice empty area with some beasts or something. That should be enough to at least let you start learning your skills." Cain agreed.

After flying for half a day, they were only seeing more and more travelers following the river toward the city. Whatever event the black-robed cultivators had sent them to go see must be a big deal here in this territory.

Cain listened in on the thoughts of everyone they came close to and learned that jogging on the ground, they were only a day away now, thanks to the high flight speed of the swords he had made, so he changed his strategy for their journey.

"Everyone to the ground and store your swords. It is getting busy here, and we are attracting attention. I have found us a good travel group to accompany all day tomorrow into the city, assuming that they don't attack us when we approach." Cain instructed his disciples.

He had found a group of white-robed women traveling together, nearly sixty in total, and they were relatively strong, each of them at least level 300. In this world that might not be much, but being awakened, they at least weren't at the bottom of the totem pole of power, even here in the Immortal Realms.

"Greetings travelers. Might we accompany you to the city? The roads are getting crowded, and a small group like mine is just getting in the way of the larger Sects." Cain greeted the white-robed sect when he approached, with the Disciples behind him and Luna at his side.

"The Lotus Blossom Sect doesn't normally welcome male cultivators, but it looks like you are in a unique predicament today. So long as you keep yourself away from our disciples, I see no reason why we cannot welcome your disciples on our journey." The Matron of the group, an Immortal named Ling informed Cain.

"That is agreeable to me. I see you travel in your uniforms, should I ask my disciples to change? We found that the bright robes attracted too much attention." Cain asked.

"Pride in your sect is important, even when traveling. It is good to be prudent, but not at the expense of the Sect. Are you perhaps a very small Sect?" Ling asked.

"You're looking at the Forbidden Treasure Sect. For now, this is all that there are." Cain agreed.

"Forbidden Treasure? Interesting name. The precious item that a man wants most, but is unable to obtain. Very fitting for your group." Ling told him with a smile.

That was a fun way of interpreting the name, Cain thought.

"Everyone switch back to your Sect Robes and join the fine young ladies of the Lotus Blossom Sect for the day. I will be nearby, keeping an eye out for trouble." Cain informed them, then took to the sky again and floated along above their convoy as the ladies jogged through the loose rocks that lined the riverbank.

There were a lot of sects in the area, and most had at least one or two Elders floating above the disciples, keeping an eye out for trouble, and establishing their presence in the area. It was somewhat tense, but not openly hostile for the most part. Only when two Sects crossed paths and challenged each other for space did things get hostile.

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