Chapter 272

Chapter 272

He then moved towards the next building and did the same. The market had been connected successfully to the markets in this game. He checked in a hurry the main content being sold here. 

The major things were the building's blueprints, the different resources, and equipment. He didn't find anything alluring to him in the market. The hall of creation was upgraded to make him able to add skills to be learned. 

He took some time till he finished picturing all the skills he knew. The hall of cultivation had increased the cultivation speed of the villagers. 

It also added the ability to obtain one cultivation way with two classes, one lifestyle class, and one adventurer class. Ibro was very content with such a result. 

The last building to upgrade was the mother of buildings hall. It had gotten the ability to draw medium rank blueprints. That made Ibro choose to upgrade all the current blueprints in the village. 

He then pictured the teleportation portal and got a medium rank design. He took the design then went out to look for Rinobak. He found him at the outer wall which was upgraded. 

He was checking the changes there and trying to figure out the cause. Ibro told him the short story of the matter without any details, and then he gave him the design instructing:

"Take this blueprint and start building it immediately. It's a teleportation portal. I believe you know how to use it. I have upgraded all the blueprints that you have here. Start upgrading the village buildings at once."

Rinobak was about to issue some complaints about the lack of cores in the village, but Ibro stopped him by adding:

"Don't worry about the cores. I will send someone soon with huge amounts of stones. I have given you the authorization to enter the villager recruitment hall. 

Every day I want you to take the rings this hall will put at the tray and put instead empty storage rings with many cores. 

The cores I will send to you aren't all for the village. Take half for the village and the rest will go to the hall usage."

Rinobak kept nodding his head till Ibro finished his instructions, and then he asked:

"Do you want me to send these rings to you, my king?"

Ibro waved his hands as he replied:

"Don't bother yourself, I will send someone to pick the rings from you on a daily basis."

Ibro recalled the disappearance of the ten players, so he asked:

"Did Forad come back to the village?"

Rinobak answered at once:

"Not yet, my king."

Ibro just shook his head in regret. He hoped he could depend upon Forad and his small team to control the players' world here. it was a regret, but he had now another card he could depend upon the NPCs. 

Ibro then told Rinobak to move to the city once he chose his replacement. Then he went outside the village with the guards. He was now ready for the incoming flood on NPCs. 

After he exited the basin, he headed straight towards the location of his guards. When he neared the place, the system warned him:

'System has spotted a huge number of assassins up ahead.'

Ibro knew they must be Toran's men, but to be sure he said:

'Search for Toban and let me talk to him using telepathy function.'

'System has searched for Toban. Do you want it one way or two-way telepathy?'

'Make it two-way telepathy.'

'The telepathy function has been activated. You can now start speaking.'

Ibro didn't delay as he said at once:

'Topan, this is me, your king. Tell me, are all those assassins blocking my way your men?'

Ibro wasn't able to see Topan whose face showed great surprise and shock. He recognized the sound of Ibro at once. He then said with disbelief:

'Is this you, master?'

'Yes, it's me. Now tell your boys to clear the way for me.'

'I will do it right away, master.'

Ibro didn't wait long, as Topan appeared hurrying from far. When he reached him, he knelt on the ground while saying:

"My apologies to you, master. I told my boys to scout the area guarding against any intruder."

Ibro reassured him:

"Don't worry. It's not a big deal. Now, let's go."

Ibro then moved in the company of his 100 guards and Topan. The assassins didn't appear, though, as they were still guarding this place. Ibro didn't mind this additional security. 

Ibro didn't notice the presence of any assassins around him. That made him more grateful for his lucky encounter. He had gained himself an ace this time.

'How can I kill more than one seed at the same time?'

Ibro asked the system this issue while he was heading towards the location of his guards. The system cold sound whispered in his mind:

'Are you sure? This might be risky.'

'I don't have time, that's what I'm sure about. Just tell me how to do it.'

Ibro wanted to speed up the process of killing these demons. He still had more NPCs to free. The system then explained:

'All you need to do is to stand still and let those NPCs touch visible parts of your body. They also need to stand still and not move.'

Ibro said in doubt:

'Is that all?'

The system didn't respond to his question. Ibro sighed. This system was moody, sometimes treated him nicely, and sometimes became harsh and cold. Ibro then ordered Topan:

"Now, tell your men to enter the dome in groups of hundreds. I will kill all the demon seeds inside them then they will have to take a stone from my guards. They then will exit the dome and wait outside it."

Topan nodded his head in veneration while replying:

"I will order them to do so, master."

Ibro didn't speak again till he reached the location of his guards. He gave the rings with the omega stones to some of his cultivators and told them what to do. He then stood motionless while saying to the system:

'Form your isolation dome now.'

'SPR stones have been deducted. The isolation dome has been formed.'

Ibro then saw the sudden appearance of the dome. He then ordered Topan:

"Make your boys touch visible parts of my body and don't move."

Topan asked in confirmation:

"Do you mean master one by one or group them at the same time?"

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