Chapter 259

Chapter 259

During this journey that took nearly 12 hours of flying, Ibro decided he had to learn two skills: the flying and horse riding. During this flight, he observed the terrain under him. 

Many fields were full to the brim with monsters. He also discovered many groups of players leveling in some maps. He didn't mind the presence of players in his empire, but he wanted to control them. 

His door to that plan was in the hands of Forad and his other team players. Ibro didn't know that during his sleep; the videos of his battle were hot topics of discussion and debate at the forums. 

Players had long known about the alien origin of Ibro, but they felt great shock by the actions made by the northern lord. Some players were in the northern lord army and recorded everything that happened there. 

That dome and these fiend demons had a deep shock over the players' community. The debate started by trying to guess their origin ending by reaching some conclusions. 

Some believed that was a great game event, while others believed there was something fishy behind this game. These videos had been broadcasted in the real world of players. 

That caused a huge sensation and caused a stir in the real world. After this, many normal people began to enter the game. 

No one was stupid, what they saw was pointing clearly to an obvious fact: they weren't alone in this universe and this game was their passport to other worlds. 

Some pessimists even warned the people from this game and prophesied the end of the world. The number of new people joining the game was escalating at a frightening speed. 

Ibro didn't know that nor did any of his aides notice this. All these new players joined the game via novice villages. They would take some time to move to the cities. 

When Ibro reached his village, he didn't recognize it. his small village had turned into a huge town. It had already three levels of walls with many defensive towers that made Ibro feel threatened. 

Around his town, there were many strongholds and checking posts. These were stationed on the way from the entrance of this basin. The village itself had many buildings that looked majestic. 

It was well planned with side streets and many building blocks. Every ten buildings formed a small block. Each ten small blocks formed a medium block. 

Each ten medium blocks formed a main block. Between each block and the other, there were wide streets branched from a central square. 

Each center square had a garden, some stalls and a place made for some soldiers to station at. Ibro liked this organization a lot. It seemed he chose the right person to take control of here. 

He might even hinder Rinobak growth if he continued to be here. Ibro put some plans in his mind for Rinobak while he took a leisure tour around the village. 

His personal guards were stationed outside the village, while only 5 of them followed him in his tour. The village was his domain, so he didn't need all this security. 

Ibro didn't walk for a few minutes before he noticed Rinobak coming towards him. He was moving in a hurry that made Ibro sure some of his men had told Rinobak somehow.

"Welcome back, my king. It's my mistake not to wait for you at the front door of the village."

"Don't say that I came here without a notice. You did a great effort here, Rinobak."

Rinobak face showed a happy expression as he said in gratitude:

"Thanks my king for your praise, I don't deserve that. I just did my work."

Ibro laughed while taking his stroll around the village while saying:

"No, you really deserve it. Anyway, tell me about the recent developments in the village."

Rinobak moved behind Ibro while looking at him in veneration. This young king of his had done legendary feats. The news of the last war had already reached his ears. 

He was very glad like all the rest of the higher-ups around Ibro. The more successful Ibro was the more prosperous their future life would be. 

The fate of a follower was tied with the fate of his master. Rinobak started to explain the current situation of the village to Ibro in detail.

"We have now more daily villagers joining our village since integrating with the game. Our village can have daily villagers that reach 1000. We have now over 70k villagers in our village. 

We have built all the required defenses including three huge walls and countless defensive towers. We have discovered some ore mines in the basin and outside it. 

Now, we have multiple resources to build everything you gave us, but we lacked the cores. These defenses took most of our core reserves."

Ibro was surprised that joining the game had this kind of good impact on his village. He didn't guarantee when he returned to the cultivation world, this effect would last there. 

Six months of this rate would be enough to make his village exceed the town population. But he didn't plan to be passive here. This game world would act as his supply base. 

He would move NPCs from this world to his village non-stop. The cores were a problem he had to endure. This game world was different and all monsters here would drop equipment and items, but not cores. 

He recalled that his alpha death knight had huge amounts of the cores. He instructed him before to gather these cores when they were back in the cultivation world. 

Ibro then looked towards one cultivator from his five bodyguards and ordered:

"Send a word out. I want a cultivator to hurry back to the city and bring from my alpha death knight all the cores in his possession."

"I will deliver the message now, my king."

Ibro then looked towards Rinobak as he asked:

"Have all the villagers gained lifestyle classes?"

"Yes, my king. Nearly all of the villagers had chosen the lifestyle classes. The highest classes we have are the blacksmith, rune master, and alchemist classes."

Ibro recalled an issue so he advised Rinobak:

"I'm content with your efforts, but I want you not to focus over two or three classes only. We need a variety of classes to build my empire on strong foundations."

Rinobak hurriedly apologized:

"I'm sorry, my king. I will always put this advice in front of me."

Ibro didn't want him to feel this bad, but he was heading towards the wrong direction. He couldn't allow Rinobak to continue like this. Ibro then asked:

"What about this game? Have you gained access to it?"

"Yes, my king. We are now considered players in this game."

"Good. I want you to train the boys here well. Form teams and start making them fight the monsters outside. Store all the items that dropped from these monsters. I will need these items when we go back to the cultivation world."

Rinobak walked silently for a while behind Ibro who was heading straight towards the villagers recruitment hall. Before the hall, Ibro stopped and spoke with Rinobak seriously:

"Our stay here isn't permanent. Although I will try to plant some roots here, this is just a place in my journey. 

So, I want you to work harder and try to store any resources of this world in my village. I also want you to start training all the administrative talents that you can find."

Rinobak replied without delay:

"I'm already training some group of promising villagers, my king. They only need some time."

Ibro sighed while looking towards this hall in front of him while muttering:

"We all need time, Rinobak. Fasten everything as we don't have the luxury to waste any moment."

Ibro then entered the hall as he started his first step towards dominating the world here.

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