Chapter 274

Chapter 274

Ibro was eager to use that mighty sword, but he couldn't. He tried to stretch his hands to cross the gap to reach the hilt, but the halo was shielding him from going outside. 

Ibro felt deep frustration, he had this cool sword in front of him and he couldn't use it?

'I don't know why this sword moved outside the halo whatever, use this spell and you will be able to move it. Hurry up, or your enemies will get stronger.'

Ibro was speechless from this system's shamefulness. It was the one who told him about the spell in the first place!

'System, you forgot to tell me the spell.'

'Ah, sorry, my bad here it is... Alfa Ta Shtoy.'

Ibro didn't comment on the system shamefulness as he said eagerly:

'Alfa Ta Shtoy.'

Suddenly he felt a resonance in the halo around him. This was the second spell he used that resonated with the halo and not his soul. That was strange. 

Ibro's thoughts were cut off by the tingling sensation he felt at his right hand. The halo was the cause of this feeling as tiny hair-like extensions were formed around his right arm. 

Ibro waved his arm in a try to remove this fragile web, but he stopped midway as he was astonished first then very excited. When he waved his arm, a huge ghostly arm appeared outside the defensive halo. 

Ibro then tried to hold the hilt of this sword with this illusionary hand. He succeeded. What shocked him was the feeling in his real hand; it was like he was grabbing a hilt of a real sword.

'That's a refreshing way to fight.'

Ibro looked towards those distasteful demons up ahead. He didn't know if his sword would reach them or not. 

He didn't know if he could use his techniques on this word or not, so he decided to use just a simple sword moves first as a test. he simply waved his hand to witness the movement of the sword in the same way. 

The simple move started to stir the air around it. The sword became longer, thicker, and sharper. Ibro felt he was holding a raging bull not a sword. Ibro didn't see it, but he felt the cutting sensation in his hands. 

The sword didn't move its place, but Ibro was sure it did. Up in the front, over a dozen demons had stopped their attacks as they stood motionlessly in their places.

After a few seconds, ear-deafening screams echoed from these demons followed by a huge number of curses. Ibro was astonished, was this sword this powerful? 

He didn't do anything special, but it was enough to kill all these demons in a single strike. Ibro clenched his hand on the tilt of this sword. He finally had a great weapon to use against these demons.

'Bring them all to me.'


The system was surprised by Ibro's orders. Ibro didn't move his eyes away from the huge sword as he said:

'Bring all the demons here to face me now.'

'I str'

The system tried to argue with Ibro to make him change his crazy mind a bit, but Ibro didn't have a mind to argue right now. 

He wanted to try all the potentials of this sword. So, he interrupted the system words as he ordered:

'Just do it.'

The system sighed for the first time. It was a weird harsh cold sigh. Ibro was surprised by this sigh.

'Why do you always try to walk the most difficult path? You are a tiring friend even in your reincarnation. Fine, let's do it your way.'

Ibro was taken aback by this strange comment. Before he even had time to ask the system about these words, he felt like the sky had collapsed and the ground had been torn apart. 

An explosion followed by the shrill screams of countless smokes appeared all over him. Ibro had no time to divert his attention on this topic, so he focused entirely on this apocalypse in front of him. 

He wasn't worried at all, strangely, he was very excited. He grabbed the hilt of his sword and started to wave it continuously. His rate of killing these demons was fast, but their ability to gather together was faster. 

He had been attacked with all kinds of weapons but his halo shield was completely isolating him from any harm. 

Ibro wasn't worried about getting hurt; he was worried about another issue he had just discovered. His soul was depleting at a higher rate faster than he expected. 

He knew this battle would be long, but he began to doubt if his soul would suffice the whole battle.

'That's why I told you to take it easy and not rush it.'

Ibro didn't give any attention to the system complaining words, as he was thinking about trying something crazy. Ibro smiled like a mad man while saying:

'Let's try to play it in a bigger way Death Summon technique.'

Suddenly, Ibro felt his whole dantian shook while a deep resonance emerged in the center of his soul sea. 

He suddenly remembered the name he heard before about the cultivation way, it was called soul cultivation way. 

His soul sea began to boil, and then tremble, and lastly, it began to move in a circular raging way to form a mighty whirlpool. A connection was initiated between his dantian and his soul. 

It was like the bridge between his mind and his soul. He knew what he had to do, so he excitedly repeatedly said:

'Death summon technique. Death summon technique Death summon technique'

Every time he said his technique, this bridge became more solid, wider, and stronger. Ibro was immersed in great excitation without feeling himself. 

The only one who was aware of this condition was the system himself. He sighed loudly with his harsh voice while muttering:

'Destiny can't be evaded even after all this time your reincarnation is going to walk on the same path you took It's inevitable then.'

Ibro was immersed in his ecstasy but he heard every single word the system had said. He didn't plan to ask the system about this info for now, but he intended to squeeze this system later.

Ibro kept using his technique until both of his dantian energy and soul energy had merged. At this moment, he felt invincible; his soul was nourished in rapid rate while his dantian was getting bigger at a horrible rate. 

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